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Three Suggestions for the Party System


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I cannot think of any major negative aspects of these feature suggestions. Rather, I think that these would be fairly simple to implement, and convenient for players.

Have you ever created a Party (/party create [NAME]), invited some friends, but then disconnected for some reason? Whether you logged out to get a drink, or timed out due to lag.
You'll know that when you return, you're not in the Party anymore.

I can't count the amount of times that I've played with people who aren't familiar with the Invite and Promote commands, and therefore cause quite a bit of frustration and annoyance.

What if...

1: When you leave the MCGamer Network, there is a time limit of 5-10 minutes. Within that period of time, you can re-join the server and still be in the Party, regardless of what position you held. Coming from the point of view of a player who has, on numerous occasions, played with less experienced players, I can safely say that this would ease quite a bit of frustration and confusion. In fact, I'm surprised that this wasn't implemented with the original addition of the Party system, simply because of how plainly useful this is.


2: If you are the creator of the party and you disconnect/reconnect within the time limit (5-10 minutes), you don't have the original Leader position (also gained through the /party promote [NAME] command), but you have something called "Creator", which is the equivalent of Leader. This would allow Party-creators to pass leadership from one another through either the Promote command, or through disconnecting, if they find that to be more convenient for some reason. Additionally, if you are the Leader/Creator and accidentally disconnect for some reason, then you can still join back and have full range of Party abilities (or, in plugin-terms, permissions.)
  • Alternatively, to simplify the implementation and usage, instead of creating a new "Creator" rank, the old and new leader could simply have the same rank.
  • Keep note that I don't know the official name for the rank that is given to the Party Creator/Leader through the "/party promote" command, so I've simply been using "Leader"
  • This idea originated from the Party/Group Queue system in the popular MOBA "League of Legends", where Party ownership can be transferred, but the original Creator will still be marked as such. The major difference is that the original Party Creator would still have permissions to perform actions on a level equal to a new Leader, in the proposed feature addition.

3: After all members of a Party log off and have been offline for a set amount of time (Such as 30 minutes), the Party is deleted, and the name can be reused. As far as I know, Party names cannot be reused, ever. Eventually, we'll need to start making longer and more complex Party names.
I don't see why this isn't already a thing.

An alternative to deleting the Party in that manner is that it won't be assigned a name - rather, it will correspond to a player, and once that player logs off, then the Party is transferred to the next leader, and once all members log off, then the party simply ceases to exist.


Another really really helpful tool would be to toggle party invitations on / off.
I sometimes have the whole screen full of "you have been invited.... " Spam and don't even know who that was.
That's really annoying. :/

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