go babe
Minecraft IGN: videgard
What should we call you?: vide/assar
Where are you from?: sweden
Age: 12
Gender (Just so we know):boi
Donor: yuz boii a gold one
How often do you play MCSG?: 6 days a week
Wins: 255
Total games played: 1400
Skype: raddox0047
PvP Strengths: block hitting fns (Fishing rod) crits
PvP Weakness (You have a few): bow teams 3+ hackers good players!!
Favorite maps: solar frost vallyside sg4
Any Previous Clans?: #Obey
Why do you want to be in #Exotic: cuz you told me wercreeper and you have a lotz good players
(If I don't get in you have a good luck from me <3)