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The CyanVolts™

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Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone who is reading this thread, know that this clan is fake, and fraud. The real CyanVolts are still here, we just haven't been posting on this thread ;3. Btw we have been playing MCSG but not on a large scale. Instead we've been looking into other games and checking those out. And what The_Great_Tito said was kind of false, that we "Together the both of us demoted EvilCyanSheep from the leader spot." For Tito, he probably doesn't remember why we demoted him. And the reason was, because he was messing around and removed us on skype. At that time we were kind of mad at sheep, so we took it into account and demoted EvilCyanSheep. But the Clan and I stayed together, and we skype everyday. We are not dead, we're still here, but you just don't know it :3. Btw Tito, you've chatted with us at times too ;3


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone who is reading this thread, know that this clan is fake, and fraud. The real CyanVolts are still here, we just haven't been posting on this thread ;3. Btw we have been playing MCSG but not on a large scale. Instead we've been looking into other games and checking those out. And what The_Great_Tito said was kind of false, that we "Together the both of us demoted EvilCyanSheep from the leader spot." For Tito, he probably doesn't remember why we demoted him. And the reason was, because he was messing around and removed us on skype. At that time we were kind of mad at sheep, so we took it into account and demoted EvilCyanSheep. But the Clan and I stayed together, and we skype everyday. We are not dead, we're still here, but you just don't know it :3. Btw Tito, you've chatted with us at times too ;3
1. You are permanently banned.
2. Neither of you have played a game since v2 started.


Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone who is reading this thread, know that this clan is fake, and fraud. The real CyanVolts are still here, we just haven't been posting on this thread ;3. Btw we have been playing MCSG but not on a large scale. Instead we've been looking into other games and checking those out. And what The_Great_Tito said was kind of false, that we "Together the both of us demoted EvilCyanSheep from the leader spot." For Tito, he probably doesn't remember why we demoted him. And the reason was, because he was messing around and removed us on skype. At that time we were kind of mad at sheep, so we took it into account and demoted EvilCyanSheep. But the Clan and I stayed together, and we skype everyday. We are not dead, we're still here, but you just don't know it :3. Btw Tito, you've chatted with us at times too ;3
Even though I take no part in this clan, this is not a fake. Since you have been overthrown by tito and the other previous members of CyanVolts, tito has ever since had power to rename and reuse the old CyanVolts to his leisure. If you want a fake clan, I recommend you take a look at my fake CyanVolts thread. This is still a running clan, and I honestly take offense to the fact that you are calling this false.
Now please, leave.


Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Everyone who is reading this thread, know that this clan is fake, and fraud. The real CyanVolts are still here, we just haven't been posting on this thread ;3. Btw we have been playing MCSG but not on a large scale. Instead we've been looking into other games and checking those out. And what The_Great_Tito said was kind of false, that we "Together the both of us demoted EvilCyanSheep from the leader spot." For Tito, he probably doesn't remember why we demoted him. And the reason was, because he was messing around and removed us on skype. At that time we were kind of mad at sheep, so we took it into account and demoted EvilCyanSheep. But the Clan and I stayed together, and we skype everyday. We are not dead, we're still here, but you just don't know it :3. Btw Tito, you've chatted with us at times too ;3
Willy You and cyan cannot deny that tito was a leader for V2 and V3, and therefore had full right to remake the clan, and was the only leader that either people liked, and or didnt do something stupid and get themselves banned, so please as a message from tito, and also being one of the current leaders and an ex cyanvolt V3 member as well, i ask that you please do not spam or try to make flame wars on our thread, you have no place here, we are happy to hear your concerns but they are pointless and untrue, the only reason you are league now is cause one of you is banned, this clan started mcsg and was never meant to leave it, so if you would like to make a flame war please feel free to message me or tito and we will happily deal with you accordingly but please keep your flame off our thread
Last edited:
Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Willy You and cyan cannot deny that tito was a leader for V2 and V3, and therefore had full right to remake the clan, and was the only leader that either people liked, and didnt do something stupid and get themselves banned, so please as a message from tito, and also being one of the current leaders, i ask that you please do not spam or try to make flame wars on our thread, you have no place here, we are happy to hear your concerns but they are pointless and untrue, the only reason you are league now is cause one of you is banned, this clan started mcsg and was never meant to leave it, so if you would like to make a flame war please feel free to message me or tito and we will happily deal with you accordingly but please keep your flame off our thread


Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Lol this is funny, Sheep and I are still Leaders of Volts no matter the version. We still are a running group and chilling out. Also, believe what you want, but I'm apart of the True CyanVolts group, Tito can do what he wants with this clan. But this is not the CyanVolts group today, not my group, not the buddies I know.


Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Lol this is funny, Sheep and I are still Leaders of Volts no matter the version. We still are a running group and chilling out. Also, believe what you want, but I'm apart of the True CyanVolts group, Tito can do what he wants with this clan. But this is not the CyanVolts group today, not my group, not the buddies I know.
That's where you're wrong because half the clan are Original Cyan Volts members and you can't do anything to change that.
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