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Top US MCSG Clans.

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Justin / Bullet

Feb 19, 2014
Reaction score
1. Forgotten Soul Well, we just battled them and they once again proved why they are the best. Good fight, by the way <3
2. Rivals/Rebels cf918 Maxypie Well, Rebels have outstanding teamwork and great PvPers, they have proved themselves to be number 2. As for us (Rivals), we just battled Forgotten and we did fairly well (4-5 loss to Forgotten). We've been getting some really good PvPers lately, and our teamwork is only growing.
3. ^
4. Titans/Vanguard Zeno Salamancer101 Titans came back only recently, but already have a very good roster and have proven their teamwork in scrims. As for Vanguard, they've been around for a while and they are getting better PvPers everyday.
5. ^
6. Forsaken/Trivium ForsakenMCSG Branbob83 This clan has an OP roster right now, with very good teamwork. Nothing much to say.
As for Trivium, although they lost some members, they are gaining a lot of great PvPers at the same time.
7. ^
8. Eternity NativeTalent <3 I love this clan! Lol but yeah, Eternity is getting better PvPers as I write this, and they did very well in scrims, considering they just rebanded today.
9. Purge/Excel SlainBotMc bbLLERMC Both good clans with good rosters, nothing much to say.

If you disagree with my list, please respond in a polite/civil manner. Thank you!


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
I would put a list but like everyone would probably rage at me for my decisions and this thread overall is an argument. Very biased thread too. I see people saying "HEY! You didn't put vanguard in your list! You are a scrub." Did you ever think maybe the person didn't put the clan in the list on purpose? Maybe the person thought they didn't deserve a certain spot on THEIR list. It is their opinion and all should respect that. Just cause the clan is popular doesn't mean it should be on everyone's list.

Also, I hate people putting Eternity and newly created clans who haven't even battled yet in their list. Like seriously you don't know if they are good or not. You may say "Hey they 3-0 Forgotten in a scrimmage they must be like rank 1 in mcsg". Scrimmages and the players in your clan don't necessarily mean they are good. Once you see a clan actually battle someone and see they are a good clan, feel free to put them in your list but not necessarily high up because they are only in the beginning stages and need more time to prove themselves. They were just created and have like 2 members and 4 trial members. You must be kidding me if you even say they are in the running to be even in the top 10. Yes, it was created by a person who has made successful clans in the past but it is a new beginning for them. Don't base a clan on the players, base them on the times that really matter.

Yes, this is my opinion. Feel free to argue all you want but I know more then 75% of you guys will agree that this is all correct.


May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Whatever this is my list, gonna get the hateanya, but fck it.

1.) Forgotten - best
2.) Rebels/ProdII - Rebels IMO have lost so many key players to how this clan was once ran. So I think this clan is seriously overrated. Neverless I feel as if now, they have earned it back due to the fact that they have gained some old players back such as Mikey, Sage, Kidz, Fuzzy, and Butter(In edition of picking up people like Status and Tyler.). And once Trivium and titans are done, this clan will most likely get there older players back. ProdII- How the community looks at Prod amazes me. I mean people call us cocky for no reason, and we get maybe only 25% of the credit this clan deserves. We very little get recognition for being the victors of cw2. When all clans take it seriously, when every clans goal is to win. I find it funny when how the community reacted to Prod when we won it, but then again who gives a shet. But I would rate this clan a tad bit lower than Rebels. I feel as if this clan changes instantly when it comes to serious fights.
3.) Rivals - Whatever, dont really pay to much attention to this clan.
4.) Vangaurd - This clan is great and bad at the same time..(PvP). I think the leadership is what is lacking. - No offense.
5.) Trivium - Has some old Rebels that goodanya.
6.) Titans - Overrated, only putting them here because of the members they have ATM. but that doesn't mean there good. Ex: Sector Six, was crazily overrated.
7.) Forsaken - ^ Same as above, but less overrated. TBH, this clan is a joke to me. The lack of leadership is unreal. I don't see why people put this clan up high. - Sounds harsh huh? Just keep in mind, this clan brought like 10 people onto my ts to say they took a member of mine, so ya, thats why I don't have any respect for this clan.
ps: wrote this shet fasst.
(I'm not basing this off of what Soul said; this is my honest opinion.) I agree with everything here, except I would put Rivals at #2. Am I showing bias? Maybe. I still believe we have earned that spot.
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