Minecraft IGN: Obitofan123
What should we call you?: Obi Or Nick
In what country do you live in?: England
Age: 12 going on to 13
Gender (Just so we know): Male
Donor: Diamond!
How often do you play MCSG?: Eruy Dai!
Wins (400+): 436
Total games played: 1357
Skype: obitofan123 or "Nick I #Guardians R.I.P I Graphic Design I YouTube"
Do you have TeamSpeak3?: yesh
Mic: Samson CO1U condenser Mic/ if you meant yes or no then yes =D
PvP Strengths: FnS,Sword,Bow,Op Ping
PvP Weakness (You have a few): fishing rod accuracy
Favorite maps: Holiday resort,Wyvern's wake, Vallyside University, All The maps by Twereran, SG 1-4, Breeze Island,Avarcia, Sg Highway and Icarus.
How much time are you willing to donate to the clan?: Eruy Dai!
Previous Clans?: Axis- Co-owner, Revenge EU,Guardians EU.
Why do you want to be in #Exotic?: I really think your clan is good and has big potential to become big and i would love to become a part of it i also would like to play with good players so i can become OP with them.