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Signing's MCSG story


Dec 8, 2012
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A long time ago a friend of mine had a game called Minecraft. I had no clue what game it was, but went to him so he could show me it. At first, it looked boring. Everything was made out of blocks/pixels. But then he showed me different things you could do, and I started liking it. I decided to buy my own account so I could get better known with the game. I bought an account, but didn't know what to call it. I looked everywhere to find a cool, catchy, short name. Then I saw ''Sign In'' up in the right corner. It ended up with my name being Signing.

After a while of singleplayer, it got boring. I then found out you could play on online servers. I searched up servers on google, and found MCSG.

My MCSG story started late August 2012. My first game was with my IRL friend that introduced me to Minecraft. We hided in a tree, crunching, so no one could see our names. We were close to spawn, and waited for people to fight so we could run up to them and do a cleanup. Suddenly a guy ran up to us. We thought we could take him down with our fist, while he was fully stacked with armour and weapon. It didn't go as planned, and we ended up dying. My friend didn't find the game as funny as I did, so I continued to play without him. After a while I started skype teaming with certain players (can't remember their names) from the same country as I come from, Norway. I got better and better, and met on players like Jonny24_1. He was probably my best friend on Minecraft. I also met on a guy named ShadowMasterZ, who trained me up to be a better pvp'er. I had around 100 wins back then, but he helped me up to 200. Another guy I met on was sirlukas1, who became a really good friend. He introduced me to SlimeArmy, but not long after, he quit MCSG and started playing on faction servers. I proggesively became a better pvp'er by playing with these players in SlimeArmy. I started climbing up the leaderboards, and got up to rank 40, when MCSG made global leaderboards.

SlimeArmy fell apart and I had to find a new clan. Since everyone was joining TheLegends, I wanted to join it as well. Unfortunately they denied my request, and I ended up clanless for a while. I took a lot of small breaks, and I didn't play as often as I used to. After a while, ExKing and Metii023 opened a new clan (Team Chaos), and many of the old SlimeArmy members joined that one. It was at that time I met BetaPuffle in a game. He became a friend of mine, and when I met on him we usually teamed up. One day he backstabbed me, and he became my biggest rival. Every time I fought him, he ended up killing me, even though I thought I was better than him.

I took a few breaks again as Team Chaos started being inactive. I'm not completely sure about this, but I think they disbanded, and I ended up clanless again. After a long time I joined JayJay's clan (can't remember his full name). I stayed in that clan till he disbanded and made another clan with the name ''Reborn''. A conflict happened in Reborn, and Builda_Br3tt made a new clan (Cryptic). I joined that one and stayed it for a while. At that time I got banned from MCSG.

It happened on Teweran Survival games 2, where I played with two moderators. One of them used to be a friend of mine. I had to go, and asked if I could fight them fairly in 1v1's. They agreed on it, and I first fought my friend. I managed to flawlessly kill him, and I couldn't believe it. He was a really good pvp'er, and I was confident I would die. I then fought the other moderator and ended up killing him as well. I logged off, and when I came back again next day I was banned. I messaged the moderator who banned me and asked what I had done wrong. He then sent me a video of me fighting edtheg, and said I was using BSM. I couldn't find that video now, but if I had it, I would've posted it here. I wanted to make a ban dispute, but didn't know what to write. My grammar was terrible back then (not saying it's good now, but it's better). I then realized how much time I was playing every day. I had totally forgot about the social life, and decided to quit.

My brother wanted to buy my laptop, which I bought for my own money. I sold it to him, and he started playing Minecraft. My brother had learned a lot by watching me play, so he didn't start out as a complete noob. His ign is Ziiinc. We haven't told anyone that we're brothers before now, mainly because Zinc was afraid he would get accused for being me. It's been 7 months now, and I've decided to come back. Now that I'm back, Zinc and I will play together, and he will probably train me up again.

So yeah, that's my MCSG story. I didn't have time to read through the story and correct my grammar mistakes. Hopefully there's not that many.

If MCSG still is as fun as it was, I'll definitely stay for a while :)

- Signing


Feb 2, 2014
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My MCSG Story:

1. My friends bug me to play MCSG
2. I try MCSG and win my first game.
3. I end up thinking I'm really good at pvp.
4. *Doesn't win then next 500 games*
5. *Discovers Optifine*
6. I sort of get better....



Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
My favourite quote: "we hided in a tree, crunching, so no one could see our names."

Nice story!


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
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Holy crap, i remember you from V1!


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Welcome back bro! But one small warning:
“One way in, one way out..."

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