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RQsplit's 2nd Charity Birthday Stream - 16th Feb

Mr Dice

May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, there's something I think you all need to know, I've been really really stupid, Duncan isn't actually Duncan, it's some guy that sounds like him that's been posing as him on skype for the past year (that's how long he's been fooling me for, he sounds exactly like him), I told Eshan as soon as I found out, I'm really sorry but I can't provide the shirt, I'm going to do absolutely everything I can to make it up to you guys, I'm really sorry. I've reported the guy to skype, and I've sent a YouTube message to the actual Duncan informing him of his doppelganger, Eshan also asked if I could get him to tweet the stream, so I've asked him if he'll do that in the message as well. I'm really really sorry guys.
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, there's something I think you all need to know, I've been really really stupid, Duncan isn't actually Duncan, it's some guy that sounds like him that's been posing as him on skype for the past year (that's how long he's been fooling me for, he sounds exactly like him), I told Eshan as soon as I found out, I'm really sorry but I can't provide the shirt, I'm going to do absolutely everything I can to make it up to you guys, I'm really sorry. I've reported the guy to skype, and I've sent a YouTube message to the actual Duncan informing him of his doppelganger, Eshan also asked if I could get him to tweet the stream, so I've asked him if he'll do that in the message as well. I'm really really sorry guys.
Should I be surprised -_- I told you in game bout a month ago, you never responded.

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