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The Rebels

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Mar 1, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:
- shadowblaze12
- 15 :D B-Day was a couple of days ago.
- Getting Diamond Donor this weekend, on Sunday Queen Elsa c:
- 460
Got Skype/TS:
- Yeah, of course!
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it):
- chris.aguirre20
Got a mic:
- Yes
- EDT/Eastern Daylight Time
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:
- Sadly, I haven't teamed with any of them. I hope you can overlook that though!
PvP Strengths: FnS, Fishing Rod, Far range bow, sword pvp, teams, I have an extensive knowledge of "choke points".

PvP Strengths:
- Fishing rod, FnS, far range bow, sword pvp, I don't use any macros :3
PvP Weaknesses:
- My internet (I sometimes get horrible ping to the US servers.) Fighting teams of 3+.
Past Clans (If any)
- Royalsv1, Royalsv2, Royalsv3, Chromev1, Chromev2, Project Chrome, The Kings. You shouldn't really count The Kings, since that was my first clan, and I had no idea what I was doing. Also, I wasn't a clan hopper at all. I had been in each Chrome clan for at least 1 month. In Royals, they just kept disbanding :(
You cool?:
- Of course :D
Best puppy picture:

To see my goodbye thread to Chrome, click here :(
Last edited:

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:
- shadowblaze12
- 15 :D B-Day was a couple of days ago.
- Getting Diamond Donor this weekend, on Sunday Queen Elsa c:
- 460
Got Skype/TS:
- Yeah, of course!
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it):
- chris.aguirre20
Got a mic:
- Yes
- EDT/Eastern Daylight Time
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:
- Sadly, I haven't teamed with any of them. I hope you can overlook that though!
PvP Strengths: FnS, Fishing Rod, Far range bow, sword pvp, teams, I have an extensive knowledge of "choke points".

PvP Weaknesses:
- My internet (I sometimes get horrible ping to the US servers.)
Past Clans (If any)
- Royalsv1, Royalsv2, Royalsv3, Chromev1, Chromev2, Project Chrome, The Kings. You shouldn't really count The Kings, since that was my first clan, and I had no idea what I was doing. Also, I wasn't a clan hopper at all. I had been in each Chrome clan for at least 1 month. In Royals, they just kept disbanding :(
You cool?:
- Of course :D
Best puppy picture:

To see my goodbye thread to Chrome, click here :(
1000% recommended. He is an outstanding pvper and an even better person.


District 13
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:
- shadowblaze12
- 15 :D B-Day was a couple of days ago.
- Getting Diamond Donor this weekend, on Sunday Queen Elsa c:
- 460
Got Skype/TS:
- Yeah, of course!
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it):
- chris.aguirre20
Got a mic:
- Yes
- EDT/Eastern Daylight Time
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:
- Sadly, I haven't teamed with any of them. I hope you can overlook that though!
PvP Strengths: FnS, Fishing Rod, Far range bow, sword pvp, teams, I have an extensive knowledge of "choke points".

PvP Strengths:
- Fishing rod, FnS, far range bow, sword pvp, I don't use any macros :3
PvP Weaknesses:
- My internet (I sometimes get horrible ping to the US servers.) Fighting teams of 3+.
Past Clans (If any)
- Royalsv1, Royalsv2, Royalsv3, Chromev1, Chromev2, Project Chrome, The Kings. You shouldn't really count The Kings, since that was my first clan, and I had no idea what I was doing. Also, I wasn't a clan hopper at all. I had been in each Chrome clan for at least 1 month. In Royals, they just kept disbanding :(
You cool?:
- Of course :D
Best puppy picture:

To see my goodbye thread to Chrome, click here :(
EDIT: I may not be on for the next 12 hours, I am installing something that makes my internet have less than 3 bars on every server, and less than 50 fps on every server. After it's finished installing, I'll get on TeamSpeak c: I would try to be active 24/7, but updating my Mac is something I've been putting off and meaning to do.
I cannot express my recommendation for this man. He's a great pvper, an amazing friend, and hot.


May 6, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID:
- shadowblaze12
- 15 :D B-Day was a couple of days ago.
- Getting Diamond Donor this weekend, on Sunday Queen Elsa c:
- 460
Got Skype/TS:
- Yeah, of course!
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it):
- chris.aguirre20
Got a mic:
- Yes
- EDT/Eastern Daylight Time
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers:
- Sadly, I haven't teamed with any of them. I hope you can overlook that though!
PvP Strengths: FnS, Fishing Rod, Far range bow, sword pvp, teams, I have an extensive knowledge of "choke points".

PvP Strengths:
- Fishing rod, FnS, far range bow, sword pvp, I don't use any macros :3
PvP Weaknesses:
- My internet (I sometimes get horrible ping to the US servers.) Fighting teams of 3+.
Past Clans (If any)
- Royalsv1, Royalsv2, Royalsv3, Chromev1, Chromev2, Project Chrome, The Kings. You shouldn't really count The Kings, since that was my first clan, and I had no idea what I was doing. Also, I wasn't a clan hopper at all. I had been in each Chrome clan for at least 1 month. In Royals, they just kept disbanding :(
You cool?:
- Of course :D
Best puppy picture:

To see my goodbye thread to Chrome, click here :(
Recommended, Maxypie
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