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Weekly Map Rotation


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
This has probably (definitely) been suggested before, but I wanted to bring this idea back up again to receive more feedback on it.

As of late, there have constantly been new maps added to the servers. Over time, they have accumulated until there are so many maps that it starts to get out of hand. I completely understand that the people who add the maps want there to be more diversity, but I think this is slightly overboard. There is no need for....how many maps are there?

Anyway, a simple solution to this dilemma would be weekly map rotations. It's relatively self explanatory, but I'll explain it anyway. Each week, a certain amount of maps are selected to be available on the servers. The pool of maps to choose from includes every community made map, with the exception of Survival Games 1-5, made by Vareide. Each week, a determined amount (8-12 sounds reasonable) of diverse maps would be available for people to play on. Every week, there will be a new, random set of maps, and the process continues. Since there aren't enough maps for there to be a completely new lineup each week, some might be available for two weeks in a row, but no more. This number would have to be voted upon, because I can understand how lackluster it would be if the same few maps were constantly being played.

This would encourage people to continue playing because they'll want to see what maps are coming up. Also, since there will be less maps available at one given time, people can get more accustomed to maps that aren't played as often, and create chest routes and strategies for them. This would also allow underplayed maps to re-surge and have a higher chance of being played.

Some people might complain that the more options the better, but having this many options is just making things worse. Maps that are not as popular are struggling to get any people to play them. Not because they are bad maps, simply put, but because more popular maps get more votes.

That's about it. Comment away.


Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
I mean, why not get rid of all the maps that are never played.


Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
Its a decent suggestion, but I feel that all the overplayed maps will become MORE overplayed in that week. Remember there is only 5 votes in a poll, so 8-10 would mean an overplayed map would be played, on average every 1-2 games. Its a nice idea, but maybe needs a bit more thought into the layout/working of it. :)

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