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Petition - Change the deleting evidence rule. [200+ Signatures!]

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Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Problem: Deleting evidence even accidentally will result in a permaban (1st offense) for a user who was trying to help the community. For hackers it is a 7 day ban (1st offense) for someone who was doing harm to the community. Recently, some important players including Cscoop and Twee were perma banned for accidentally deleting evidence, and not being aware of the rule.

Solution: A lot of this has controversy has come from people disputing months after there ban was given. I say it is a 7 day 1st offense and permaban 2nd offense for deleting evidence within a month of the report. After a month, they are no longer obligated to keep the video on Youtube. The banned user has had plenty of time to dispute, and they can no longer dispute their ban if the evidence was deleted. If the staff feel that they need the evidence longer, they can screen record the video, so they have it on record. It is unfair to hold someone who was trying to help the community accountable for a video months after. What if they delete their channel and forget about the video?

Petition: To make this change happen, the community needs your support. Reply to this thread with, "I, [insert name here] would like to sign the petition." Then I will add your name to the list. Note: You don't have to agree 100% with the solution to sign, if you are signing you are saying that you want a change to the rules. That change does not necessarily have to be my exact solution.

Players who want change:
  1. arsenalfcgunners
  2. Sean
  3. Harris|DareDevilMan1
  4. Edog and Edog
  5. EricParazak
  6. Cscoop
  7. Jaan
  8. MinedAndCrafted5
  9. Damien // Teepwn
  10. Mamiamato24
  11. Ex0dUs101
  12. beep253
  13. TheMaskedDomo
  14. demonsushi
  15. WertQuadNine
  16. Mint_Sibs
  17. SuperxAndrew
  18. Unknown // Rainbow Derp
  19. Imanol_Magana
  20. NixGamez
  21. Sidopey
  22. shadowblaze12
  23. Ag | Alex
  24. Aedrift
  25. Joel Maury-Holmes
  26. Twee
  27. I_love_desk
  28. Twistology
  29. AlLuc
  30. mr_pendle
  31. Kerbals
  32. Kauff
  33. niek
  34. Attorah
  35. Jockster2002
  36. Groot
  37. Mooclan
  38. Crackling
  39. ToastySoldier_
  40. Manos
  41. Giolightning
  42. Smizack
  43. xPandq
  44. ChrisComedies
  45. Dantelius
  46. ThisJKid
  47. MeatalclawMC
  48. AuroraV2
  49. xPvPProdigyx
  50. NotCanziano
  51. Timtommytom
  52. Eathuis
  53. Ikanacanyon7
  54. justin69
  55. thedude2012
  56. Qyxr
  57. Frazzel
  58. PuffyCottonCandy
  59. Ranger_zZ
  60. PROxNIGGLES_25
  61. Cat_On_A_Poptart
  62. DoY0uEvenStrafe
  63. frozenpretzel
  64. Raibushi
  65. JCagg
  66. Fusionnuggets
  67. Znike1
  68. Pixelatorx2
  69. 547awesomeness
  70. Sim_Man
  71. RyanCx
  72. PaperVinnie53
  73. Shake_Junt00
  74. ItalianJesus
  75. XplodingKiwi
  76. Jam0919
  77. CashFloMoney
  78. Elryst
  79. DaGamerYT
  80. Scrape
  81. ttt6t
  82. CyberPIE
  83. HayHotshot
  84. rawriledino
  85. derrgand
  86. LampsyLegendMC
  87. MCOnThePCAndrew
  88. Metalmate9
  89. Knaala
  90. 420oz
  91. yannr00s
  92. ItsCheerry
  93. Yangervis
  94. swiitchbackz
  95. MizadorMC
  96. iBigNub
  97. zCrits_
  98. MineCell
  99. BaconUnicorn
  100. DrRustyPanda611
  101. EricDude01
  102. robbiemcfadden
  103. Bunns
  104. Slagguaron
  105. SertifiedBlocks
  106. ThatFuryFellow
  107. F34RL3555
  108. KrypticMC11
  109. Chris|Bro
  110. Lukeabbott
  111. oshisomethingmeh
  112. FanYG
  113. FS_MonkeyDoesgames
  114. Flixo
  115. darmody101
  116. HomeyGaming
  117. TheFanManiac
  118. IronwoodWB
  119. RobertHDPotatoes
  120. IceWolf608
  121. Xentrik
  122. Lemonz87
  123. The_Man
  124. MiecraftSuperNatural
  125. JokoSwag
  126. WalkerRed
  127. ZachPlayzMC
  128. Lis
  129. Chipyy
  130. 10Hearted
  131. HohoPvP
  132. John jennings
  133. GOLD_ninja14
  134. Wyz_Guy
  135. JonJayMan
Total Signatures: 136


Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest, this petition won't do much. We would like to change the rule but as of right now its next to impossible. The staff are working on a permanent solution. We would like to be able to store all of the evidence in a database but it isn't practical. With all the videos and screenshots that we use to ban people every day it would be a ton of money (more than we can afford). This petition could get 1,000 signatures but until we find a practical permanent solution, the rule is most likely not going to change. So here is my solution, don't delete the evidence. Keep it on your youtube and i suggest having a backup of the video. I know that takes up hard drive space but right now its the only way. I apologize if you don't fee the rule is fair but right now it won't change no matter how many people sign this.


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
To be honest, this petition won't do much. We would like to change the rule but as of right now its next to impossible. The staff are working on a permanent solution. We would like to be able to store all of the evidence in a database but it isn't practical. With all the videos and screenshots that we use to ban people every day it would be a ton of money (more than we can afford). This petition could get 1,000 signatures but until we find a practical permanent solution, the rule is most likely not going to change. So here is my solution, don't delete the evidence. Keep it on your youtube and i suggest having a backup of the video. I know that takes up hard drive space but right now its the only way. I apologize if you don't fee the rule is fair but right now it won't change no matter how many people sign this.
Exactly the attitude that will prevent change from happening ever.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
To be honest, this petition won't do much. We would like to change the rule but as of right now its next to impossible. The staff are working on a permanent solution. We would like to be able to store all of the evidence in a database but it isn't practical. With all the videos and screenshots that we use to ban people every day it would be a ton of money (more than we can afford). This petition could get 1,000 signatures but until we find a practical permanent solution, the rule is most likely not going to change. So here is my solution, don't delete the evidence. Keep it on your youtube and i suggest having a backup of the video. I know that takes up hard drive space but right now its the only way. I apologize if you don't fee the rule is fair but right now it won't change no matter how many people sign this.
No-one here thinks that deleting evidence isn't a problem. Clearly it's a pain for the staff and can make things difficult. The point, though, is that a first-time permaban for something which is almost always accidental is ridiculous. The people that get banned for this are also reporting rule breakers. There is a very simple solution; that being a first-t

Fun Fact: If you want someone to respect an idea of yours, a proposal is the way to go. A petition shows that you are going against us currently, whilst a proposal shows that you want to work with us.

[/My 2 cents]
There have been an absolute TON of threads on this subject ever since Cscoop 's ban. Each has put forward a proposal, and each has been ignored or dismissed by staff. I also know that some people have emailed MCgamer about it, and also have been put down. Clearly the staff do not realise how much of a problem this is for the community. A petition is a great way to show how much this means to the community, and a last resort since everything else is being ignored.

Well, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
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