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Resource pack Avatar


Jan 2, 2013
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So hey guys, Jockster here,

I was wonderingif anyone looking at this thread would be so much as a help to me, as the title says, to create a resource pack avatar for me :D

This resource pack is a mix of about... 5 resource packs? And has a great combination for pvp and fun.

So i am really at this stage looking for just one that would fit sizes and style for my awesome texture pack! Incase you guys really want to get your hands on this texture pack, i will be releasing it to the public within the next month for Beta,

So back on topic, The avatar thing.
I will fill out a number of self made applications and you guys, if you want to, can create one for these avatars if you wish, to be a great help, thanks guys!

Application #1
Text for avatar thingy?: Jockcraft PvP
IGN for avatar: jockster2002
Colour pattern? Lime green and orange
Style?( MCSG Avatarwise or Picture): Prefferably picture but avatar will do.
Ways of communication: Skype, TS ( Will message you if you want them to contact me.)

Application #2
Text: Jockster's Resources ( Still thinking on name.)
IGN: Jockster2002
Background?: Holiday Resort beach
Size: I would prefer square and quite small ( Terrible with messurements :p)
Ways of communication: Skype, TS ( Will message you if you want them to contact me.)

So thanks once again guys, Incase you guys are wondering, there will be something in there for the people who will do the Top 3 best pictures/avatars: Beta testing my resource pack, to help make it a great success!
Please provide a way of communication to me once you have finished your picure/avatar so i can contact you if you have been chosen!!

So good luck guys, i hope to hear from you guys soon! :)

Thanks once again guys,

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