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Thoughts and suggestions of mine


Apr 27, 2012
Reaction score
I want to bring some thoughts and suggestions of mine to the table so here goes:

I started playing MCSG ever since the servers launched and have been sticking around since. The reason for that is obvious, MCSG is awesome. Of course, there are things that, in my opinion, can be improved upon; these are minor details but I really think that they can enhance the MCSG experience. Also, I understand if some of the suggested features aren't technically possible to impliment but it would be very nice if maybe a plugin developer could point those out so we know why they can't be implimented.

First up: Potions. Potions are a big part of minecraft as a game and I feel like they could add a whole new aspect to PvP and survival in general in MCSG. I would suggest that they're appearence would be made rare, perhaps have a very small percentage chance of spawning in a chest. Also they shouldn't be too powerful as it would be unbalanced. Anything above Tier II potions would probably be too overpowered but I think that a normal speed potion or a strength potion could really turn a fight around in benefit of the potion user.

Enchanting. There are a few enchanting tables in some of the maps but what good do they do if there are no levels to enchant your gear with? As of now, if you want to enchant somehing you have to find and kill about 10 animals to get from level 0 to 1 (With the "new" 1.3 experience system you need 17 XP to get from 0 to 1 and each passive mob drops 1 - 3 XP). On most maps they're basically none-existant, there are no mobs at all and if there are, they're few and spread thin. Just like potions, enchanting is a big part of minecraft but it's being neglected in MCSG. To enourage it and to make it more available to players you could: Add more animals (they're good for both food and xp). This could probably be done by just going into the maps and use spawn eggs here and there as animals dont despawn. Add Bottle o' Enchanting. It could be difficult to find a balance as to how rare the Bottle o' Enchanting should be as the amount of xp they give is a random amount between 3 and 11 but if an avarage player could amount to at least 1 level per game, I'd say thats enough to get some enchanted gear out there and make things more interesting. I'm not sure if it's possible but maybe enchanted items could be implimented so that they spawn in chests, probably very rarely and with very low tier enchantments like: Sharpness I, Knockback I, Protection I, etc.

Wolves. I really miss the days when you could tame a wolf or two, perhaps even breed them, when you were down on luck and didn't get too good stuff from the chests. Wolves have 10 hearts (20 HP-points), just like players, and they hit for 2 hearts, thats the damage of a wood/gold sword! Imagine having a flock if these guys having your back. I'm not sure if they're completely removed but I haven't seen a wolf in MCSG in a really long time. I thought the point of having bones randomly spawn in chest was so that you can tame wolves. Just like other passive mobs they don't despawn.

Bounty system. The amount of bounty you have should, in my opinion, represent your level of skill, or at least somewhat. That doesn't really apply to the current bounty system as you, as a spectator, can spend your bounty points to put a bounty on a tribute. What happens is that multiple spectators bounty their points on one tribute and if that tribute is slain or manages to stay alive then all those points ends up on one player. And that is why the current leader of the EU leaderboard has aprox 80k points. The guy is probably skilled and all but.. 80 000 points? I doubt that that value represents his level of skill, I just don't see it. I think that the whole "put-your-bounty-on-a-tribute-system" could maybe be replaced by some kind of betting system maybe? Say that maybe a spectator could spend points to bet on the outcome of the game. I'll let you figure out the details if you like the idea, although, just one thing: Put a maximum amount of points that people can bet with. That can be said for the current bounty system also, there needs to be a limit to how much of a bounty can be placed on one tribute or spent by one spectator.

Map voting. I think that the current map voting system should be altered. I mean, it's not bad, the thought behind it is pretty well thought out in order for the maps to vary each game but it's not very practical as lots of players are unfamiliar with the way it works. A lot of the times the majority of the people are disappointed with the outcome because not enough people did /skip to get to better maps because they simply don't know what it does. I think something more simple is needed. How about this: Have all maps available for voting for the first three or four minutes or so of the lobby time. Then, depending on how the first voting phase went, have the players vote once again between the two or three most popular ones.

I'm sorry for the wall of text lol.

too long; didnt read: I want potions. I want enchanting to be made more available. I want wolves back. I think that you shouldn't be able to bounty a ton of points on one triubute, a maximum amount limit is needed. Maybe a betting system: bet your points on the outcome of the game. Alter the map voting system to please the majority: vote between all maps during the first 3 or 4 minutes of the lobby time then vote again between the most popular ones.


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Very good Suggestions! But there shouldn't be any Level 2 Potions be in Chests, they are too overpowered and stuff. I like the Ideas with the Enchantment bottles to enchant stuff. To Wolves: Well, awwww <3 .... Betting and voting system: Dunno if this will be a good change.


May 29, 2012
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As long as there is no poison, splash damage, or II/extended potions I approve :)


Apr 18, 2012
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I like a lot of your suggestions. I really hope they see your voting system idea!


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Potions would be cool...they just need to be implemented right, which could take a few updates to tweak them, etc...

You are completely right about enchanting - I very, very rarely see people enchant items, it makes those rooms dedicated to enchantment tables a waste without mobs/EXP potions. Maybe those tier 3 chests they plan to add could have EXP potions?

Wolves spawn only in certain biomes, so if the map maker didn't think about them when making the map and thus, didn't use any spawn eggs, it's unlikely they will appear in most maps. I still see wolves, but only in maps like SG1 and Hungry Hills. (I think)

I made a suggestion to semi-fix the bounty system, so that it can stay, but not be abused. It's in an earlier thread in this section. It's a point deduction system. Every week, a certain percentage of points are removed from everyones points. Anybody who legitimately got up there won't even notice, but those who abused /bounty or are inactive will slowly fall off the leaderboards, and those who legitimately are a pro and still play today get to keep their points.

That type of map voting wouldn't work well - let's say it picks the top two: Top 2 is always Breeze Island and SG4 because those are the most popular maps right now - every single time it is one of those maps...it wouldn't solve anything. The number three pick, if there was one, would likely not win for obvious reasons. Trust me, the current voting system is better than that, even if it still needs work.


Jul 15, 2012
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G33ke, u really like to post long Messages, don't you? :p

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