IGN: Aidan4AU
Age: 12
Skype: YoshiTime717
Wins: 212
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 1517
Strengths: Sword, Fns, Bow, Fishing Rod.
Weaknesses: Stacked teams of 3 or over, lag, hackers, my internet being bad
Timezone: Central
Donor: Diamond
PastClans: #Never, #Vanquish, #WolfePack, #Determination, #ArtOfPVP
Maturity (Out of 10): 8.8
How Active are you?: I play daily because it's summer, why not?
Do you know anyone in this clan?: Yoshie123455, Shorty_Clutch (He's a trial member), Bcuzimbored1243 (We ran into each other on valleyside once, i 3 hearted him i think
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: Why not? It's so cool