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The Kings(US Clan Now Recruiting)

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Tamir Beeler

Nov 9, 2012
Reaction score
the clan was not even on ts for battle. how we were suppost to win if we cant even talk to each other. tht why i left.


Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
How was the clan battle i'm sure you guys had fun!!!!! :D Did you guys win?



Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
:( OK thanks for being a good clan... I'm going to get kicked because I first said I was coming then had to back out... Sorry. Thanks for being a good clan. ( Can I have one more chance?)​


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
PLEASE DON'T KICK ME!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! but if you thinks its best I will go :( and sorry for my rage fest kidz i couldn't have made it anyway.
PS: HAVE BACKUPS!!!!!! so were not short on players if theirs last minutes changes
I am sorry for my rage fest
No don't kick catie D:


Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Dear Kidz,
I know you will probably kick me. But I am hoping you won't. I am very very sorry for how I acted the other day. I know this clan is to great for people like me with only 42 wins. But I hope you don't kick me. We have been great friends for along time. But I know we have not seen each other much. So that may have driven us apart more. I love how kind you have been to me from the time I started to right now. You are one of my most trusted team mates. I would never ever consider you betraying. You're a kind person and a great friend you have been so supportive of me and helped me so so much. You're a person I can always rely on in a game. If I am playing with you and I am in trouble I always say Kidz will come. And every time you have. This is why I like you as a team mate. This is why I like you as a friend. I hope you consider not kicking me. And if I am not kicked I would like to be considered for co-leader. I know I am not good and have only 42 wins but I hope you will consider. The reason I wanted to be in this clan is because I saw a lot of people I have teamed with before in it. But mainly I saw you. I joined this clan because your a trustworthy leader. I joined this clan because I knew you would never betray me or your clan. I joined this clan because I can trust you not to sabotage or hack. I joined this clan because of friends.


Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
i'm I still in the clan or did you guys kick me out? Becuz I had less then 100 wins



Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Dear Kidz,
I know you will probably kick me. But I am hoping you won't. I am very very sorry for how I acted the other day. I know this clan is to great for people like me with only 42 wins. But I hope you don't kick me. We have been great friends for along time. But I know we have not seen each other much. So that may have driven us apart more. I love how kind you have been to me from the time I started to right now. You are one of my most trusted team mates. I would never ever consider you betraying. You're a kind person and a great friend you have been so supportive of me and helped me so so much. You're a person I can always rely on in a game. If I am playing with you and I am in trouble I always say Kidz will come. And every time you have. This is why I like you as a team mate. This is why I like you as a friend. I hope you consider not kicking me. And if I am not kicked I would like to be considered for co-leader. I know I am not good and have only 42 wins but I hope you will consider. The reason I wanted to be in this clan is because I saw a lot of people I have teamed with before in it. But mainly I saw you. I joined this clan because your a trustworthy leader. I joined this clan because I knew you would never betray me or your clan. I joined this clan because I can trust you not to sabotage or hack. I joined this clan because of friends.
You will never get kicked Catie<3 lol


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
Dear Kidz,
I know you will probably kick me. But I am hoping you won't. I am very very sorry for how I acted the other day. I know this clan is to great for people like me with only 42 wins. But I hope you don't kick me. We have been great friends for along time. But I know we have not seen each other much. So that may have driven us apart more. I love how kind you have been to me from the time I started to right now. You are one of my most trusted team mates. I would never ever consider you betraying. You're a kind person and a great friend you have been so supportive of me and helped me so so much. You're a person I can always rely on in a game. If I am playing with you and I am in trouble I always say Kidz will come. And every time you have. This is why I like you as a team mate. This is why I like you as a friend. I hope you consider not kicking me. And if I am not kicked I would like to be considered for co-leader. I know I am not good and have only 42 wins but I hope you will consider. The reason I wanted to be in this clan is because I saw a lot of people I have teamed with before in it. But mainly I saw you. I joined this clan because your a trustworthy leader. I joined this clan because I knew you would never betray me or your clan. I joined this clan because I can trust you not to sabotage or hack. I joined this clan because of friends.
From the heart <3
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