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Rank Guide


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Fellow MCSG Players,
I was just looking through the general support section on the Forums and there a billion guides and none that I saw go through all the ranks in detail and what they offer and how to obtain such a rank. So I'm here to do that today because I know that there are some people out there who don't know what all the ranks offer and how to get that rank.

So first I will start out with just a list of all of the ranks then Below I will write the list again but give a brief description of how to obtain the rank and what it offers.

Sr. Moderator

Now I'm going to list the ranks again but go through briefly what the rank has to offer and how to get the rank.

Member - You don't have to do anything to get this rank except join the server. It has 1 vote for everything and you have no join priority. The color that your name will be in chat and in tab is the color that is on this thread.

Iron - To get this rank you have to donate $10 to MCSG. This rank last for one month and you can join full servers by kicking a Member. You get 2 votes for everything and when you buy the rank you get 100 free points. The color that your name will be in chat and in the tab is the color that is on this thread.

Gold - To get this rank you have to donate $25 to MCSG. This rank last for 3 months and you can join full servers kicking Iron and Members. You get 3 votes for everything and when you buy the rank you get 250 points per month of the 3 months you have it. The color that your name will be in chat and in the tab is the color that is on this thread.

Diamond - To get this rank you have to donate $75 to MCSG. This rank last for lifetime and you can join full servers kicking Gold, Iron and Members. You get 4 votes for everything and when you buy the rank you get 500 points every month. The color that your name will be in chat and in the tab is the color that is on this thread.

Platinum - To get this rank you have to donate $100 to MCSG. This rank last for lifetime and you can just full servers kicking Diamond, Gold, Iron and Members. You get 5 votes for everything and when you buy the rank you get 500 points every month. You can also scramble your points using the command /scramble and to unscramble them /unscramble. For example if you had 10,000 points and did /scramble it randomly generates a low number of points and you may have 30 points and when you do /unscramble your back to your original state of points in this case 10,000. You can also do /fly in the hub and in the lobby and everyone will say your hacking by the way and fly around and go see all the cool staff rooms and see what MCSG looks like from above. You also have permission to type in chat in a few different colors using color codes for example doing &c and you will type in that color. You can also have a wardrobe in the hub and wear some cool clothes that nobody else has. You can also have your own pet! There are a lot of pets and you can have a horse and ride around in the hub. The color that your name will be in chat and in tab is the color that is on this thread.

VIP - You can get this rank by helping out the server in some way. The way that most people achieve this rank is buy making a map that is on the server. The color that your name will be in chat and in tab is the color that is on this thread.

Moderator - You can get this rank by applying on the website here http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/apply/ It is a very hard working job that takes a lot of commitment so do not apply if you are not going to be active and donate all your time to MCSG. The color that your name will be in chat and in tab is the color that is on this thread.

Sr. Moderator - You get this rank by being a Moderator for a very long time and doing an extremely well job banning players, handling situations, being active on the TeamSpeak, Forums and Server and really proving that your worthy for this rank. The color that your name will be in chat and in tab will be the color that is on this thread.

Developer - You can get this rank by applying for it here http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/forums/apply/ This rank also is a very hard working job and you help fix all the bugs with MCSG and develop plugins for MCSG you also have to be active on the TeamSpeak, Forums, and the Server. Your name will be rainbow!

Administrator - You can get this rank by being a Moderator for a very long long time and then being promoted to Sr.Mod and then being an extremely well Sr.Mod and being extremely active on the Teamspeak, Forums, and Server and handling the hard work and doing a lot of fun stuff!

Owner - The Boss of it at ChadTheDJ he keeps this server running and is awesome.

Well, that's all the ranks. I hope that this was very helpful to everyone and If It was leave a like! It took me a while to make this and I hope everything is right. Thanks for reading and tell me if this helps! Have a great day MCSG!

- Subtract
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District 13
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
We already have rank guides and I don't see any reason to sticky this thread.


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Sr. Moderator -​
You get this rank by being a Moderator for a very long time and doing an extremely well job banning players, handling situations, being active on the TeamSpeak, Forums and Server and really proving that your worthy for this rank. The color that your name will be in chat and in t​
I believe you made an error in this last sentence.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the support and sorry I didn't see any of the Rank Guides, well this is an updated one with no Friend rank :p

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Most updated ranks guide; thanks for your time! :)

Stickied and Guided.
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
There isn't technically an owner rank, but otherwise, great thread! This can help a lot of newcomers. Hopefully they look at this and notice they removed friend rank. Make sure to keep this thread updated if any new changes come!


District 13
Jul 1, 2012
Reaction score
We already have rank guides, and there is errors in this thread. Unstickied. Unguided. Captain | Lqzer You are to always ask sr staff before sticking threads. That was re-iterated in the past.

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