- Joined
- Apr 30, 2013
- Messages
- 995
- Reaction score
- 509
ya of course.Might apply for this clan, can I be cheerleader for now? Good luck!
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
ya of course.Might apply for this clan, can I be cheerleader for now? Good luck!
We accept, ill pm you over skype.We here at #JollyThugs would like to challenge your clan to a battle. Add me on skype at operdasher_mc if you would like to discuss this. thanks.
Cool.We accept, ill pm you over skype.
Thanks and I got you.Good luck, cheerleader please.
ACCEPTED Rank: MemberOk here's my app :
Mincraft(MinEcraft* ;3) IGN: NixGamez
Age: 12
Wins: 217/1588
Donor: Yus, diamond
Do you have Skype or TS: Both of them
Skype name: nixhamez
Timzone(TimEzone* ;3): GMT +2 (or +1)
PvP strengths: FnS, bow, sword
PvP weaknesses: rod(trying to get better on it), block-hitting, water fights
Past Clans: none, all that I applied for were inactive or disbanded when I was trialing
Lastly tell us about yourself: I am pretty good at PvP in my opinion, I play on swish everyday to improve and improve and improve, otherwise I have sweg
ACCEPTED Rank: MemberMincraft IGN: brankster52
Age: 14
Wins: You know
Donor: Will be getting Diamond soon
Do you have Skype or TS: Yesh
Skype name: brankster52 or skitsoidphyco (You should have it)
Timzone: Central
PvP strengths: EVERYTHING
PvP weaknesses: Hackers, Bad computer
Past Clans: #Shadow, #Deception, #Impact
Lastly tell us about yourself: 1 word. AWESOME!!!
Yay!ACCEPTED Rank: Member
ACCEPTED Rank: Member