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Prodigious | US Clan

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Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: OwenzKillz
Age: 14
Wins: 243
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes Both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): OwenzKillz
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes, Turtle Beach X12
PVP Strengths: Flint and Steels, sword combat and bow
PVP Weaknesses: Fishing rod, hackers and teams bigger than 3
How active are you?(1-10): 9
How would you help Prodigious?: I would try to be kind and thoughtful of the clan members in this clan.
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Because all the people in the clan seem great and awesome at PVP
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I would practice untill all the clan members feel great and pumped to play!
Accepted for trial! We will add you to the Skype chat! Welcome to Prodigious
Minecraft IGN: MrCrafty1
Age: 12 (I am still very mature.)
Wins: 305
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: I have both.
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): CuhraftyPvP
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes a logitech (not sure of the name but it runs well)
PVP Strengths: Fishing rod, FnS, and Hand to Hand combat.
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers, Water Fights, and Bows.
How active are you?(1-10): 7-8
How would you help Prodigious?: I would benefit the clan by being a offensive player and cheering up the clan! :)
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I want to join because this clan is definitely going to progress and soon become one of the best.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes.
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I would make it so that the clan has a schedule so that the clan can be active when there is clan battles and everything. I would not like it if my members missed a clan battle.
Accepted for trial! We will add you to the Skype chat! Welcome to Prodigious


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: LtxeXx
Age: 13
Wins: 146?
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): ltxexx
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Fishing Pole, FNS, and Bow.
PVP Weaknesses: Blockhitting.
How active are you?(1-10): 9
How would you help Prodigious?: I would help this clan by being the best teammate i can..
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Its a skilled clan among others.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: MrCrafty1
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I would be the best i can.

If you have a star(*) next to your name it meens inactive, near kick from clan.


Aug 2, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: LtxeXx
Age: 13
Wins: 146?
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): ltxexx
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Fishing Pole, FNS, and Bow.
PVP Weaknesses: Blockhitting.
How active are you?(1-10): 9
How would you help Prodigious?: I would help this clan by being the best teammate i can..
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Its a skilled clan among others.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: MrCrafty1
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I would be the best i can.

If you have a star(*) next to your name it meens inactive, near kick from clan.
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: LtxeXx
Age: 13
Wins: 146?
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): ltxexx
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Fishing Pole, FNS, and Bow.
PVP Weaknesses: Blockhitting.
How active are you?(1-10): 9
How would you help Prodigious?: I would help this clan by being the best teammate i can..
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: Its a skilled clan among others.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: MrCrafty1
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? I would be the best i can.

If you have a star(*) next to your name it meens inactive, near kick from clan.
Denied; pm for reasons


Mar 9, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ImperialMiner01 & AustinPlaysPC
Age: 13
Wins: 100 but i am good
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): U have it cucumber
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes turdle beach
PVP Strengths: FnS, Bow, Fishing Rod
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers
How active are you?(1-10): 10
How would you help Prodigious?: I would be Very active and would help in clan wars
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I know half of the members
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes half of them
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Nothing becuase it looks like a very good clan!
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: ImperialMiner01 & AustinPlaysPC
Age: 13
Wins: 100 but i am good
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes both
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): U have it cucumber
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes turdle beach
PVP Strengths: FnS, Bow, Fishing Rod
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers
How active are you?(1-10): 10
How would you help Prodigious?: I would be Very active and would help in clan wars
Why do you want to join Prodigious?: I know half of the members
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes half of them
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it?
Nothing becuase it looks like a very good clan!
Accepted as trial


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:conreuss/ChexMix_
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:Ye
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public):conreuss
Do you have a Microphone?:Ye
PVP Strengths:fishing rod and fns
PVP Weaknesses:water, lag
How active are you?(1-10):10 on every day
How would you help Prodigious?:idk
Why do you want to join Prodigious?:cause they kicked me out of Sovereign
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?:ye
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it?Kick Frog.
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN:conreuss/ChexMix_
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:Ye
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public):conreuss
Do you have a Microphone?:Ye
PVP Strengths:fishing rod and fns
PVP Weaknesses:water, lag
How active are you?(1-10):10 on every day
How would you help Prodigious?:idk
Why do you want to join Prodigious?:cause they kicked me out of Sovereign
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?:ye
If you got the Leader or Captain for this clan, what changes would you make to it?Kick Frog.
Accepted for trial!


Jun 14, 2013
Reaction score
Im on trial so could I be added to the skype chat possibly? My skype is jlflame2000. I couldnt figure out how to pm ;)
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