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My Minecraft/MCSG Story!


Oct 29, 2013
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Hello Everyone!
I'm TopOfTheWorldGM and this is the story of how I got into Minecraft and MCSG! Here goes nothing

It all started about 2/3 years ago (I don't remember :eek:) I went on a camping trip with one of my old friends Gage. The first night we were there he introduced me to this game called 'Minecraft'. He showed me the basics and told me how to move and place blocks. I was going to build a castle and after spending like 2 hours making a 3 block high wall that expanded for like 70 blocks, I gave up and built a really weird looking house out of Obsidian and nether brick (My 2 favorite blocks at the time). So when I got home from the camping trip I begged my Grandma for Minecraft which she finally said fine I'll buy the game. Thus my first account, kreeperkiller622 was born! I have no idea why I chose that name, but it looked cool to me so I stuck with it!

So, now I have minecraft! I played minecraft on my Grandmas laptop, which ran a constant 15 fps as I've tried to play minecraft on it recently, but fps didnt matter since I only ever played singleplayer in Superflat worlds. My first world was called Ian's Hardcore Wurld and looked like a turd. I lost my first world since my grandma had to reset her laptop, but If I had access to the world I would definitely show screenshots of it.

So, here we go to my first experience with multiplayer in Minecraft. The first server I ever joined was called Lockedcraft (ip: mc.lockedcraft.com). I remember having no idea how servers worked and was always confused by them. So when I joined that server I basically walked around spawn admiring the builds and thinking to myself, "Ya I could build that" It was also then that I also discovered a PvP Arena. I went in for like 3 seconds and even though there was no one in there, and quickly left the server thinking I was gonna get snuck up on. After a while of not having any idea what I was doing on servers, I finally somewhat understood them. After looking through different minecraft servers, I found this one Called Level Up Minecraft (IP: play.levelupminecraft.com) It Was my favorite minecraft server, I always played on it. I got pretty popular on there on my old account kreeperkiller622, and when I visited the server about 2 months ago too see what had happened to it I was actually recognized by about 2 people! That was always my favorite server and will have such a special place in my heart :p

My step into survival games!
I dont really remember how I found hunger games servers, but I just remeber this one server called Meepcraft (IP: meepcraft.com) This is the server where I was introduced to hunger games, The type of hunger games where you got kits and such and you were spawned in a defualt world and you had to mine and break trees to get your items. I always got the barbarian kit on there and played 24/7 on the server (Little fact, thats where I met the first person I ever added on skype). The hunger games on there was so fun and I eventually got really good at it! After a while of playing on there, I wanted to play REAL hunger games servers , the kinds I would see famous youtubers upload on, and Then I finally found it! If you were expecting me to find mcsg, well you're wrong haha. It turns out thee server Level Up Minecraft I was talking about earlier had survival games! It was one of those survival games where you would iron swords in chests, enderpearls, and other OP items. I really thought this was the legit survival games and was always confused why I would never see any famous youtubers in the games.

Finally, after so long
I remember talking to some of my neighbors on skype as we played minecraft together. I happened to be in there call at the right time because they were playing, you guessed it, MCSG. they told me to join us1.mcsg.in, and when I joined I was soooooo happy! I had finally found the server that the famous people played. I expected to see CaptainSparklez, BajanCanadian, and Jerome every single game haha, but I never actually saw one of them ;-;

My first game!
My first game was really funny on mcsg. It was on the map SG4 and me not knowing how to sprint i hobbled to corn and grabbed a rawchicken, feather, and some flint! #Stacked5Ever. I had no idea what to do so I walked around the map until I eventually ran out of sprint. And after that I just decided to camp in a corner at the radio tower

(Right dere)

I guess staying there for the whole game wasnt that bad as I made it to deathmatch atleast. The last 2 people had full iron armour and I was just kind of like, "Oh Good" And i most likely died in the first 5 seconds of deathmatch

After a while of playing MCSG Regularly, I stumbled upon some certain people. 2 of the first people I ever met on mcsg, robbiemcfadden and dylan7120. There really nice guys now, but back then they were mean to me, I was just some random noob who didnt know how to play the game and I played with them 24/7. They constantly betrayed me and ab00sed me but I dont really remember caring back then. I talked to them for a solid year and a half maybe longer but even though they hated me, I still talked to them. I eventually did stop talking to them, and thats when I met two of my other good friends MinecraftManicss & coolyoyo64. These two people were some of the nicest I ever met. We played constantly for a very long time and they are both super chill. It was also through talking to Manicss and coolyoyo that I met wobbie333 who taught me to pvp basically.

After a while of playing on MCSG, the hive came out. And when the hive came out thats where I went since thats where BajanCanadian was xD I was a die hard Bajan fan back then so of course I had to go to hive!

New Acc/The Fridge!
This is where my story changes! This is where I bought my second account, TopOfTheWorldGM. It took me a very long time to decide what I wanted my name to be, and I thought that it was a fit for me. I really have no idea where I came up with the idea for my IGN it just sounded cool . So heres the purpose for my new account, I made it because of the newest server coming, The Fridge! Yup I played on the fridge 24/7. I want to consider myself good, but I cant exactly confirm that. I was called a hacker by most people on the fridge so I thought I was pretty decent somewhat. I met so many randoms on the fridge and Its always funny to see them in MCSG lobbies or in roxbot and see how surprised they are on how much Ive progressed.

Too MCSG I Go!
When the fridge shut down, I really didnt know what to do. I just kinda started playing hive occasionally, but I started to play on MCSG more and more. I really liked mcsg and I played on the servers a lot. I was ranking up wins quite quickly and I was maintaining a pretty good ratio! I started playing MCSG more and more constantly and I met a lot of cool people. I started getting into clans and I was also getting somewhat known in the MCSG community!

Here I am today!
After playing on these servers for such a long time, It feels amazing to see the places I've gone and the goals I've reached. Making this thread was awesome and I hope everyone enjoyed my super long story of how I was introduced into MCSG and Minecraft! Have a great day/night/afternoon/ or whatever else there is

-Top <3



May 1, 2013
Reaction score
Umm, I'm not mentioned so I don't like the story. Jk, though I knew most of it already xD. +1

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