Minecraft IGN: TopOfTheWorldGM
Age: 14
Wins: 447/992
Donor: No
Do you have Skype or TS: Yes i have both
Skype name:ian.haas68
Timezone: Central
PvP strengths: FnS, Block hit, Strafe
PvP weaknesses: Bow
Past Clans: Forsaken
Are you willing to use the #React skin?: If necessary yes.
Lastly, tell us about yourself: My real name is Ian, and I love PvP. I started playing MCSG about 1 year ago with these rlly mean people who lowered my self esteem. Once i got better at PvP I made my account TopOfTheWorldGM, and this is where I am now. I play Basketball and soccer so my schedule can be busy sometimes. I love trap music and hanging out with friends also.