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Philosophy - AU Clan

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May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Before i start with my application, i would like to state something first.
I am not darealbumhead1 and wish i could change the name xD.
Minecraft IGN: SolarLove/YAMum_
Age: 14 (But still a squeaker... RIP ME)
Legacy Stats (Wins/Games):N/A
Current Stats (Wins/Games):15/230 On my fun account (YAMum_), 3/24 On Tryhard account (SolarLove)
Game Rank (Mod, Donor): SolarLove has diamond donor.
Skype Name: jordanpeck2
Past Clans: I have been in about 7 clans but i couldnt remember their names. Sorry <3

Pros: Im mature and take orders well. Want to learn as much about PvP as possible and i believe that being in one of/if not the best clan in AU would really help me out. I am a fast learner. I dont expect to be in clan battles but i am ussually there if i am needed. PvP wise: I am alright with the bow and can strafe pretty well.

Cons: Sometimes when im in a fight i might forget how to PvP and just get straightlined... But thats only sometimes :).

You guys are my role models. I look up to all of you and to be in a clan with you guys is pretty much my dream. :D Yes, you could call me a fanboy. But i dont care what people think of me. I probably wont get in but if i got trialed it would be a dream come true. Thanks and bye.

Good luck man! RIP SolarLove 4/4 ;-;


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Before i start with my application, i would like to state something first.
I am not darealbumhead1 and wish i could change the name xD.
Minecraft IGN: SolarLove/YAMum_
Age: 14 (But still a squeaker... RIP ME)
Legacy Stats (Wins/Games):N/A
Current Stats (Wins/Games):15/230 On my fun account (YAMum_), 3/24 On Tryhard account (SolarLove)
Game Rank (Mod, Donor): SolarLove has diamond donor.
Skype Name: jordanpeck2
Past Clans: I have been in about 7 clans but i couldnt remember their names. Sorry <3

Pros: Im mature and take orders well. Want to learn as much about PvP as possible and i believe that being in one of/if not the best clan in AU would really help me out. I am a fast learner. I dont expect to be in clan battles but i am ussually there if i am needed. PvP wise: I am alright with the bow and can strafe pretty well.

Cons: Sometimes when im in a fight i might forget how to PvP and just get straightlined... But thats only sometimes :).

You guys are my role models. I look up to all of you and to be in a clan with you guys is pretty much my dream. :D Yes, you could call me a fanboy. But i dont care what people think of me. I probably wont get in but if i got trialed it would be a dream come true. Thanks and bye.

Good luck man! I suggest with your application just spread things out because its hard to read it! Also you didn't need to add the extra things either but that's your choice!





May 21, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: xKombz
Age: 14
Legacy Stats (Wins/Games): 435 / 7328
Current Stats (Wins/Games): 244 / 2528
Game Rank (Mod, Donor) none
Skype Name: xKomboz. (with the dot)
Past Clans: Amnesty Decendants (others not worth mentioning)
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