Minecraft IGN: Ironwazzerr
Age: 14
Wins: 660+ (Alts combined)
Donor: Yes Iron
Do you have Skype or TS: I have both
Skype name: AlphaCakeYT
Timezone: PST
PvP strengths: Sword, bow, rod and FnS
PvP weaknesses: TruDairy
Past Clans: Impalers, Forsaken, React, Kronic, #Shocked, Fallen, Eternity, #Swift, The Abandoned and MCSGBroz
Are you willing to use the #React skin?: Sure why not
Lastly, tell us about yourself: I'm a 14 year old boy that likes to play video games. I play games such as COD, minecraft and dead space. I have straight A+ in all my classes and have honor classes. My favorite color is purple and I like dogs. Favorite YouTuber would most likely be Huahwi or TOXICWASTEII . I use the resource pack default or toxic's pack. Last but not least, I seen people in my neighborhood twerk. Eeewewwwww!!!!!