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Supremacy | Us Clan

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District 13
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN? ReignofPowerade
Age? 12
Wins? 470
Do you have Skype/Teamspeak? Yessss
Skype Name? David.Gonzalez1638
Do you have a microphone? Yes
PvP Strengths? Bow, Dodge, Trickery, Competitive
PvP Weaknesses? Hackers, Large Teams
How active are you? 7
How would you help Supremacy? I am a great friend and when the time comes will always get my head in the game and never give up.
Why do you want to join supremacy? I am in need of a great clan that will give PvP a meaning and thats why I came to this clan.
Have you ever played with anyone in the clan? I ahve played against some of them but, not in a Skype call team.
If you got the leader or officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? It depends if I think it needs changes and i don't really know anything beyond the roster or battles of this clan.
It's best if you come on the Teamspeak and talk to the clan, so we can get to know you.


Feb 15, 2014
Reaction score
Please take me off waiting thanks guys it was fun talking to you.


Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry Frog I've been inactive I'll try to be more active tomorrow.
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: NoobyGamingHD
Age: 13
Wins: 305
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): both, skype: NoobyGamingHD
Do you have a Microphone?: yea
PVP Strengths: sword, fns, rid
PVP Weaknesses: water fights
How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Supremacy ?: WORlD PEACE
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: it seems like a very well organized clan and has a lot of good pvpers.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: a few
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I could help with all the scrims and battles


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: Nbalegend01
Age: 13
Wins: 571
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes, both.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): Nbalegend01.
Do you have a Microphone?:
PVP Strengths: Rod, bow and fns.
PVP Weaknesses: Avoiding crits.
How active are you?(1-10): 6. I say this because I am focusing on school most weekdays. On the weekends, I'll be bery active.
How would you help Supremacy ?: I would bring a good amount of pvp to the table. I can also be mature and a good teammate. I think I could help this clan in being loyal and respectful. I could also help out other members with pvp tips or what I use. They could also help me.
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: I have quite a few friends in here. (especially my bb Caleb.) I think I would fit well in here also.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Almost everyone.
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Don't think I would make too many, but I would give us a clan schedule.



Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: Nbalegend01
Age: 13
Wins: 571
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes, both.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): Nbalegend01.
Do you have a Microphone?:
PVP Strengths: Rod, bow and fns.
PVP Weaknesses: Avoiding crits.
How active are you?(1-10): 6. I say this because I am focusing on school most weekdays. On the weekends, I'll be bery active.
How would you help Supremacy ?: I would bring a good amount of pvp to the table. I can also be mature and a good teammate. I think I could help this clan in being loyal and respectful. I could also help out other members with pvp tips or what I use. They could also help me.
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: I have quite a few friends in here. (especially my bb Caleb.) I think I would fit well in here also.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Almost everyone.
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Don't think I would make too many, but I would give us a clan schedule.
If he's not accepted i'm leaving.
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Reactions: nba
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: NoobyGamingHD
Age: 13
Wins: 305
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): both, skype: NoobyGamingHD
Do you have a Microphone?: yea
PVP Strengths: sword, fns, rid
PVP Weaknesses: water fights
How active are you?(1-10): 8
How would you help Supremacy ?: WORlD PEACE
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: it seems like a very well organized clan and has a lot of good pvpers.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: a few
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I could help with all the scrims and battles
Your application has been denied
Minecraft IGN: Nbalegend01
Age: 13
Wins: 571
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes, both.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): Nbalegend01.
Do you have a Microphone?:
PVP Strengths: Rod, bow and fns.
PVP Weaknesses: Avoiding crits.
How active are you?(1-10): 6. I say this because I am focusing on school most weekdays. On the weekends, I'll be bery active.
How would you help Supremacy ?: I would bring a good amount of pvp to the table. I can also be mature and a good teammate. I think I could help this clan in being loyal and respectful. I could also help out other members with pvp tips or what I use. They could also help me.
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: I have quite a few friends in here. (especially my bb Caleb.) I think I would fit well in here also.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Almost everyone.
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Don't think I would make too many, but I would give us a clan schedule.

Accepted for trial. Please be active on our TS at this time.
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