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The 5th MCGamer Awards (Quarter Quell Edition): Nominations Now Open!


Jun 20, 2012
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Twitch can be accessed using mobile devices.
STILL! Would you like to be the one at the dinner table with family, and you're staring at your phone watching a livestream while your whole family (who you don't get to see as a whole much during the year) is conversing and wanting you to be a part of it but you're there like "No sorry I'm watching a livestream for an Award show for a video game." It sounds like fun to me, but imagine their reactions.


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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STILL! Would you like to be the one at the dinner table with family, and you're staring at your phone watching a livestream while your whole family (who you don't get to see as a whole much during the year) is conversing and wanting you to be a part of it but you're there like "No sorry I'm watching a livestream for an Award show for a video game." It sounds like fun to me, but imagine their reactions.
We'll be recording it too.


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
STILL! Would you like to be the one at the dinner table with family, and you're staring at your phone watching a livestream while your whole family (who you don't get to see as a whole much during the year) is conversing and wanting you to be a part of it but you're there like "No sorry I'm watching a livestream for an Award show for a video game." It sounds like fun to me, but imagine their reactions.

Lol, I would never do that. Mainly because that would be the last time using my phone :p

Edit 1: Woo, 100th post on this thread :D


i control this entire operation
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
and remember, you are voting for the person you want to be eliminated from the running.
This might cost alot of people there award :D KitMencha make it in bold or something. People usually skip to the link. As much as I want to laugh when people do that, it is not worth it.
Edit 1: I double posted, so here is the second post:


Oh, and sorry but im cooler than Cat_On_A_Poptart

lol jk


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Ah yes, a classic case of dogmatization. Are you even aware of how the staff and the banning process works? No one is banned without reason.

> Justl said one word in chat but tomahawk got butthurt over it and requested Chad permban him which was successful.

I can assure you that didn't happen that way. If they got permabanned it was because they had prior offenses. VIPs can't just request people be banned. Well, they can, but those are called report abuses and anyone can do those.

> Also, how does a permban give someone an overall lasting negative impression

Because it shows you are unable to respect the rules.

> For example, you aren't banned but I've never even heard of you and I don't expect that many people have,

I've never once heard of you. Your point is illogical.

> In contrast, everyone loves justltheworst, PhiIIY67, etc

Sure, they had friends. So does everybody. They broke the rules and got punished. They just had people who were vocal about it.

> Regardless of what you say, it's incorrect,

This is a fallacy known as dogmatism, which means forcing your opinion on others regardless of proof, and dismissing others claim, again, without proof. You only know the banned players' stories, you do not know the staff's side of things. Don't be so quick to dismiss a staff member's stance.

> and I can guarantee you 90% of the community agrees (not including staff ofc.)

Clearly you have asked every single one of the 2.75 million people who have played on the servers. Do not instantly assume the entire community will back you up.
I don't mean to sound offending or rude, but let me please clarify this.
I was there at the scene, and since I am justls friend, I may seem biased.
#1 Lively, you weren't even there. I don't think you should be judging the situation off the evidence alone. It takes someone who saw the whole conversation between the multiple persons that were arguing to judge the ban verdict.
#2 It can be seen that Justl broke the rules, but it can also be seen that he didnt. The only way someone could interpret the scene as Justl abusing Tomahawk was by using his avatar on a private ts as evidence, which shouldn't be happening. Also, even if it was abuse, the fact that he got permabanned over such miniscule abuse (for example, maybe the ban should have been 1 day, or a week, not a permaban, and if im not mistaken, Justl only had one previous ban) is confusing, as how is abuse over a VIP worse than abusing a regular person. Is this showing that VIPs are greater than regular people in general (This point might not make sense).
#3 You talk about the community agreeing with the bans. May I see the poll of which 90% of this community agreed that these (maybe all I didn't understand the point) should be banned?
#4 All we ask for is for someone (like Justl) to be awarded for his achievements. So what if he was banned? The point is he helped out the clan community before, and he deserves to be awarded for such. I know that Justl doesn't care about mcsg anymore, and that even if he got the award he wouldn't know or for that fact care. But it still is nice to see someone awarded for their achievements.
Now, I know this post may (or probably) will be deleted, as this is insulting staff (which again, I apologize, this is the one topic that I will try and disagree with the staff with, and I am sorry for that), and if they do, I wouldn't care. I wanted to get my thoughts on this topic out, and if people see it great. If people don't see it, great.
Also, just for everyone's knowledge, I am the last officer of Forgotten who still plays minecraft. Js, vote for me.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Also, sorry for double posting:
But the most influential person in this community is by far Soulv2. Sometimes he is really stupid, but he helped this community so much.
He created Forgotten, the best clans ever. He had a special rank (which has never been held by anyone else) called Beast from the East in Rebels. He started the US Clan Leaderboards, which has progeressed to having almost 35 clans (if not 35 i forget), and finally he connected the Staff to the Clan Community, something that I doubt anyone else could have done as well as he did.
So yeah hes a cool guy


District 13
Jun 22, 2012
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I don't mean to sound offending or rude, but let me please clarify this.
I was there at the scene, and since I am justls friend, I may seem biased.
#1 Lively, you weren't even there. I don't think you should be judging the situation off the evidence alone. It takes someone who saw the whole conversation between the multiple persons that were arguing to judge the ban verdict.
It hardly matters - even if Lively wasn't involved with deciding the verdict of the ban, he's still free to express his opinion. I wasn't really involved either, I only heard about it from word of mouth, and my opinion is very much the same.

#2 It can be seen that Justl broke the rules, but it can also be seen that he didnt. The only way someone could interpret the scene as Justl abusing Tomahawk was by using his avatar on a private ts as evidence, which shouldn't be happening. Also, even if it was abuse, the fact that he got permabanned over such miniscule abuse (for example, maybe the ban should have been 1 day, or a week, not a permaban, and if im not mistaken, Justl only had one previous ban) is confusing, as how is abuse over a VIP worse than abusing a regular person. Is this showing that VIPs are greater than regular people in general (This point might not make sense).
Let me just clarify - abusing a VIP and abusing a member are the same thing, both of them fall under the category of abuse. This is another misconception of "VIP special treatment", when in reality, this is not the case at all. No evidence was used regarding a TeamSpeak avatar, and it never would be used because it was on a different TeamSpeak - a separate platform from MCGamer.

Additionally, the way the ban system works is that the length of a ban is dependent off of two things: the severity of the offense that warranted it, and the amount of previous bans. In this case, there were enough previous bans to warrant a permanent ban, even if the evidence didn't seem like much. Personally, the evidence didn't seem like much to me, but I still agreed with the ban - why? - because of his previous offenses.

#3 You talk about the community agreeing with the bans. May I see the poll of which 90% of this community agreed that these (maybe all I didn't understand the point) should be banned?
Lively never once said that - he was quoting someone else.

#4 All we ask for is for someone (like Justl) to be awarded for his achievements. So what if he was banned? The point is he helped out the clan community before, and he deserves to be awarded for such. I know that Justl doesn't care about mcsg anymore, and that even if he got the award he wouldn't know or for that fact care. But it still is nice to see someone awarded for their achievements.
Now, I know this post may (or probably) will be deleted, as this is insulting staff (which again, I apologize, this is the one topic that I will try and disagree with the staff with, and I am sorry for that), and if they do, I wouldn't care. I wanted to get my thoughts on this topic out, and if people see it great. If people don't see it, great.
It doesn't matter if he left a positive influence in some areas. In the end, he's banned, and there's nothing more to it. This means he is not welcome to be featured at the MCGamer Awards. Also - don't worry - this post will not be deleted, as you were able to bring up your opinion in a calm, mature manner, so for that I thank you, Exodus.

Now, this entire conversation is getting very off topic, so I'm going to put a stop to it. Please take a look at the following rule:

12. Do not interfere with issues between the staff and a specific player or group: Interfering with these issues could cause or intensify drama.

  • This includes ban disputes, bans, arguments and other private issues.
Make sure you understand that this rule is in place before you decide to post anything else. It is just as important as any other rule, and punishments are in place for those who do not wish to follow it. You may continue using this thread to discuss the MCGamer Awards, however, any further discussion regarding banned players will be removed.

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