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Original MCG Gamemode: Trapland

Do You Think This Should Be Added?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe... I don't like some things about it

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
SG Trapland!
Trapland is a gamemode about overcoming obstacles with a team. There would be various maps, which would be divided into segments containing traps, parkour, and other obstacles. A group of eight players would play a game, and each player would try to pass the obstacles, mainly parkour, presented. If one player failed a segment, they would be trapped. However, if at least one player passed the segment, they would be able to free all the other players and advance onward by pressing a button or opening a door. Courses would be long and arduous, and require practice and skill on the part of players who expected to win.

Once the players finished, they would all gain points based on how hard the course was, which would be similar to wins on MCSG. (Winning would be very difficult and rare, though)

Why it Should Be Added
Trapland would be an excellent gamemode for less competitive users. It would also provide MCGamer with its own original gamemode, which it has yet to do. I have never seen anything like this anywhere, and I doubt anyone else has either. Trapland could bring about a wave of new maps with various themes, such as the inside of a pyramid, a canyon, or a jungle rooftop. Map makers would need to make sure that each segment is inescapable.

Trapland would also be a refuge from hackers and trash talk, as very few hacks would even help players win and the gamemode is about teamwork. Finally, Trapland could bring great popularity to MCGamer if it was successful enough. It could even bring back old time players.

This gamemode would be very easy to implement. It would require relatively few plugins, yet could be very popular. It would require a variety of maps, but the maps would require far less work than MCSG maps, as they would be in tight spaces enclosed by glass, etc...

Please leave your honest feedback! -BitoBain


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score

As the Hunger Games series is starting to draw to a close (There's, what, one movie left?) people will start to forget about it.
MCGamer will have to start to rely more on other gamemodes in order to attract new players. Yes, Survival Games will probably continue to be a very popular gamemode, but there will be less people looking for SG, and more people leaving over time.
In addition, when SG decreases in popularity, SGC & QQ will as well, since they're based off of the same thing. (As it is, they're not very popular anyways in comparison.)
The other gamemodes like ZedChase, MCTF2, and Battlegrounds.. yes, they're good, but they're not a driving force when it comes to attracting players. Among the forums, especially, they seem to be regarded as more side-minigames, while Survival Games takes the spotlight, in more ways than one. The amount of staff and coding, servers and funds, and effort overall.

MCGamer is going to need something new, fresh, and original if they want to compete with other large networks like Hive, Hypixel, Minecade, and a few others.
It may sound harsh, but you can't keep adding onto a single thing and expect it to continue to rake in large numbers of players. You're going to eventually need to branch out and create other divisions. I know that the staff knows this, thus why they created things like Creative, Battlegrounds, MCTF2, and ZedChase. But still, you can't neglect them.

I don't really see any downsides to this gamemode suggestion.
From what I can see, there aren't really any particularly hard parts. As mentioned, there wouldn't be a large amount of coding involved (Especially compared to SG/QQ/SGC/MCTF2). Maps would take a while to build, but I doubt they'd be particularly hard compared to Survival Games maps.

However, there would need to be a much larger number of maps. Having only five or so maps to play on would get really boring, really fast. I would imagine that it would be quite competitive, racing to have the fastest scores. A complex leaderboard system should probably be set in place, such as daily/weekly/monthly/all-time. Competitions would thrive on this system to see who the best of the best was.
In addition, the fact that it's team-based is a very strong idea. It forces players to work together and not troll each other
However, my concern is "What about players disconnecting?" There would probably have to be a system in place where A: A new player is put into the game whenever someone disconnects and takes their place, or B: The player is allowed to rejoin the game, or C: The game continues, with a disadvantage. Eh, I'm sure something could be figured out.

yay for walls of text

edit: yo its been like an hour and 20 minutes
why has no one posted on this thread yet ;-;
Last edited:


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score

As the Hunger Games series is starting to draw to a close (There's, what, one movie left?) people will start to forget about it.
MCGamer will have to start to rely more on other gamemodes in order to attract new players. Yes, Survival Games will probably continue to be a very popular gamemode, but there will be less people looking for SG, and more people leaving over time.
In addition, when SG decreases in popularity, SGC & QQ will as well, since they're based off of the same thing. (As it is, they're not very popular anyways in comparison.)
The other gamemodes like ZedChase, MCTF2, and Battlegrounds.. yes, they're good, but they're not a driving force when it comes to attracting players. Among the forums, especially, they seem to be regarded as more side-minigames, while Survival Games takes the spotlight, in more ways than one. The amount of staff and coding, servers and funds, and effort overall.

MCGamer is going to need something new, fresh, and original if they want to compete with other large networks like Hive, Hypixel, Minecade, and a few others.
It may sound harsh, but you can't keep adding onto a single thing and expect it to continue to rake in large numbers of players. You're going to eventually need to branch out and create other divisions. I know that the staff knows this, thus why they created things like Creative, Battlegrounds, MCTF2, and ZedChase. But still, you can't neglect them.

I don't really see any downsides to this gamemode suggestion.
From what I can see, there aren't really any particularly hard parts. As mentioned, there wouldn't be a large amount of coding involved (Especially compared to SG/QQ/SGC/MCTF2). Maps would take a while to build, but I doubt they'd be particularly hard comp

As the Hunger Games series is starting to draw to a close (There's, what, one movie left?) people will start to forget about it.
MCGamer will have to start to rely more on other gamemodes in order to attract new players. Yes, Survival Games will probably continue to be a very popular gamemode, but there will be less people looking for SG, and more people leaving over time.
In addition, when SG decreases in popularity, SGC & QQ will as well, since they're based off of the same thing. (As it is, they're not very popular anyways in comparison.)
The other gamemodes like ZedChase, MCTF2, and Battlegrounds.. yes, they're good, but they're not a driving force when it comes to attracting players. Among the forums, especially, they seem to be regarded as more side-minigames, while Survival Games takes the spotlight, in more ways than one. The amount of staff and coding, servers and funds, and effort overall.

MCGamer is going to need something new, fresh, and original if they want to compete with other large networks like Hive, Hypixel, Minecade, and a few others.
It may sound harsh, but you can't keep adding onto a single thing and expect it to continue to rake in large numbers of players. You're going to eventually need to branch out and create other divisions. I know that the staff knows this, thus why they created things like Creative, Battlegrounds, MCTF2, and ZedChase. But still, you can't neglect them.

I don't really see any downsides to this gamemode suggestion.
From what I can see, there aren't really any particularly hard parts. As mentioned, there wouldn't be a large amount of coding involved (Especially compared to SG/QQ/SGC/MCTF2). Maps would take a while to build, but I doubt they'd be particularly hard compared to Survival Games maps.

However, there would need to be a much larger number of maps. Having only five or so maps to play on would get really boring, really fast. I would imagine that it would be quite competitive, racing to have the fastest scores. A complex leaderboard system should probably be set in place, such as daily/weekly/monthly/all-time. Competitions would thrive on this system to see who the best of the best was.
In addition, the fact that it's team-based is a very strong idea. It forces players to work together and not troll each other
However, my concern is "What about players disconnecting?" There would probably have to be a system in place where A: A new player is put into the game whenever someone disconnects and takes their place, or B: The player is allowed to rejoin the game, or C: The game continues, with a disadvantage. Eh, I'm sure something could be figured out.

yay for walls of text
Woah dat essay. How long did it take you to write that? I think it deserves an A+. :3

Ok, on a serious note I agree with this completely.

Oh and btw there's 2 movies left, they're splitting Mockingjay into 2 parts... :c


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Woah dat essay. How long did it take you to write that? I think it deserves an A+. :3

Ok, on a serious note I agree with this completely.

Oh and btw there's 2 movies left, they're splitting Mockingjay into 2 parts... :c
It felt like maybe 10 minutes, but it was actually like half an hour.


Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
It felt like maybe 10 minutes, but it was actually like half an hour.
Hory shiet it took you about 10 minutes to write THAT?! How fast do you type... 0.O You're officially my new forums idol. <3


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hory shiet it took you about 10 minutes to write THAT?! How fast do you type... 0.O You're officially my new forums idol. <3
I'm the fastest typer on MCSG.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't think about how this could benefit MCG financially, but I suppose you're right. MCG does need something to continue revenues after the Hunger Games hype cools off. Mockingjay part one is due for November this year, and part two is due for November next year.

Anyway, this gamemode could potentially be successful and competitive if it was done right. Some levels could be puzzle-like and others could be pure parkour. The important thing to maintain would be the fact that it is a teamwork-based game, not something to poison the community with competitiveness. Thanks for the feedback!


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score

As the Hunger Games series is starting to draw to a close (There's, what, one movie left?) people will start to forget about it.
MCGamer will have to start to rely more on other gamemodes in order to attract new players. Yes, Survival Games will probably continue to be a very popular gamemode, but there will be less people looking for SG, and more people leaving over time.
In addition, when SG decreases in popularity, SGC & QQ will as well, since they're based off of the same thing. (As it is, they're not very popular anyways in comparison.)
The other gamemodes like ZedChase, MCTF2, and Battlegrounds.. yes, they're good, but they're not a driving force when it comes to attracting players. Among the forums, especially, they seem to be regarded as more side-minigames, while Survival Games takes the spotlight, in more ways than one. The amount of staff and coding, servers and funds, and effort overall.

MCGamer is going to need something new, fresh, and original if they want to compete with other large networks like Hive, Hypixel, Minecade, and a few others.
It may sound harsh, but you can't keep adding onto a single thing and expect it to continue to rake in large numbers of players. You're going to eventually need to branch out and create other divisions. I know that the staff knows this, thus why they created things like Creative, Battlegrounds, MCTF2, and ZedChase. But still, you can't neglect them.

I don't really see any downsides to this gamemode suggestion.
From what I can see, there aren't really any particularly hard parts. As mentioned, there wouldn't be a large amount of coding involved (Especially compared to SG/QQ/SGC/MCTF2). Maps would take a while to build, but I doubt they'd be particularly hard compared to Survival Games maps.

However, there would need to be a much larger number of maps. Having only five or so maps to play on would get really boring, really fast. I would imagine that it would be quite competitive, racing to have the fastest scores. A complex leaderboard system should probably be set in place, such as daily/weekly/monthly/all-time. Competitions would thrive on this system to see who the best of the best was.
In addition, the fact that it's team-based is a very strong idea. It forces players to work together and not troll each other
However, my concern is "What about players disconnecting?" There would probably have to be a system in place where A: A new player is put into the game whenever someone disconnects and takes their place, or B: The player is allowed to rejoin the game, or C: The game continues, with a disadvantage. Eh, I'm sure something could be figured out.

yay for walls of text

edit: yo its been like an hour and 20 minutes
why has no one posted on this thread yet ;-;
TL;DR please?


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
TL;DR please?
TL;DR: Don't be lazy, read the post or you get nothing.

This is what my first thought was upon reading the title:

But I guess this isn't really related. It sounds like an interesting idea, although I can't say parkour is really an interest to me. I think a variant that was based on pushing through mob-infested dungeons and getting progressively better gear would be fun for me.


As the Hunger Games series is starting to draw to a close (There's, what, one movie left?) people will start to forget about it.
MCGamer will have to start to rely more on other gamemodes in order to attract new players. Yes, Survival Games will probably continue to be a very popular gamemode, but there will be less people looking for SG, and more people leaving over time.
In addition, when SG decreases in popularity, SGC & QQ will as well, since they're based off of the same thing. (As it is, they're not very popular anyways in comparison.)
The other gamemodes like ZedChase, MCTF2, and Battlegrounds.. yes, they're good, but they're not a driving force when it comes to attracting players. Among the forums, especially, they seem to be regarded as more side-minigames, while Survival Games takes the spotlight, in more ways than one. The amount of staff and coding, servers and funds, and effort overall.

MCGamer is going to need something new, fresh, and original if they want to compete with other large networks like Hive, Hypixel, Minecade, and a few others.
It may sound harsh, but you can't keep adding onto a single thing and expect it to continue to rake in large numbers of players. You're going to eventually need to branch out and create other divisions. I know that the staff knows this, thus why they created things like Creative, Battlegrounds, MCTF2, and ZedChase. But still, you can't neglect them.

I don't really see any downsides to this gamemode suggestion.
From what I can see, there aren't really any particularly hard parts. As mentioned, there wouldn't be a large amount of coding involved (Especially compared to SG/QQ/SGC/MCTF2). Maps would take a while to build, but I doubt they'd be particularly hard compared to Survival Games maps.

However, there would need to be a much larger number of maps. Having only five or so maps to play on would get really boring, really fast. I would imagine that it would be quite competitive, racing to have the fastest scores. A complex leaderboard system should probably be set in place, such as daily/weekly/monthly/all-time. Competitions would thrive on this system to see who the best of the best was.
In addition, the fact that it's team-based is a very strong idea. It forces players to work together and not troll each other
However, my concern is "What about players disconnecting?" There would probably have to be a system in place where A: A new player is put into the game whenever someone disconnects and takes their place, or B: The player is allowed to rejoin the game, or C: The game continues, with a disadvantage. Eh, I'm sure something could be figured out.

yay for walls of text

edit: yo its been like an hour and 20 minutes
why has no one posted on this thread yet ;-;
I do think to keep expanding some new stuff is going to be needed, but I think it's noteworthy that soon there will be several new games and a new large YouTuber to boot coming over.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I do think to keep expanding some new stuff is going to be needed, but I think it's noteworthy that soon there will be several new games and a new large YouTuber to boot coming over.
Ah, that's true. I keep forgetting about the promised AVN merge that so far, has not come. :(
But thanks for reminding me, hehe.


Jun 21, 2013
Reaction score
TL;DR: Don't be lazy, read the post or you get nothing.

This is what my first thought was upon reading the title:

But I guess this isn't really related. It sounds like an interesting idea, although I can't say parkour is really an interest to me. I think a variant that was based on pushing through mob-infested dungeons and getting progressively better gear would be fun for me.

I do think to keep expanding some new stuff is going to be needed, but I think it's noteworthy that soon there will be several new games and a new large YouTuber to boot coming over.
Part of why MCG might want this is that MCG has yet to come up with its own gamemode. Also, most of the AVN minigames probably wouldn't attract a whole lot of people, considering many of them are sort of like arcade games. If this was executed correctly however, it could be much more than a simple minigame/arcade game.

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