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Reflection US Clan

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May 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Xx_ZeroPanda_xX
Age: 11
Skype: xx_zeropanda_xx
Wins: 139
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 782
Strengths: F & S, Sword, strafing while in sword combat
Weaknesses: Strafing good bow users
Timezone: Eastern
Donor: no
PastClans: embellished, evolved, fatality
Maturity (Out of 10): 6-7/10
How Active are you?: everyday, about 10 hours a day
Do you know anyone in this clan?: no
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: I like being in clans and the past clans i've been in... are stupid.
DENIED: Didn't meet win requirements


May 6, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Makajoe
Age: 16
Skype: jojua3229
Wins: 624
Games Played: 3100
Strengths: I have an amazing knowledge of every single map in mcsg, including the ones that are never played, more popular maps i guarantee i know all t2s in and all map secrets. I am proficient in hand to hand combat, and i communicate well with other players.
Weaknesses: Bow, fps fluctuates but doesnt usually cause problems
Timezone: EST
Donor: Gold or Iron, one or the other, but always one
Past Clans: Ziege (was leader - disbanded), Renovation (left - wasnt a serious enough clan)
Maturity (Out of 10): 9
How Active are you?: Very, even when im not on mcsg, im constantly active on ts and skype, and with the exception of school hours, im always available to be on mcsg
Do you know anyone in this clan?: CoolDarkraiDude :D , got him on skype, he did a cb with ziege and ive talked to him multiple times after that.
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: I never bothered with applying for more professional clans when i had less than 500 wins, i never felt like i had the right amount of experience to join one of those better clans. But now, i feel more confident in my pvp skills and i have the experience of 600 wins on my back to support that. After my clan ziege disbanded, ive been looking for a clan to join that looks serious about its work, and eventually i found myself here, i respected CoolDarkraiDude as the leader of a clan before and still do now, if there is any clan i want to be in now, its Reflection.
Be Active on the ts and get to know people... the ip is invar.typefrag.com:4375


Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: XxRazerPvPxX, 12silverbeast
Age: 11
Skype: Lebronpro1233
Wins: 92 outa 684 + my other account has 205, and stats reset. proof http://gyazo.com/9ad5400a2091dc23b5e98af8ac4ed2e9
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 685
Strengths: Ping, fns, fishingrod, and swords
Weaknesses: water fights, hackers, stacked teams of 2, fighting someone that is in the top 100
Timezone: Central standerd time
Donor: Platnuim
PastClans: vintage, this reflection clan I just went to a diff clan and this is the one I really like :D, Vizualz
Maturity (Out of 10): 8
How Active are you?: 8
Do you know anyone in this clan?: Sorta ive played with almost all of the people in this clan but I don't really know anyone
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: because I have tried some other clans and this is the one I really like and people that are in the clan are reall nice and funny.


Dec 29, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: XxRazerPvPxX, 12silverbeast
Age: 11
Skype: Lebronpro1233
Wins: 92 outa 684 + my other account has 205, and stats reset. proof http://gyazo.com/9ad5400a2091dc23b5e98af8ac4ed2e9
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 685
Strengths: Ping, fns, fishingrod, and swords
Weaknesses: water fights, hackers, stacked teams of 2, fighting someone that is in the top 100
Timezone: Central standerd time
Donor: Platnuim
PastClans: vintage, this reflection clan I just went to a diff clan and this is the one I really like :D, Vizualz
Maturity (Out of 10): 8
How Active are you?: 8
Do you know anyone in this clan?: Sorta ive played with almost all of the people in this clan but I don't really know anyone
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: because I have tried some other clans and this is the one I really like and people that are in the clan are reall nice and funny.


Mar 7, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: Camalops| swagtastic153
Age: 13
Skype: dont wish too put on bc of Da Dosss
Wins: 700
(If you reset your stats, give proof): Nope
GamesPlayed: 5000
Strengths: fns bow sword water fights
Weaknesses: haxors, 3 man fights, and need to get better with the rod.
Timezone: Eastern
Donor: dia on camalops
PastClans: Eternity and more... ( quit for a while so i cant remember some.)
Maturity (Out of 10): 8
How Active are you?: 10 (veryyyy active)
Do you know anyone in this clan?: i remember some of the names but not sure if we got close or not.
Why do you want to be in Reflection?:
Because i want too join a good clan, and get better. Also i would like too meet new people and create friendships! :p


Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ZachPlayzMC
Age: 11.5
Wins: 585
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 2467
Strengths: sword fns rod
Weaknesses: waterbattles
Timezone: Central
Donor: gold
PastClans: Transcendent, Variance, ArtOfPvP
Maturity (Out of 10): 6
How Active are you?: Almost daily
Do you know anyone in this clan?: CreeperGoesPro
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: I would like to be in Reflection because I am looking for a good clan that clan battles actively, and that has good members


Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: ZachPlayzMC
Age: 11.5
Wins: 585
(If you reset your stats, give proof):
GamesPlayed: 2467
Strengths: sword fns rod
Weaknesses: waterbattles
Timezone: Central
Donor: gold
PastClans: Transcendent, Variance, ArtOfPvP
Maturity (Out of 10): 6
How Active are you?: Almost daily
Do you know anyone in this clan?: CreeperGoesPro
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: I would like to be in Reflection because I am looking for a good clan that clan battles actively, and that has good members
How dare you have the same name as Zman


Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: Aidan4AU
Age: Turned 13.
Skype: YoshiTime717
Wins: 384
(If you reset your stats, give proof): Nah
GamesPlayed: 2094
Strengths: Sword, Strafing, Fishing rod, Bowspam, Flint and steel, teams of 2 when I have Flint and steel and arrows.
Weaknesses: H4x0rzzzz Lag, My internet connection, teams of over 4, Bcuz. :p
Timezone: CST
Donor: Diamond
PastClans: ArtOfPVP, Determination, Scyth, Raidiant, ArtOfPVP V2.
Maturity (Out of 10): 7.5
How Active are you?: 8.7/10
Do you know anyone in this clan?:My friend, FierceShadow ! Nice to see you here!
Why do you want to be in Reflection?: The reason I want to be in Reflection is Bcuz (He is a reason too) I want to show you guys my Pvp skill, and I didn't get to show it because I was inactive. I promise to be active and on the TS every day. I also want to apologize to Bcuz and Darkrai, for saying false things about them not liking me. I want to make up for it by showing my skill, and also show them I have a better personality than I have shown. I have improved immensely since I was Trialed and clocked. I want to get to know Spu, loudninja, and play with Bcuz and/or Darkrai to get to know them and more people in this community. It would be a dream come true to reside in a clan as elite as this. This is the most talent I have seen in a clan.
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