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Oct 1, 2014
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Hey guys (and ladys) this will be my first thread post. So I'm a pretty decent pvp'er who started playing survival games on other servers and have made it to here. I used to play on this server when i first started MC and of course was really bad and quit the server. When i came back to this server I played around 90 something games and won 9 of them. That may not be to impressive, but surely it's decent. Other than that i'm here to help any of you out there wanting pvp help, or needing tips.

Sword- After playing MC for a while I learned some pretty nifty tips:
1. Learn to Strafe. You basically keep going around the opponent making it hard for the opponent to hit you and making it easier for you to hit them. If you don't follow this technique, and go straight on you will most likely lose.
2. Learn to block hit. Of course it slows you down, and may be hard to pull off, but it can help a lot in fights. Especially when you are facing teams and need to take the least amount damage as possible. You should only use this technique at certain times like in closed areas, or for just a few easy hits. Other than that it gives the opponent a easy chance to strafe you.

Bow- This wonderful tool is amazing for getting extra damage for getting in a fight, or getting people running away that are low. Most of the things you can learn from the bow is experience. I'm a pretty good bowman and usually hit most of my shots. To be really good with the bow you need to be good at guessing the opponents next move. So go get bowing.

Flint & Steel- This wonderful item is amazing for starting a fight and confusing your opponents. When your opponents are on fire, if they don't have a texture pack on that stops this the fire blocks most of there screen making it hard for them to see you. This makes it easy for you to strafe them while they are confused, and also get some extra damage in. It is also helpful for running away in fights, as if you were low and running away you just set the opponent ablaze, and keep running. Remember getting good with this tool will require some quick hot-key pressing, so don't get mad if you accidentally mess up, we all have before.

Fishing Rod- This you need to really learn how to use to even come close to the pro pvp'ers out on this server. Most people don't understand the usefulness in this weapon but it is very lethal in situations. What you always need to do is hit the opponent with the fishing rod right before a fight and switch back to the sword to hit him. Most of the time this will result in free hits against you opponent putting you at an advantage. It is also good for escaping someone just like the flint & steel. You quickly turn around hit the opponent with the rod and continue running, easy. One thing you should know about the rod is the infinite fishing rod glitch. All you do is hit the opponent with the rod (DO NOT REEL BACK IN) switch to your sword or any other item, then there your rod should not be damaged. By this you don't need to carry extra rods with you.

Chest Routes- This is only really for hunger games, but since most of this server is about that I might as well put out info for them. These things are very vital to survival and death. Of course by the other tips even a pro pvp'er can't win with crappy leather gear. He needs a chest route for most of the maps out there. These things are easy to do, you can either make a route yourself or find one about a certain map on youtube.

Hopefully these tips have helped some of you in your pvp, and don't forget to try your best and pvp on!
Last edited:


Oct 1, 2014
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Remember i'm always active so if anyone needs help i will usually respond at some point!


Feb 26, 2014
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False, straight lining works with more latency.


Feb 26, 2014
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What r u talking about?
Sword- After playing MC for a while I learned some pretty nifty tips:
1. Learn to Strafe. You basically keep going around the opponent making it hard for the opponent to hit you and making it easier for you to hit them. If you don't follow this technique, and straight on you will most likely lose.
Im talking about that


Oct 18, 2014
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There are different sides to it, there are a lot of factors to be taken into consideration when sword fighting. If someone is walking in a straight line and hitting me, normally I am able to quickly pull of a flint and steel on my opponent and they will walk right into it, meaning I can get away.

The matter is different when being strafed as it's a lot harder to hit someone due to ping etc ...

I recommend watching Huahwi's tips and tricks video to help you. Although watching it won't make you any better at the game, you must learn through your own experiences.

Good Luck!

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