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R.I.P #Exotic <3

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Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score


Welcome to #Exotic. We are an EU clan which aim to be one of the most successful and feared clans out there. We will try to have 3 - 5 clan wars every week. If you like what you see and are looking for a good clan feel free to apply as long as you have the following requirements.

400 wins + (Exceptions can and will be made if u are a friend of someone in the clan or if u have a great W/L ratio)
13 years old + (exceptions can be made)
MUST have 6 or better ratio!
Must have Skype AND Working Mic!
Must have TeamSpeak3
Good all round PvP Skill
Backstabbing a team mate will result in a kick from the clan (Unless accident, but continuously doing it will not class as an accident!)
Be Mature and be cool to the rest of the team!

You must only be in ONE clan!
You must speak English!

Would also be cool if u had a donor but not compulsory.

Minecraft IGN:
What should we call you?:
In what country do you live in?:

Gender (Just so we know):

How often do you play MCSG?:
Wins (400+):
Total games played:
Do you have TeamSpeak3?:
PvP Strengths:
PvP Weakness (You have a few):
How much time are you willing to donate to the clan?:
Previous Clans?:
Why do you want to be in #Exotic?:


- Owners -


- Co-Owner -

- OAO -


- Moderators -


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- Tanks -




- Members -



- GFX -
- Trial Members -

- Cheerleaders -






You made a big part in our clan, and you will be missed. What is done is done, and can never be changed.
When in doubt, fish...

[W] - [P] - [L]
Won:29 | Lost:1

#Exotic vs #Suffocate [W] 3-0
#Exotic vs #TheExplosive [W] 3-1
#Exotic vs #PandaElite [W] 3-0
#Exotic vs #Noble [W] 3-0

#Exotic vs #Hysteria [W] 5-1
Comment: (lost first round due to fist glitch abuser killed 3 out of 4 of us within the space of 30 seconds) Great teamwork GG!
#Exotic vs #Wombatsquad [W] 3-0
Comment: They forfeited at 1-0
#Exotic vs #TheGladiatorZ [W] 5-0
Comment: They left a game without reason. Then they decided to put a 5-0 victory on their thread without a forfeit. Then they didn't agree to carry on playing which means they forfeit. So i guess we win!
#Exotic vs #Extinction [W] 5-0
Comment: At 2-0 up they decided that was enough for one day. Great teamwork!
#Exotic vs #Magicweapon [W] 5-0
Comment: They were hackers. 4 of us hit one of there players about 20 times each and he didnt die then killed us. GG hackers
#Exotic vs #Vector [W] 5-0
Comment: We were 3-1 up and they decided to forfeit. GG all round.
#Exotic vs #TVY [W] 5-0
Comment: We went 4-1 up and they

#Exotic vs #Extinction (Rematch) [W] 5-0
Comment: We were 2-0 up then they starting complaining about the new food feature. Some arguments then broke out and they forfeitted. Here is an image of they being very violent in chat to us - http://i.imgur.com/JEkQr5N.png

#Exotic vs #TeamSypher [W] 5-2
Comment: GG Great teamwork on our behalf.
#Exotic vs #Easiest [W] 5-1
Comment: After us getting lagged out and getting killed by regen hackers we actually did well. Well done team
#Exotic vs #Easiest (Rematch) [W] 5-0
Comment: Fair play to them for trying to rematch us, but didn't go to plan. GG!
#Exotic vs #Conquered [W] 5-0
Comment: At 4-2 they DQ'ed us for using the fence glitch which is allowed, then they used another member in there clan to kill us who wasnt even on there lineup. Then they sponsored a clan mate which is a DQ. Then they put on their thread they won 5-0. Tip, never play clans who dont know the rules!
#Exotic vs #Frustration [W] 5-0
Comment: Another forfeit... http://gyazo.com/13887ac6997c0e0cd1204f603c61735a
#Exotic vs #Exile [W] 5(4)-0
Comment: At 4-0 up they didn't want to carry on the clan war. I have to admit they were unlucky at parts but so were we with hackers. GG all round. http://gyazo.com/d8508e24760d154fb579465fa125a19d
#Exotic vs #Cynix II [W] 5-0
Comment: Good game, after the victory they disbanded.
#Exotic vs #Deflect [W] 5-0
Comment: We had a lot of lag, but didn't stop us winning. Great teamwork!
#Exotic vs #Nitride [W] (3)5-(2)0
Comment: The rules we sent to them clearly stated that there was to be NO postponements, and they agreed. At 3-2 up they decided they wanted to postpone, when they agreed to no postponing. So as they will not continue to carry on playing they forfeited, and they aren't taking the loss... Tip: Never agree to rules u cant keep.... http://gyazo.com/fa4ac7bd687455103450a5930062a9ba. Here they say they lost, but won't put it on there thread. They put on their thread they won 5-3. What a great clan they are...
#Exotic vs #TeamSypher (Rematch) [W] 5-2
Comment: Some people who hate our clan decided to join the game and tell TeamSypher that i told them to join and target them, which i didnt. He has shown NO evidence or proof to me telling him that, as i didnt. Sypher however have put a 5-0 win on their thread as they believe i did, but again, there is no evidence and proof showing this. They refuse to take the loss as we beat them a second time round. Sadly, Sypher aren't good enough to take losses a second time round.
#Exotic vs #TeamSeka [W] 5-4
Comment: By far the toughest clan war yet. Well played to them. Araxed 3v1'ed them in the final round to make us win 5-4. Well played to them!
#Exotic vs #TheInfected [W] 5-2
Comment: Even though they had someone in their clan that hacked, and they were playing 4 players instead of 3. It was a good clan war.
#Exotic vs #Exile (Rematch) [W] 5-0
Comment: For starters someone in their clan hacked. So thats an automatic DQ. Then they started to abuse us and we asked them to stop or we will DQ them, they carried on multiple times, which also results in a DQ.
#Exotic vs #TheInfected (Rematch) [W] 5-0
Comment: They wanted a rematch, so, they got it...
#Exotic vs #WolfArmy [W] 5-0
Comment: GG
#Exotic vs #TMW [W] 5-1
Comment: Great teamwork on our side, outclassed!
#Exotic vs #DeluxeDiamonds [W] 5-0
Comment: Just a clan war to get our teamwork up and ready for bigger clan wars!
#Exotic vs #DeadPixels [L] 2-5
Comment: Really bad on our part. A lot of ghosting due to them killing us, but ya know, it does happen. Also a lot of bad
decisions from our players and we lacked teamwork. We didn't have our top 5 players playing, we shouldn't of underestimated them. Not going to be a bad looser. Good game i guess.

In order to fight us, you MUST agree on these rules

Only first to 5

Only 3v3's or 4v4's

Postpones allowed (For 1 day maximum)
No sponsoring

Only use people who's on the roster

No bounty

No teaming with randomers

Two minutes grace period

Crash in game counts as death

Crash in pregame without proof = Game continues

Not following these rules (both clans need to agree on them), will result as a DQ.

Clan War Organisers
JackD88 (jackdearman1)
dodgy8gers (skype: dody8gers)
FoxesCanFly (skulltack)
Last edited:


Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
pumps ur gunu have to delete this clan..there is already a exotic clan with loads of ppl in it ...led by shy impact
and u can't put elite on ur clan name cuz the way u become elite is you have to have at least 20 ppl in ur clan and win games against high end clan


Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
pumps ur gunu have to delete this clan..there is already a exotic clan with loads of ppl in it ...led by shy impact
and u can't put elite on ur clan name cuz the way u become elite is you have to have at least 20 ppl in ur clan and win games against high end clan
um no its not


Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
pumps ur gunu have to delete this clan..there is already a exotic clan with loads of ppl in it ...led by shy impact
and u can't put elite on ur clan name cuz the way u become elite is you have to have at least 20 ppl in ur clan and win games against high end clan
there is not clan called #Exotic, Shy_Impact clan is called #silent, if u have nothing valid to say then get of my thread


Jul 3, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: K1NG_CREEP3R
What should we call you?: Adam
Where are you from?: UK
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 93
Total games played: 1979
Skype: You have it
PvP Strengths: Sword, fishing rod, flint and steel
PvP Weakness: bow, switching between weapons quickly
Favourite maps: SG4 Teweren Survival Games 2
Why do you want to be in #Exotic: Because I want to be in a clan and I know the leader. I just want to try it. #Exotic looks like they have potential!
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