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US Clan Events Introduction


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
I appreciate what you're doing for the community, but I must disagree with you. I think I can speak for most if not all of the current Rebel members when I say that clans still are fun. It seems as if your focus is only on the competitive sides of clans, which is not what it's all about. Now yeah, the main idea of Rebels is to be a family and for the most part it's been unique in that way. A lot of other clans will start on that focus and lose it, disbanding. The reason we've been up for almost 3 years now is because of that. So, if you really want clans to work together, stay strong, and have fun then tell them to in-cooperating a better foundation that pvp and competition. Yes, it's a major aspect of a clan, but it's not the only one. Now, I can't speak for the other clans that you listed like Legacy and Destiny, but when you say that Rebels has reached an all time low in awhile, I also disagree. I realize that this post wasn't centered around that at all really, but I figured I'd take the initiative to say something on the clan's behalf. We lost several members lately, but if anything that only makes us more close-knit and related. Now we get the joy of meeting new people and sifting out the ones that, to put it harsh, simply didn't belong anymore. I'm elated that Jc was able to make his own clan and gain some followers along the way, but in the aspect it wasn't a Rebels group anymore leaving, but a new family of their own. So, yes. We have a low roster count (you should have seen it when Branbob83 and I had to lead it after Zeno left. That was like 6 members left xD), but we will fill that with people that will make us stronger, like you said. I'm excited to see where you'll take this idea. I do hope, though, that if you plan to encourage clans to become "fun" again, if you truly believe that it's lost that function, you also incite them to look up to clan leaders and officers and intermingle with their clan members rather than try to be better than one another. Competition isn't everything and a clan WILL lose it's interest if that family ingredient is missing.


Nov 13, 2014
Reaction score
will they organize Clan wars, US Clb, and alll that other stuff through this thread, i believe that would be very hectic and hard to maintain


District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
will they organize Clan wars, US Clb, and alll that other stuff through this thread, i believe that would be very hectic and hard to maintain
The Answer to question is No. All of the Events will have separate Threads, UHC Wars and US Clan League will continue to use their current threads. Also US Clan Leaderboards has no associations with us.

I don't think you quite understand what I am trying to say. Many players say Clans are not what they once use to be, that statement can mean an assortment of things. I am no trying to convey the message Clans aren't fun, they totally are. What I mean by Rebels are at their Lowest Point in a while, I meant like in the past six months, but I have no doubt they will build their selves back up in not only members but also Strength.

I think many of the Clans fail these days/disband is because of their lack interest in Minecraft or their overall activeness as a Clan. These days, things like Clan Wars and Battles are able to make Clans more active for a short amount time.


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Answer to question is No. All of the Events will have separate Threads, UHC Wars and US Clan League will continue to use their current threads. Also US Clan Leaderboards has no associations with us.

I don't think you quite understand what I am trying to say. Many players say Clans are not what they once use to be, that statement can mean an assortment of things. I am no trying to convey the message Clans aren't fun, they totally are. What I mean by Rebels are at their Lowest Point in a while, I meant like in the past six months, but I have no doubt they will build their selves back up in not only members but also Strength.

I think many of the Clans fail these days/disband is because of their lack interest in Minecraft or their overall activeness as a Clan. These days, things like Clan Wars and Battles are able to make Clans more active for a short amount time.
No, I get what you mean. I think you took the word "fun" to literally. It's just the term I replaced for "what clans used to be", but that's my fault for the miscommunication there. But my point still stands that on everything I said towards how clans are being created. It's all based on competitive foundation and all it does is ruin a clan when it doesn't go their way in a battle. I'm actually now seeing this as a worse idea to be honest, because what is the usual outcome of a clan that loses in a clan war or consecutive number of battles, ect. They end up disbanding. You say that it will help them stay active for a little while longer, but that only means they would disband in the long run, right? Maybe I've misunderstood something? And I get what you're saying about UHC when talking about people getting bored of MC, but as an MCSG clan, the center focus should probably remain around MCSG. With Rebels history, we had a big issue with people going to CSGO and I know with Forgotten many members lost focus and went to League. I would recommend waiting on branching out into UHC so that the members don't get hung up on those servers while still trying to remain an MCGamer clan. It could be harmful for the clan community as well as the inter-workings of each individual clan. I still admire you trying to band the clans together for what sounds like an interesting time, but I only fear that it could be more detrimental than supportive at the current state of things. You have clans just off the very building block trying to establish credibility. You have clans competing in other tournaments going on right now. You have clans that the majority of members may not want to go to UHC. I usually only look at the negative light on things, but I hope that you'll take some of these things into consideration when executing this plan.


Oct 15, 2014
Reaction score
"That reband of Synergy" you're pathetic, and immature! You know they dont like being called that? I am not sticking up for them just stating facts cause i have no relationship with that clan anymore due to fact i believe they hate me for no reason lol. Snap ExquisiteUS

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