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Events The US Presidential Games

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Jun 12, 2013
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Hey everyone! Today, I am officially announcing MCGamer’s second Presidential Games! The staff and I have been working together to put together a second Presidential Games for everyone. This event is a twist on the classic MCSG formula where teamwork and factored risks are the key to victory, want to play?​

  • Be able to join the MCGamer TeamSpeak: ts.mcgamer.net

  • Be a member of the US/CA community.

  • Be able to be at the event.

  • Have a working microphone.

  • You cannot be a banned player on TeamSpeak or In-Game.

Summary of Play:

The U.S. Presidential Games is a variation of Protect the President. Players will be randomly assigned into one of the twelve teams of four players. In each team, one player will be designated the President while the others will be designated as Guards. Prior to the games beginning, each team will be put in their own separate Teamspeak Channel so that teams may communicate with each other for the event.

The objective of the game is to kill the other teams to boost your team's score, while keeping your President alive. There will be two rounds played; the first round will be of all twelve teams. The second game however will only have the 6 superior teams from the previous round. After both rounds have ended, the scores of each team across both rounds will be tallied; the team with the highest score wins the event!​

Playing Rules:

  • Each opposing Guard kill is equivalent to 1 additional point for the team.

  • Killing an opposing President is equivalent to 2 additional points per team.

  • In deathmatch, each kill doubles its original point value.

  • After a team has their President killed, they can no longer score additional points for their team.

  • If a Guard has their President killed, their team will still be able to kill other players. This could be helpful to kill winning teams.

  • After the second round, the scores of each team from both rounds are tallied together, and the team with the highest scores overall are declared the winners.
Event Rules:

  • Follow all MCGamer rules, they still apply in this event.

  • Sponsoring and bountying players will not be allowed.

  • If you are sponsored, you are to burn the items immediately.

  • You are to listen to the Staff members, especially the Sr. Staff members and myself.
  • If you die, you are to leave the game.
  • If you are a dead event staff member, you are to leave your team's channel and moderate in the channel I reside in.
Note: Failure to follow the Event Rules will result in immediate removal from the event and in some cases, any points you earned for your team will be revoked. Consequences may follow depending on the situation.


  • August 30th: Opening of Applications

  • September 8th: Due Date of Applications

  • September 10th: Teams Will Be Posted

  • September 12th: Teams Will Pick Their President

  • September 19th: The Event Will Begin at 9PM EST

  • September 20th: Posting of Results

Teams: To Be Posted

Note: Do not interact with your team on this thread, you will receive a PM soon after the teams are sorted where you can interact there.

Back-Ups: These people will be back-ups incase someone is not able to show. To Be Posted.

  • Forum Medals for Top 3 Teams

  • $100 For First Place Team [It is divided amongst the team.]

  • $60 For Second Place Team [It is divided amongst the team.]

  • $20 Third Place Team [It is divided amongst the team.]
Event Staff:

Nephilim - Sr. Staff Overseer
Vanicle | Vanessa - Sr. Staff Overseer
Kyle - Sr. Staff Overseer
levi_the_potato - Event Host
NagolGames - Moderation Staff
Tzazon - Moderation Staff
Giggity69Goo - Moderation Staff
Giggums - Moderation Staff
yannr00s - Moderation Staff
Holidays - Moderation Staff
AGFire2013 - Moderation Staff
TheLichBD - Moderation Staff
RiskIt - Moderation Staff
Girls - Moderation Staff
TumblrTaz - Moderation Staff
GeckoGoggals - Moderation Staff
Diamondballer87 - Moderation Staff
Exzone - Moderation Staff
Narwhal - Moderation Staff

How To Apply:

Copy the template below, and fill it out. Once you have filled out the template, post it in the comments of this thread.​

Minecraft IGN:

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?:

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?:

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:

Who is your favorite president?:​
Shoutout to _Pyrrhic for making this amazing banner!


District 13
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
So exited! :D

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?:
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?:
I love participating in community events. I participated in the first Presidential games and it was so much fun and I really liked the concept of the event.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:
Yes ;)
Who is your favorite president?:


District 13
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
I AM EXCITED!! Turn up!!

Minecraft IGN:
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?:
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?:
I would love to showcase my wonderful pvp skills and slay for my favorite president.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:
Obviously :p
Who is your favorite president?:


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: cueue

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: As of now yes

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: This sounds like a new interesting event that I have not been to or taken part in. Plus, I only have the mod medal, and a new one would be nice and look pretty. Ill fight for my president ;)

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes

Who is your favorite president?: Franklin D Roosevelt


District 13
Feb 19, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: JDusk

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: To rekt scrubs

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes

Who is your favorite president?:


District 13
Apr 3, 2013
Reaction score
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: This seems like a really cool event and I would love to be apart of it.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yup
Who is your favorite president?: Obama


District 13
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
I'd really like to participate but I am EU... ;-;


Aug 11, 2013
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Minecraft IGN: Jokoy

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes I should be. If not I will inform you prior to the event.

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: Well I was on the 2nd place team last time and I had a lot of fun playing :)!

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes

Who is your favorite president?: JFK


May 8, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Tumblrr

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: I indeed am ^.^

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: I would like to be a tribute in the Presidential Games because it seems like quite fun and social event.

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: I agree to all the MCGamer and Presidential Games rules.

Who is your favorite president?: My favorite president would have to be William Howard Taft just because he got stuck in a bathtub at the White House. :D


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?:

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?:
Because I love participating in fun yet competitive Survival Games events, and have had quite a bit of success in previous ones such as my victories in the Community Games and Tri-Factor Tournament. I can't wait to carry my team :^)

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:
Yup yup yup yup

Who is your favorite president?:
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