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Mar 15, 2013
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When I joined these servers more than a year ago, they were amazing. From people asking for a team to letting someone win, MCSG used to be a heck of a good time for me and my friends. It really was. Now I feel like the games are all about winning and succeeding by passing up all others. First off, the survival games were meant to have fun with. Not to where you get addicted to the point where you be rude to every single opponent you die to or whoever you kill. The people both in the games and on the forums have just been awful with their actions. (In game mostly) We really need to think before we speak and try to treat others they way we would want to be treated. Such as: using derogatory language towards others. People who violate the explicit filter bug me. I really sometimes do get offended by what they say to me after I kill the player or the player kills me; I take it to the heart. I am fine with 'gg' or 'gf' but 'EZ PZ' and 'get rekt' are just unacceptable. They make not just me but everyone feel unskilled and worthless. This is why I have started #SaveMCSG . If you join a game and see someone bashing on someone about how bad another player is, stand up to them and speak. Don't be the innocent bystander. What will they do to you if you speak up and tell them what they're doing wrong? Are they going to track you down and kill you in the real world? Heck to the no! The worst they could do is target you off of spawn. Comment #SaveMCSG if you pledge that you will help make MCSG a better place to the best of your ability.



Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
I agree completely, my friend. The reason why this community has always been rude, and will continue to get ruder, is because the purpose of MCSG is to kill as many people as you can, win, and gain popularity. After playing for a while, you begin to become like everyone else, even if you think you are in control. You say gg when it wasn't a gg. You start mercilessly killing clueless people, and you never even think about giving someone less fortunate than you a shot at winning for once. It happened to me.
When I first started, I didn't want to kill anyone because that was a very inconvenient thing to do to people. My first kill, which was probably around game 50 or 100, made me feel like a monster. But it felt sorta good. I eventually stopped feeling bad about killing people, or being that guy with full iron when everyone else has leather. I eventually started saying GG, which wasn't rude at the time, but is nowadays. I eventually started worrying about my ratio and crap like that, and /statting everyone.

What I'm getting at is that the longer this community lives on, the more prideful, greedy, and ruthless we will become. There is nothing we can do about it. You can try to resist, try to be nice to the less fortunate people, but this game is what it is. It's not a chess community or some fluffy place to get to know people. Everyone just wants to be the next Huahwi. Everyone just wants to kill everyone and gain popularity because that is what we are made of.

Honestly, this is the rudest, most ruthless online community I have ever seen.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I like your points except for getting really upset about EZ PZ. So what if you lost a fight and someone rubs it in your facr? You have to remember its a game and you should have fun instead of worrying about wins.


Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
I agree completely, my friend. The reason why this community has always been rude, and will continue to get ruder, is because the purpose of MCSG is to kill as many people as you can, win, and gain popularity. After playing for a while, you begin to become like everyone else, even if you think you are in control. You say gg when it wasn't a gg. You start mercilessly killing clueless people, and you never even think about giving someone less fortunate than you a shot at winning for once. It happened to me.
When I first started, I didn't want to kill anyone because that was a very inconvenient thing to do to people. My first kill, which was probably around game 50 or 100, made me feel like a monster. But it felt sorta good. I eventually stopped feeling bad about killing people, or being that guy with full iron when everyone else has leather. I eventually started saying GG, which wasn't rude at the time, but is nowadays. I eventually started worrying about my ratio and crap like that, and /statting everyone.

What I'm getting at is that the longer this community lives on, the more prideful, greedy, and ruthless we will become. There is nothing we can do about it. You can try to resist, try to be nice to the less fortunate people, but this game is what it is. It's not a chess community or some fluffy place to get to know people. Everyone just wants to be the next Huahwi. Everyone just wants to kill everyone and gain popularity because that is what we are made of.

Honestly, this is the rudest, most ruthless online community I have ever seen.
I think just killing people, generally being ruthless ingame (as long as it doesn't involve creating giant teams to tryhard), and being concerned about your ratio isn't necessarily doing anything wrong. The whole point of the game is to win, and that involves slaying people. I believe the line is being a Feminine Hygene Product in chat or on the forums, and deliberately trying to make others feel bad for no reason other than it boosts your own ego.

That's not to say I'll always be a tryhard ingame. Well, probably never since I've started to suck horribly in 2014. :p If there's someone so hopelessly outgeared that they have no chance, I'll offer them a fair 1v1 in Deathmatch. Not that that really happens anymore since the chests are stacked and everyone who's lasted that long usually has full iron, but I did when I could (and still do in Classic where deathmatches can become lopsided).

Also, I've been in several online gaming communities, and trust me, 99% of them are awful if they're not a small or whitelisted community. Eventually idiots will start to infest every community out there. Actually, the majority of what I've seen of the forum community is pretty good (though I usually just go through the Survival Games Discussions and tips threads). There's a lot of helpful posts, and the completely useless posts or flames are generally looked down on by the next few posters. Maybe it's different in other sections, but I don't have a lot of complaints about what I've seen, and it seems a lot more feasible to get to know people and make friends. Unfortunately the server community is about a thousand times bigger, and with that comes a lot of morons.


Feb 16, 2014
Reaction score
I agree completely, my friend. The reason why this community has always been rude, and will continue to get ruder, is because the purpose of MCSG is to kill as many people as you can, win, and gain popularity. After playing for a while, you begin to become like everyone else, even if you think you are in control. You say gg when it wasn't a gg. You start mercilessly killing clueless people, and you never even think about giving someone less fortunate than you a shot at winning for once. It happened to me.
When I first started, I didn't want to kill anyone because that was a very inconvenient thing to do to people. My first kill, which was probably around game 50 or 100, made me feel like a monster. But it felt sorta good. I eventually stopped feeling bad about killing people, or being that guy with full iron when everyone else has leather. I eventually started saying GG, which wasn't rude at the time, but is nowadays. I eventually started worrying about my ratio and crap like that, and /statting everyone.

What I'm getting at is that the longer this community lives on, the more prideful, greedy, and ruthless we will become. There is nothing we can do about it. You can try to resist, try to be nice to the less fortunate people, but this game is what it is. It's not a chess community or some fluffy place to get to know people. Everyone just wants to be the next Huahwi. Everyone just wants to kill everyone and gain popularity because that is what we are made of.

Honestly, this is the rudest, most ruthless online community I have ever seen.
Killing people, rude? NO WAY, YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME !


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
If I see a player abusing someone else, misleading them or any sort of harassment, I tell them to stop. I'll use colors in chat (I'm a platinum donor) so they would notice it, but when they realize that I'm not a mod (not trying to impersonate staff, just helping them) they just continue their abuse. It's not worth it to take a screenshot and post it on the forums because they can't really get punished for it except getting kicked or muted in the game itself. But then it's already too late. It's sad seeing people acting like this so I really hope that people start remembering how it used to be playing MCSG; playing with your friends and having fun.


Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
I agree on so many levels. Staff members and others do all they can, but there are so many things that cannot be done alone. We as a community need to step in and make the right decisions to get this server where it needs to be!

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