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The Rebels

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Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score

You were a great titans and rebels officer, and you'll keep doing great as coleader.

Stay fat.


Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: xEpicZable, BananaBoomerang, Twistteed.
Age: 16
Donor: Diamond in xEpicZable
Wins: 550 with all the accounts
Got Skype/TS: Both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) ignacioprietomartinez
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: Mountain
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: No but I have played couple games with IPureGold
PvP Strengths: I don't have a lot of strenghts when it comes to PvP but strafing is one of my best strenghts, I have been improving a lot with the offensive FnS lately. It also depends how the day is going, I dont play the same every single day, I think that the way you play depends on the way you feel.
PvP Weaknesses: As I said I think I am not bad at strafing but I hate when people bow spam me because I can't hit them with my sword so I can't really do much against them, sometimes I am really nervous when I am being chased and I mess up my sprint a lot but I have been practicing. I think that those are my worst weaknesses but I have always thought that you can keep improving every day, there is no limit.
Past Clans (If any) Pretty much Instinct and all the clans SlainBot made.
You cool?: It is not up to me but when I get confident I think i can be funny, well sometimes.
Best puppy picture:

Note: I am currently an Us player but I get really bad connection in my house due I live in the middle of the forest, I will be an EU player in the next couple weeks, and I will get a lot better connection that I actually have. I am willing to start Rebels EU Division if I get accepted. Thanks for the time, and have a nice day.
Last edited:


Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: xEpicZable, BananaBoomerang, Twistteed.
Age: 16
Donor: Diamond in xEpicZable
Wins: 550 with all the accounts
Got Skype/TS: Both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) ignacioprietomartinez
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: Mountain
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: No but I have played couple games with IPureGold
PvP Strengths: I don't have a lot of strenghts when it comes to PvP but strafing is one of my best strenghts, I have been improving a lot with the offensive FnS lately. It also depends how the day is going, I dont play the same every single day, I think that the way you play depends on the way you feel.
PvP Weaknesses: As I said I think I am not bad at strafing but I hate when people bow spam me because I can't hit them with my sword so I can't really do much against them, sometimes I am really nervous when I am being chased and I mess up my sprint a lot but I have been practicing. I think that those are my worst weaknesses but I have always thought that you can keep improving every day, there is no limit.
Past Clans (If any) Pretty much Instinct and all the clans SlainBot made.
You cool?: It is not up to me but when I get confident I think i can be funny, well sometimes.
Best puppy picture:

Note: I am currently an Us player but I get really bad connection in my house due I live in the middle of the forest, I will be an EU player in the next couple weeks, and I will get a lot better connection that I actually have. I am willing to start Rebels EU Division if I get accepted. Thanks for the time, anda nice have day.
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