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New Enchantment Idea


Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I came up with a cool suggestion that would bring enchanting in MCSG to life. Enchanting has been extremely rare in MCSG, especially with the loss of animals, our only source of XP that we had on MCSG. So I came up with an idea, an idea I think you guys would like.

So here it is:

Every round, everybody starts with zero XP. However, as you kill people, they will drop XP. The XP will work similar to bounty. If you kill a person with high bounty, you revive more XP.
However, the amount of XP will be very small, due to people building up 30+ XP before deathmatch. So, if you kill a "noob", you would recive 5 bounty, normally, whilst if you kill him with the XP, you would recive, say 1/10 to 1/5 XP. This way, we won't have pros running around with Sharpness V swords and Infinite I bows. :p

So what do you think? Anything I could do to change or improve this idea? Hope you like it!



District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
This has been suggested many times before, but it has yet to be implemented. Perhaps it's being saved until MCSGv3.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think this is necessary with the tier 3's coming out. With the tier 3's, hopefully there will be enchanting bottles in them so people can enchant their items :)
But if this was implemented, which I'm not against yet, because it sounds good but I have yet to experience it, then I think it should be equal XP from every kill. Because with some bigger kills like someone with 10 000 points, you would get 500 points and no matter what the odds are, you will get lots of XP. Also, you might not even deserve the kill. It's understandable with points, because they can't change the course of the game, but an OP enchantment can give a noob a victory.
So I think no matter who you kill, you should get the same XP you would get from catching a fish, the normal method for getting XP in MCSG. Currently, it takes 6 fish to get a level doing that, so it should take 6 kills to get a level by killing people. That wouldn't be that hard if you do it well, which makes it not over powered but still possible.


Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think this is necessary with the tier 3's coming out. With the tier 3's, hopefully there will be enchanting bottles in them so people can enchant their items :)
But if this was implemented, which I'm not against yet, because it sounds good but I have yet to experience it, then I think it should be equal XP from every kill. Because with some bigger kills like someone with 10 000 points, you would get 500 points and no matter what the odds are, you will get lots of XP. Also, you might not even deserve the kill. It's understandable with points, because they can't change the course of the game, but an OP enchantment can give a noob a victory.
So I think no matter who you kill, you should get the same XP you would get from catching a fish, the normal method for getting XP in MCSG. Currently, it takes 6 fish to get a level doing that, so it should take 6 kills to get a level by killing people. That wouldn't be that hard if you do it well, which makes it not over powered but still possible.
You make a good point. If enchanting bottles don't come out with tier threes, then your suggestion would work!

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