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#Purple Cobras - AU Clan

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Sep 23, 2013
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Incase Codsno hasn't told anyone, the clan has now disbanded. Have a good one


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
(Do not misinterpret this speech as me saying that MCGamer is dying, that is not the point)

Why hello there fabulous people on the internet. If you don't know me already my name is Cameron or as most know me as snochet65 or CoDsNo65. There were many motives behind the creation of this clan, and in many ways I love how this clan will finally finish of my career in the clan scene. Anyway if you could not tell by now, I am disbanding the clan and quitting the clan scene altogether.

Why did I make this decision? Well there were many reasons why but I will only touch basis on a few of the main points. This clan was made in order to create another clan in the almost seemingly dead AU clan scene in order to revive the glory days that we once had. I thought that adding the extra competition would give birth to the clan scene again, showing another dominant clan that everyone wanted to beat, but that didn't really work out and the disbanding the AU Clan leaderboards was an act that showed me the true extent of how dead the AU Clan scene is. I firstly created this clan with Blake, Jimmy and Nick, but when all three of them found interest in things outside of minecraft then I no longer felt like owning a clan anymore. The most important reason why I disbanded the clan was that I no longer had the passion in owning a clan. With so many members in this clan having a passion that I could not personally meet was unfair towards them. They need a leader that has the passion in owning a clan and becoming the best. I have already been apart of the number 1 clan, I no longer had the passion to become something I had already achieved before.

To the admins of the clan, I want to thank you all very much for your hard work, dedication and undoubted loyalty you have had towards the clan. I have asked so little of you yet you overachieved in almost every area. Your work towards the clan will not be forgotten by me and many of the community members that have watched this clan grow, in its short lifespan. I formally give thanks to Jimmy | Intelligent Lebron12 Blake and TeeArrr for making the burden of owning a clan so much easier and we will stay in touch <3.

To every single member of Purple Cobras, whether you have been apart from the begining, the end or were kicked in the process, thank you all so much for the opportunity to lead you guys under my name. You are a group of incredibly talented and amazing human beings and I love you for each perfection and flaw you have. You are all so incredibly unique, that in times I wanted to disband this clan I actually kept it together in order not to let you guys down. You have such an amazing passion that I cannot match and that can be put into something to create something even better else where. I love you all and will miss you all very much. I will try and keep in touch with you as much as possible.

To the community and other clans, don't take this disbanding as something to be upset about, or a sign that the AU clan scene is heading towards a never ending abyss of randy clans and cheating clans, but take it more as a hope. Maybe from the disbanding from this clan something great will rise from the ashes, and some dominant clans will become even more dominant. On behalf of everyone in Purple Cobras I would like to thank Jordyy ep1cn00bt00b Narwhalll and knowledgeguy for the great cb's we had together. I cannot thank you enough for your good sportsmanship and working together in order to have the cleanest cb's we can possible have. Even through some tough arguments we were able to meet the middle ground and I cannot thank you enough for being mature and sportsmanlike in nature.

And now to my 42. You have done the one thing that I was simply not capable of doing. Nick you are the undoubted king of clan battles, and you never cease to amaze me on how bloody good you have gotten at clan battles. If it wasn't for you, this clan wouldn't of had a single win because I never had the competence to lead a clan battle, or at least on the same level as you. Your work towards this clan will not be forgotten and you will not be forgotten by me. Ily and we will always stay in touch.

What happens to the clan? That is up to Lebron and TeeArrr as they now have full ownership of this clan. What happens to the members? Well that is their decision and I hope that they make the best decision they can make so they can be treated the way they deserve. What happens to me? Well I will still be around, I promised that I would prove everyone wrong that I could be a good staff member and I don't think I'm there yet. I also have something else in mind that I want to chase for, but only specific people know about that and it will stay that way for a while ;). I love you all and thank you very much for the journey, it just was not meant to be. I'm sorry for letting you all down.

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