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Vanguard [US Clan]

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Apr 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: My in game name is IAmFuSioN.
Age: I am fourteen years old.
Timezone: My timezone is eastern standard time.
Wins/Games played: About seven hundred out of a lot.
Skype ID: zFuSioNzZ
Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
Mic [Y/N]: Yes
PVP Strengths: I consider myself to be skilled with the flint and steal and bow. I also believe have leadership qualities to help lead in scrims and such.
PVP Weaknesses: Sometimes I am overconfident in fights and don't make the smartest of decisions. Also my sword acuracy could be improved.
How active are you?: I am on almost everyday. However, high school baseball starts next week and I will be significantly less active when baseball starts.
Why do you want to join Vanguard?: I would like to join Vanguard because my friends are applying here and I wanna scrim.
How would you benefit the clan?: i would benefit by being active, being able to help lead in scrims, and by being loyal.
Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: I have teamed with everyone.
Additional comments: At the moment, my latop is broken so I can't play minecraft. However, it should be fixed by early next week.
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Good luck Sal, Tut, Tyler, and ProHulk. I think this clan is gonna go far especially tut as a captain.


Aug 29, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: My in game name is IAmFuSioN.
Age: I am fourteen years old.
Timezone: My timezone is eastern standard time.
Wins/Games played: About seven hundred out of a lot.
Skype ID: zFuSioNzZ
Teamspeak [Y/N]: Yes
Mic [Y/N]: Yes
PVP Strengths: I consider myself to be skilled with the flint and steal and bow. I also believe have leadership qualities to help lead in scrims and such.
PVP Weaknesses: Sometimes I am overconfident in fights and don't make the smartest of decisions. Also my sword acuracy could be improved.
How active are you?: I am on almost everyday. However, high school baseball starts next week and I will be significantly less active when baseball starts.
Why do you want to join Vanguard?: I would like to join Vanguard because my friends are applying here and I wanna scrim.
How would you benefit the clan?: i would benefit by being active, being able to help lead in scrims, and by being loyal.
Have you previously teamed with anyone in the clan? If so, who?: I have teamed with everyone.
Additional comments: At the moment, my latop is broken so I can't play minecraft. However, it should be fixed by early next week.
You have been set to Pending for real this time, please be on the TS so we can talk to you more.
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