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Guide No No Suggestions [Updated] Read before posting

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District 13
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
The list below are suggestions that have been suggested many times but denied and most likely will not be implemented.

  • Grace period
Having a grace period makes corn less risky, which defeats part of the purpose of having a "dangerous" corn.
  • Removing donors
The servers NEED donors to keep the servers running. Without donors, there would be no MCSG.
  • Jr.Mods
Jr.Mods are less helpful than beneficial. They wouldn't be able to do much and still have to rely on regular mods to help them. The time spent on hiring them could be used to hire regular mods who have all the commands needed to moderate. Along with that, maturity can be a huge issue as well as abuse.
  • Having only donor/non-donor servers
By doing this, it would reduce the amount of space for both sides to play. Along with that, it would make donor perks useless since donors would have to struggle to get into the donor servers themselves. It would overall make it tougher for everyone to join and make donors perks more useless. The donors paid for their perks so they shouldn't have to have a tougher time joining servers
  • Reserved donor slots
Having say, 10 donor slots per server would again, make it tougher for donors to join and since they paid for their perks, they shouldn't struggle. In addition to that, if a donor wants a 11 player donor team, it shouldn't be fair that they wouldn't be able to do that due to their rank.
  • Compass pointing to players
This would make people who already have good armor be able to find and kill others easily before they could even have a chance to find chests. It would make games too quick and too over powered.
  • Servers with specific maps on them
Servers with more popular maps will be over populated and servers with less popular maps will be empty. Also the more popular maps will be filled with donors, making it nearly impossibly for normal members to play maps they like.
  • Donor trial period (Free sample)
This is pretty much an attempt to get free donor. Donor priority join is like regular joining, but without the fear of having kicked. That's it...

  • No teaming rule
Teaming, although might not be fun for people playing solo, is fun for people who enjoy playing with friends or just playing with others. Not allowing people to team is like not allowing them to play with their friends, which is something we are not willing to do because as a community, we must encourage people to make new friends as it strengthens the community's bond.
  • Petitions
Petitions are nice to show popular support, but they're ultimately pointless in terms of getting things added or removed. If something was removed, it was always done so with a purpose more important than popularity. If everyone feels something should be added, it most likely hasn't been added because it was unrealistic, impractical, or unfeasible to add given our community's limited resources. Just because a petition is popular does not mean it gets special attention over everything else.
  • Forum Functions (Lock own threads, delete own posts, share thread ownership, etc.)
Xenforo, our forum framework, is very specific in certain aspects of its functions. It is a highly sophisticated platform that we are not keen on removing anytime soon. While it offers a great deal of flexibility, it also prevents us from doing certain requested features. One example of this would be the oft-requested ability to lock or delete one's own threads. Xenforo allocates the ability to lock or delete threads to user-groups (currently moderators and above), but it cannot allocate powers to certain players; each player would need their own pre-defined user group in order to do so, which would be an absolute mess to work with. The alternative would be to give everyone power to lock threads or delete posts, but that power would be universal. So between the options of having unwieldy forums or risking abuse of power, we prefer to simply keep things the way they are.
Do note that Xenforo also supports plug-ins. If you have a suggestion that is supported by a plug-in, we are much more willing to consider the change.
  • New Ingame Rank
The Rank system ingame is more complicated than it seems and is highly limited in what it allows us to do. Simply put, putting a new rank anywhere would require us to retool every single rank-dependent function ingame- in addition to every rank itself- in order to accommodate to the new rank. Whether it's a dedicated Friend rank or some new Premium rank, it is likely not worth the hassle.
I will update this if more No No suggestions are suggested.
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