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top 20 OCE cb players


Apr 6, 2015
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Your eyes and face are telling me asain and downsyndrome or am I being deceived???
you’re unbelievably dense because i’m not even remotely asian hahahaa


Oct 31, 2019
Reaction score
you’re unbelievably dense because i’m not even remotely asian hahahaa
You're a Ultimate Fishing Rod Of Doom idiot some peanut could tell you the earth is flat and you would believe it


Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
Just my list of who I can think of off the top of my head, cant even think of 20. If i didnt lag I'd probs put myself on it. Sorry if I missed anyone

1) SwoopZ - Very good player and plays particularly well with spoekt. Goes in and gets kills, good with the bow aswell.
2) spoekt - Very high level of player skill, insanely good with sword/rod and bow aswell. Quite a smart player and can also call.
3) knowledgeguy - Good all rounder, not so much a flashy player but good at getting his teammates out of trouble, does the basic stuff really well. Rarely makes mistakes
4) Rodling - Carried Tranq. Really good sword and rod.
5) TeeArrr - Most under rated AU imo. Good at PvP with everything and a smart player. Solid in CBs by executing most things pretty well.
6) ep1c - Came back and started carrying Trinity straight away. Great leader and makes smart decisions.
7) Jordyy - Good with the bow and in team fights overall
8) Veneneno - Knows how to stay alive and avoids dropping
9) MIN0T4UR - When hes playing well hes a beast. Good with sword and can destroy in team fights
10) ToxicBlaze - Not too sure but deserved a spot on the list
11) Jakman - Good with FnS and a really dangerous player
12) Tsutt - Smart player and equally good with bow and sword
13) BlueCrayyon - Deserved a spot
14) guccibandit - Solid player and is good in team fights. Fast looter
15) Emotives - Deserved a spot

[EDIT] - Added a comment by ppls names. Not sure about everyone tho
wheres my name haha


Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
  1. Spoekt
  2. TeeArrr
  3. Emotives
  4. Veneneno
  5. Rodling
  6. knowlegeguy
  7. Swoopz
  8. lovenotes
  9. guccibandit
  10. Sixey
  11. fltch
  12. BlueCrayyon
  13. ToxicBlaze
  14. Jakman1
  15. TSutt
  16. TeeeNTeee
  17. Frontward
  18. Qvn
  19. nush
  20. MIN0T4UR
wheres my name mate remember how I was a beast in philo haha


Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
Here's my input as the greatest to ever do it, so this is the final say on the conversation.

1. Swoopz & Spoekt - no bias & ego aside
2. TeeArrr - most underrated player tbh
3. knowledgeguy - this guy just comes back and play this game and is still so solid.
4. lovenotes - probably one of the most consistent even tho volt sucked
5. Veneneno - same with lovenotes (huz not worth the hype tho)
6. emotives - same with the other volt shitters
7. Jordyy - this BAAANNED! put me like 6/7 on his list so he deserves here for being delusional.
8. TSutt - when he's not friendly firing and killing his own team, he is solid.
9. Frontward - mid
10. julianp - hadn't played for ages and was still really solid
11. fltch - would always die first in cbs, but hey someone gotta do it.
12. Sixey - gave me brain damage watching you play. but you had your moments.
13. Qvn - mid
14. ToxicBlaze - idk why anyone thought he was good individually or in cbs?? + pedophile
15. Vepster - he's really not as bad as people made him out to be. towards the end he got way bettter
16. ep1c - this thing always returns on some poverty laptop and still does decent
17. aztax - would be higher but never played
18. Bluecrayyon - decent, didn't really see enough to judge in cbs
19. nush - out of respect for your legacy i'll put you here. i dont know what you were thinking half the time in cbs though
20. nicide - underrated, pretty okay

Honorable mentions: ilikedoods, SSWOOPZZ, mcsgismyreligion, kryuel64, 16919, phoenixwerebad, sweating_ALT, Asx.

thanks for listening
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