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We're home.


Oct 20, 2019
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Hey, everyone.

It's been a long time, hasn't it? But it's back. We're here, still going strong. And I couldn't be more grateful to Chad, the developers, and everyone in the staff team that worked tooth and nail to bring everything here back. So I'd like to start off by giving a big THANK YOU. This won't be in vain.

But, as we move forward, time has passed by us so much, and we are much older, mature (hopefully) and wiser. Because of this, I have been ever so curious. So I was thinking we do a little re-introduction of some sort. But with a twist.

So... Dear user who is reading this thread, if you looked at yourself directly in the mirror, and really thought about it, and asked yourself:
"How did I get here?"

How would you respond?

I'm really curious to see what you guys come up with, this is completely down to interpretation. But I think this is something we should all consider, and reflect everything from the past as we look forward to the future. I'm really excited to see what you all come up with.

~ Just call me Dennis!


May 8, 2016
Reaction score
Hey Dennis,

I probably found MCGamer from a youtube video which possibly was made by IsmetRG, a famous Turkish MCSG Youtuber, and technically learned how to play Minecraft from him.

I was around 12/13 years old (2015) when I firstly joined the server and all I did was actually trying to understand how the game modes work/how people get good at the game, I played around a month and I still was pretty bad. I barely won 1 or 2 games out of 200 played, so it really made me to quit, and to be fair, during the time that I was playing on MCSG, I didn't own an account. I got my friend's to play on, and he was really pissed off about this because as you may know, you can't join the same server with the same account so there was no possibility for us to play at the same time. I was playing at night, he was playing at mid-day, so it really was a bad experience for both of us.

After then that I quit, I decided to comeback and it was probably at 2016, I've finally had a proper minecraft account and I was all set to go. Joined a random game and tried to have fun but my experience at MCSG wasn't really good back in the day, people were really toxic and turks were telling me really bad stuff because I couldn't really play well. I was trying to explain that we're all here to have fun but they were claiming that they only play to win and it's not fun if they can't win, they were accusing me of making them lose the games that they play, so they were telling me to move on. I didn't, I kept playing and I was really so hardly abused and I felt myself mentally disgraced because I wasn't even able to play a video game properly on my own so I decided to make some friends and maybe request help from them.

I joined the TeamSpeak server and tried to speak with people around, I met a lovely person there who was XecutionerHD, and he was a Mod. He told me that I shouldn't listen to those that abuse me and gather some evidence if I see somebody abusing me again and he'll get rid of it, I was really thankful to him and asked if we can become friends, he said sure and we started regularly talking on the TeamSpeak server.

After some time went on, the entrance-exams for high-school was about to begin so I had to quit once again. When I came back, I've seen that there was no-longer a server called MCSG and it was shut-down due to lack of funds. I was sad, the only server that I used to play was closed and I didn't know what to do, but if there was one thing I know; it was the fact that MCSG was one of the biggest servers back in the day and I was pretty sure that it'll comeback one day, I didn't remove the server from my server-list and followed pretty much MCSG from everywhere, I was hoping Chad to bring it back or to see someone else buying it so we can somehow keep the server.

I was a person who used to play MCSG all-day and after MCSG got shut-down, I had nothing to do. So, I decided to pick up an instrument and learn how to play it, I bought myself an Acoustic Guitar and started playing it & I learned many songs and decided that I should try an Electric as well, since my main intention was to play metal/rock, I felt like I was good enough to move on to an Electric, so I bought an Electric. I joined the school band and my life was pretty much perfect. I started losing weight and tried to make my both face/body look better, I lost pretty much 25 kilograms (55 pounds) and tried to be a more social person & went to concerts with friends and tried to go out with them.

It was probably 2 months ago (or maybe 3? idk), I've seen a post that Chad posted regarding the MCSG's situation and I've seen that he's actually planning to bring it back, I was really happy and I actually didn't really sleep that day to read more about it, after a week, he posted a discord-link and I was one of the first people that got into it, I translated many things, the FAQ & Rules, to Turkish and made over 100+ reports & came up with a lot of ideas and tried to implement them to the server & and pretty much tried to stick around. But as the schools were coming back again, and it wasn't a really good time to bring the MCSG back, I'm not as online as I was during the summer anymore, but I still try to hang around because I feel like home here and I'm glad that I'm a part of this amazing community.

MCSG is definitely more than a minecraft server and the community itself is lovely, this place made me to learn English and I made a lot of new friends here. I'm really glad it's back and excited for the new journey here!
Last edited:


Oct 20, 2019
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I think I got to know the MCSG Network in a Youtube video of Henges. That was aroung mid 2015 i believe. At the beginning I didnt really play a lot because it wasnt that much fun in my opinion (probably because I was terrible at MC PVP and lost every game and because I didnt knew any map so I was bad geared all the time).

I played on some other servers with some friends and got pretty good at PVP. I started playing SG more and more but on different servers in the beginning but their sg was pretty bad. I still watched Henges´s videos eventhough he wasnt uploading very often. I gave MCSG another try and I felt in love with it. The plugin was great, the maps were great, the tiering system was great (by now I got to know the maps and routes trough videos of people like Henges, Huahwi, BiboyQG and so on) pretty much everything was perfect. This was around march 2016 I believe.

I started playing MCSG day in day out. It was a lot of fun. Mostly I played alone but there were so many teams that I started asking my friends to play with me. At the beginning they didnt really wanted to play SG with me, ist just wasnt their gamemode. Still I got some of my friends to play with me and we had a great time. I got even better at PVP and I was able to kill teams alone. My friends prefferred playing other gamemodes so I played alone most of the time again. But I got a decent amount of wins and kind of started playing for stats. It was pretty fast that I got win number 100, 200 and 300. All I played was MCSG.

Then they released UHCSG at the beginning I didnt really liked it but I kept on playing. I started enjoying it and even got top 20. I realised that the playerbase was shrinking by the time. I tried to get my friends to play MCSG but didnt really had that much succes. 1-2 months later I believe MCSG shut down. I was really sad. I didnt saw MCSG at its prime because back then I wasnt even playing MC. But I really enjoyed the end of it. I didnt knwo what to play other SG servers sucked and I wasnt really enyojing the rest. Still I kept playing MC hoping that MCSG would reopen or somebody would buy and open it but this didnt happen. I stopped playing MC since it wasnt fun anymore and focused in school.

It was in the summer holidays this year were I found out MCSG was comming back. I was a bit bored so I went on twitch. I saw That Henges was streaming because I still followed him. I thought about all the good days on MCSG and all his videos. I started watching his tream because of it, he was playing SG on backplay. It all looked pretty similiar to MCSG so I asked if backplay bought MCSG and he said no. He went on saying that backplay just uses similiar plugins (or something like that, I cant really remember tbh). Then he said that MCSG was comming back though and I was pretty shocked at the beginning. I actually thought he was joking and then I checked twitter and it was real. That moment I was so happy eventhough I had not played MC for like 2.5-3 years.

I didnt aply for alpha because I didnt thought that I would start playing again but I was somehow so excited the following week that I gave MC another try. I started playing and enjoying SG again. And now here I am whitelisted on MCSG ( trhough linking my acc with the bot) and loving it.

I just want to say THANK YOU MCSG for the great time, the memories and everything. May the future be atleast as good.

Also thank you for your time reading this, sorry if there were some grammar mistakes or something like that.


Oct 20, 2019
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Already loving all the stories here. Keep the ball rolling. It's so good to learn more from you all! <3


Dec 23, 2013
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I dont even know where to begin lol, but https://mcgamer.net/members/maxwill.375038/ but that was my old account back in the prime days on MCgamer, it was the go to server for me and my friends as we were growing up, even as I grew up minecraft still remained fun for me and it still is to this day. Looking forward to making memories and good times just like i did many years ago :'). I know the younger version of myself would be really proud of where I am now.

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