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Ultimate Guide of PvP on MCSG

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Dec 12, 2013
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First of all, there's no better teacher than practice. Practice on MCSG, other servers, pretty much any PvP server to try and build up your skill.

Not really PvP but it's just super important ao I included it. No matter how good you are, having a good chest route will at least double your chances of winning. Usually, a map has 3 types of chest routes.
1. The overpowered routes with 4+ T2s and minimal T1s that will get you decked out
2. 2 - 4 T2s and a fair amount of T1s to get you what you need with plently of materials and secondaries
3. 1 or 2 T2s and loads of T1s to get you some not bad gear and tons of materials and almost always all the secondaries. Can be better than 2. If you're lucky
On maps like Alaskan Village, you can almost always go for 1. Because there's just so many T2s. On maps like TSG2 and SG4, you usually wanna go for 2. Because on maps like SG4 there's a minimal amount of T2s that are spread out and everyone wants all of them, and on TSG2, there's one main rush point that everyone goes for with other T2s scattered across the map.
You usually only go for 1. If you have no other options and it's a last resort.
Learn routes from YouTube videos and/or expirience so you know what route to go for.

This is probably the thing that needs the most practice. You can't really become a sword PvP master without tons of expirience. There are several different methods of sword PvP that I'll list and describe here:
Straight Crit Method:
This is a method that generally is more effective with better ping, but it can be used up to around 150 - 200 ms. All you do run forward and jump and swing your sword to try to get critical hits and keep your cursor on the other person you're fighting. This is not a very reliable method and is generally best as an introductory method for new players that have little expirience. It can be easily countered by the fishing rod and good strafers.
Regular Strafe Method:
This is a bit of a tricky method but if used correctly, it can be very effective in many situations. Usually you won't want your ping to be much higher than 150 for this to work. The general idea is to perform this method without jumping (at least in the first few hits) and good starting hit that will enable you to continue your combo. You have to run in on the side of your opponent as far away from them as you can be while still getting a hit. This will knock the person back slightly and their hit range will go down because they won't be moving forward. From there, continue getting hits but try to keep a good distance away from them so they can't counter your hits. It helps to move side to side a bit. Once they're in a super vulnerable position, start going for crits to finish them as soon as possible without them getting a chance to run away.
Crit Strafe Method:
I'd have to say this is my favorite method (besides rod methods of course) for PvP. It's basically the same as the Regular Strafe method, but when you come in on the side, you go for a crit at a distance. If this is done correctly, it will enable you to continue critting them until they die. Also try moving around a bit more so they need to be more accurate to counter your attacks. Both of these methods are used best when your opponent is surprised and not expecting you to use the method.
Simple Strafe Method:
This is good for players that are not quite good enough to pull off the previous two methods, or are limited by their in-game circumstances. You simply attack them, and move side to side, and potentially up and down to decrease the likelyhood of their counter-attack being successful.
There are other ways of using your sword, but most sword skill with come from expirience, and watching good players PvP. I just started up my YT again, and if you want to see some of these methods in action, you can check it out.
The rod is one of my favorite things in Minecraft. The general idea of the rod is to knock back your opponent which will decrease their hit range temporarily, and allow you to pull off some hits that they can't. If you're running from someone, and waiting for a chance to pull off a rod combo, make sure you have a fair bit of distance from the player to work with. If you go for a rod and your enemy is too close, they'll get a hit or two before you even pull out your sword. One of the best times to use the rod is when you jump down a block and your opponent is following you. When they make the jump, throw in a rod hit, this will slow them down and keep them airbourne, giving you a chance to smack a crit down, which can lead to a really nice combo. Another way of using the rod if you have less space, is to hit them quickly with the rod, and then go for a simple strafe, or maybe even one of thenmore advanced strafes. You use a tactic that's already decent on someone that was knocked back by your rod, which makes it more effective than before. The rod can be used in dozens of other ways that are learned best with expirience.
I'm no bow god, but I do know some things that can help you out. First of all, don't go for shots that you're probably going to miss. Be patient and accurate. You'll just have to practice to become a 5 star bow skiller. Another thing, and this is huge, is don't go for shots on someone who has ten hearts and has good armor. That makes no sense. They'll just run and regen which will mean you're arrows will have been wasted. Obviously you can do this in places like deathmatch because you're opponent really can't run away so the arrows will have an effect.
Flint n' Steel
FnS skill comes with practice, just like everything else. Accuracy and timing are the things that will make you good at using fire. It's most effective against "YOLO" players that rush right in without caution, because they won't be looking to avoid FnS. Using FnS mid fight is usually a bad idea because it wastes a split second of time you could be hitting them and gives them an extra second to hit you. It might kill them, but by the time it does you'll be dead anyway. It's good to initiate a fight with it, because it disables your enemy to run away, and they'll be burning throughout the whole fight, which will do damage and disorient them.

I hope this thread helps you in some way to become a better PvPer. I might make a thread on tactics too, because they are almost as important as PvP skill itself!



May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I can understand most of this since "I've been in clans", but I think a video guide would explains things a bit easier for those who don't have the most minimum idea of what all these means.

Personally, I am the biggest nub! I get 50 ms and can't even strafe. I used to be able to strafe on 1.6 and once 1.7 was a thing, I'd just get combo'ed from every angle. haha.

:3 Oh well.

Nice guide, anyway.


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
post: 1701434 said:
I can understand most of this since "I've been in clans", but I think a video guide would explains things a bit easier for those who don't have the most minimum idea of what all these means.

Personally, I am the biggest nub! I get 50 ms and can't even strafe. I used to be able to strafe on 1.6 and once 1.7 was a thing, I'd just get combo'ed from every angle. haha.

:3 Oh well.

Nice guide, anyway.
Same :0 tHats why I bow.


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Same :0 tHats why I bow.
After not playing 6 months, I'm still good at the bow (well, I personally think I did so good for not playing on 6 months) and I also did good on water fights. As far as sword in land; NOPE. Couldn't get a single hit, I blame 1.8.


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
I can understand most of this since "I've been in clans", but I think a video guide would explains things a bit easier for those who don't have the most minimum idea of what all these means.

Personally, I am the biggest nub! I get 50 ms and can't even strafe. I used to be able to strafe on 1.6 and once 1.7 was a thing, I'd just get combo'ed from every angle. haha.

:3 Oh well.

Nice guide, anyway.
I'm thinking about making a video guide to go with this to make it easier to understand and more entertaining.


Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
you forgot the cayden strafe...
0:30 xd

... and how could you forget the infamous leafygreentea strafe!!!

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