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Ultimate PvP Tips and Strategies Guide

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District 13
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys!

I've recently fought a lot of noobs, and so to make it so that I have at least a little competition, I am going to teach you fellow readers some tips and strategies on being the very best! Let's get started!

BOLDED RED: Extremely difficult to perform.
RED: Difficult to perform.
ORANGE: Not hard but not easy to perform.
GREEN: Easy to perform.

The Unexpected Fire
This move was originally created by the PvP master @gcb99. This move is when you start running, then you all of a sudden move back and place a fire right in front of you, and your opponent runs straight into the fire.


180 Bow Shot
This is very easy to perform. All you do to perform this trick, is by running away from your opponent, then all of a sudden turning around 180 degrees and firing your opponent with a arrow unexpectedly. I suggest that you use a high sensitivity so you can turn around quickly.

The Hit and Run Tactic
Many of you already know this trick, but some don't. It is similar to the 180 bow shot, but instead it uses the sword. What you do get chased by an opponent, and all of a sudden turn around and hit the your opponent, knocking them backwards, and continue running. This helps lower your enemies health and allow you to gain an advantage in getting chased.

Yes, I know. Most of you guys hate people who do this, but this is actually a VERY helpful strategy. Block-hitting is where you spam both of your mouse buttons at once, or alternate between them as @SniperSnakez does it. This helps you decrease the amount of damage dealt on you, while getting hits on your opponent as well. This strategy is very helpful when you are in a tight space with your opponent. If may seem hard at first, but once you practice it, you should be able to do it.

PreDeathMatch Bow-Switch Tactic
Weird name for this trick, but I don't know any other ones that could be named. This trick is very simple, but my friends tend to not perform it correctly. You perform this in the moment before DeathMatch starts. In order for this trick to work, you MUST be in the middle of your 2 opponents or a map NOT on Solar Frost. You aim your bow at your right opponent (or left, doesn't matter), then shoot at the right opponent, then turn around and go for the left opponent (right opponent if you shot your left opponent). This helps you lower your second opponent while knocking them back, and helps you be able to 1v1 each opponent.

Water-fighting Tactic
This is a easy trick for me, but not to many people. In order for this trick to work, you must have to know the physics of water when shooting. When shooting the bow under water, the bow goes slower and loses its momentum in water. If you aim directly at the person underwater, your shot will miss. If you aim more higher (a lot higher) in the water, it will possibly hit. I suggest that you shoot over the water, so that the bow doesn't lose momentum and deal less damage. So, now on to the tactic. If you are low on health, then run into water. Then fishing rod the person away so that they don't get the first critical hit on you. You then make them go farther into the water so that they don't escape. You then let the opponent come near you, then go under the water and attack them from below. Depending on how much arrows you have, try to deal enough damage so that with your amount of arrows, it will kill them. Once you think they are low enough, start shooting your bow. REMEMBER the physics of water. If they use a boat, go under them and start hitting. ALSO, ANOTHER GREAT STRATEGY IN THE WATER IS BLOCK-HITTING. Many people don't use this tactic because it breaks their sprint, but in this case, it does not matter.

The Fishing Rod Tactic
Very easy tactic for me, but my nooby friends can't seem to perform it. If you ask me, my main priority is getting a sword, then a fishing rod. Using the fishing rod knockback creates a HUGE advantage for you against your opponent. You knock them back, making them off-balance, then you go in for the kill. I use the fishing rod this way: I act like I'm low, then I use a surprise turn around and hit them with my fishing rod, then kill them. This is very effective and is easy to use if you and your opponent are running in a straight line. Make sure you don't get shot though!

Low on Health Trick
Very simple. You simply run away as if you have no sword and as if you're low on health. They'll target you, depending on how much armor you have, and when they start chasing you, let them chase you for a few seconds, then do a surprise turn around and kill them.

No Sword!
This tactic is used when you don't have a sword, and all you have are bow and arrows. Secondary weapons such as FnS and fishing rods are helpful when using this tactic. You perform it by first getting chased by a opponent. If you have approximately 20-40 arrows, you can use this on people with iron armor and good sword. If you have approximately 5-10 arrows, you can use this on people with leather-chain armor. Now here's how you perform this tactic. You first get chased by an opponent (which I already said), then you turn around and place fire for the opponent to run in to (If you aren't sure that you will hit your opponent, place fire everywhere). Once you do that, turn around and run away for about 1 second, then start shooting at your opponent. The reason why you run away for 1 second is because if you don't, your opponent will hit you while they are on fire. Even if you don't have good aim, keep trying. If you would like an example, here you go:
(Action starts at 0:30)

Deathmatch Strategy
This strategy is used if you are fighting players that are better than you, or if you are fighting people with better armor. This is also used if the last 2 people aren't teamed. This tactic is very simple. You wait for your other 2 opponents to fight in deathmatch, then when one kills another, you kill the guy who killed the other guy. Then you win. This strategy can also be used to during live game, but I like to use it in DM. The only reason I put this as mediocre difficulty is because people can't time their attack correctly.

More tips and strategies will be added soon. As of now, I need to go to soccer practice :p

Last edited:


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
Not bad. Make sure to add the fishing rod tactic, too, although it may be irrelevant as Mojang is retiring that tactic.


Not bad. Make sure to add the fishing rod tactic, too, although it may be irrelevant as Mojang is retiring that tactic.
Mojang is NOT retiring the fishing rod tactic. Being able to hit people with a fishing rod has never been a part of vanilla minecraft, it has always been a bukkit thing.


Dec 15, 2012
Reaction score
The only one I object to is the surprise fire, if the person you're fighting has quick reflexes, you're screwed


Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
The unexpected fire is not really an extremely difficult tactic. It's hardish, but not "extremely difficult".

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