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Random Tips

Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
This post will be of me listing random little things that you may already know, but some you may not. Either way, I always feel cheap knowing things that others don't, so feel free to say any that I may have missed. All of these tips will benefit in some scenario, just not as many as others might help.

-If you press F3 and A, all chunks will reload. This fixes chunk errors as well as the world cutting off in some cases. Be warned, this causes a few seconds of fps lag due to reloadingthe whole world over again. The lower your render distance, the less lag there is.

-If you are teamed with someone, stand inside of them and make sure you're seeing the inside of their head. Name tags are easier spotted when doing this.

-You can sprint in water. Yes, I'm serious. Sink to the bottom of the water and double tap as normally when touching the ground. The speed boost is extremely minor, but it helps nonetheless.

-Critical hits occur when FALLING, not jumping. You can jump to cause yourself to fall, but when going up critical hits don't occur, only falling. Also, all weapons have the same critical hit formula, and no weapon swings faster than any other one.

-It's dangerous, but into jump into a cobweb, every hit will be a critical hit. This is due to webs slowing your falling speed. When you hit the ground again, though, hits return tonormal until you fall again.

-The new 1.6 Golden Apples brought a new effect called Absorption. It gives you 2 extra hearts. Every 30 seconds for the two minutes that the effect lasts the hearts will regenerate.

-Block hitting only works if you are hit when actually blocking. If hit between swinging and blocking, full damage is received.

-When someone is hit, for a short time they're body turns red. When they are in the red state, they cannot take damage but swords and other tools still use durability.

-If you are caught on fire by a Flint and Steel, do NOT run. Keep attacking. The fire takes too long to go out for running to actually benefit you.

-Minecraft's default fullscreen mode will actually run faster than a window will. The only visible program is your game, so back when I used a Macbook it actually gave me over 15 extra frames.

-On maps with a lot of lava, turn your sounds off. The lack of constant bubbling noises should reduce lag.

-Armor without Protection or Feather Falling do nothing against fall damage. Also, jumping off of ledges instead of falling can add a whole heart of damage to the total.

-If fighting a team of two, try and light one of them on fire. The flaming guy will likely back off, leaving you with only one fight at a time. If possible, burn them both. It will make killingthem easier.

-Axes aren't a very good weapon unless you have nothing else, since they do less damage and can't block. Try to refrain from fan-boying and craft a sword instead.

-Pumpkin Pie has terrible saturation. It restores 4 hunger, but doesn't last long. Golden Carrots, on the other hand, have huge saturation, so don't waste them. If you didn't know, saturation is an invisible bar that shows how long until you are in need of food again.

That's all I have the patience to type, so enjoy the free info.

(I also attached a photo for lols so have fun with that ^-^)


Last edited:


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
use the fishing rod tactic it helps alot.

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