Welcome to the EU community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!helo im new to eu comunity
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Welcome to the EU community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!helo im new to eu comunity
declineax sryIGN: Cryticz
Name / Nickname: Trisan
Age: 13+
Skype (may PM): pvpminion (dont ask why, its my ign from 4 years ago)
Wins* (Legacy/New): legacy= 150/834 , new= 48/154 (could be better if there were no hackers.
Why do you want to join Rasclarts?: Because I want to make friends and have fun in competetive pvp. And help you guys in clan wars to get your rankings in the EUCL higher.
What will you bring to Rasclarts?: Another decent member in your roster
x_Dwatch your back, kids
acept, reason: epic apply!IGN:
Name / Nickname: Ninok or Nils
Age: 17
Skype (may PM): primeax
Wins* (Legacy/New): MANY
Why do you want to join Rasclarts?: WHY NOT
What will you bring to Rasclarts?: Skilz
hi ur accepted congratsIGN: kidddo
Name / Nickname: pvp_g_od
Age: 15
Skype (may PM): already got it m7s
Wins* (Legacy/New): idfk
Why do you want to join Rasclarts?: cus u luv i
What will you bring to Rasclarts?: infin1Te pVP
Name / Nickname: pvp_g_od
Age: 15
Skype (may PM): already got it m7s
Wins* (Legacy/New): idfk
Why do you want to join Rasclarts?: cus u luv i
What will you bring to Rasclarts?: infin1Te pVP