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Reward for Recording and Getting A Hacker Banned?


May 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'm not sure 500 points my encourage more players to bounty hackers, but if MCSG had a price for people who reported hackers, that would lead to a lot less hackers. :3


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
How about the satisfaction of knowing that there is one less player you will have to compete against for mod. Not saying you will get it but yeah... You could look at it that way.
I never will get mod... I have been banned for block glitching before.


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
I think players should be awarded 500 bounty points or more for catching hackers and reporting them on the forums, this would in-courage players to Record hackers! Also if you recorded a hacker and they end up getting banned the hacker should be able to see who got him banned.(Optional). For example, if I got a hacker banned it would say for the hacker " Banned for 7 days by Brandon6895" or something like that! :D thanks for reading :)
I like the idea, but 500 seems like way to much maybe 50 or something. And, I don't know about anyone else, but I get accused of hacking in just about every game I play and I've gotten banned illegitimately. I'm worried that this will encourage people to make stuff up and fake stuff just to get points


May 19, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree with this sorry. The same way I disagree with
The reason you should WANT to report a hacker, is to have them removed permanently in my opinion, from the server. As they ruin gameplay for others. With them removed, you are free to enjoy a fair game with other fair players. This should be enough encouragement for those who are able to record. However not all have the computing power to run the badly-coded java Minecraft along with video recording software. So regardless of rewards, if a player is going to record and report they will (Like me, a long with my Youtube Videos). If they don't want to, they wont.

I agree points and overrated and all, but for other people its all they care about. Just saying "You should want to help the server not do it just because you want the points and all" isn't going to do much in the way of convincing players to report people where they ordinarily wouldn't. Sometimes a bribe is the best way to go.


Oct 12, 2012
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If hackers knew who got them banned it would lead to exessive ammounts of harrasment from the banned players to the one who reported them, beleive me... you doint want that. ;)
Getting a hacker banned should be enough reward.

Plus... as much as getting bounty would encourage people to catch more hackers.... it still would be unfair, not everybody can record.
You can poke a mod to report. Thats how i've reported many people.


Jun 26, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah, I found out from one of my reports sprint particles alone at someones feet was sufficient enough evidence due to a bukkit bug in one of the previous versions... anyways, still record them and try and get them to move around :) don't make it obvious that you're recording. - Then again, some of them make it blatently obvious like the video I've got to upload of one player with sprint particles at his feet... He doesn't walk around, but he's also got his ForceField active! So I've got a bit of video footage of him forcefielding everyone that walk within' the collision area.

It is quite tedious, having to constantly record hackers, upload the video footage and whatnot... However, if we don't do it. Who will? There are a lot of Mods, and from what I've seen they are doing a Great Job! However, all of us as a player base need to contribute.

Also warning to anyone thinking of using hacks... it's not a case of IF you get caught, it's a case of when. With a lot of legit players like myself, you will find it impossible to evade being caught. Even some that think "ohhhh I'll never get caught because I'm always careful, I only use it when no ones looking". How about the spectator over your shoulder? Or the moderator... You're almost certainly always being watched by someone.

Also, hacks are pretty lame... I mean, On games say like diablo 1 and 2, I've used various editors in single player... But they take away the fun of the game. The whole fun of MCSG is the thrill of beating someone, the trill of surviving... by using hacks you are only fooling yourself... no one else. So attention to the hackers out there... Don't do it. If you play Legit, you WILL get better. Points are over-rated. They make you more of a target. If you hack and are INSANELY good, there's no escaping it with excuses of "ahh lagg" or "I'm just pro bro". As there are real pro's on here, or good players, that can see through a good player, and a noob with hacks.

Anyways on the last note; Keep REPORTING hackers... we need them gone. Your reward will be a happy, clean and fair server to play on once the majority of them, if not all of them are gone. There's only so many times daddy or mommy will buy them another account.

P.S. - Frapsing hackers one by one... but eventually, I'll have frapsed you all.

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