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My MCSG Suggestions


Jun 25, 2012
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As a MCSG fan, I have came up with several ideas that would make these servers better, cleaner, and more awesome!

Like in the Hunger Games, sponsors give tributes items if they are in need. Perhaps we can get a special group of people to monitor the tributes and give them items! Perhaps donors could get sponsors more often, or if someone is struggling to stay alive or something like that. A message would pop up and it would say:
[SurvivalGames] The sponsor Trevor_Brown has given you a wooden sword!
Now, of course, sponsors can play but cannot give themselves an item, another sponsor will have to do that! ;)
Also, you can't give someone a diamond sword just when they started! The sponsors should be able to make it fair when giving people items.

I've visited quite a few servers, and saw that they have donations as well. Most of them include iron, gold, etc. but there was one that caught my eye: Bedrock donator. Bedrock donators could pay a fair price of maybe $60-$80 USD and get some pretty awesome perks! Plus, you get your name in a cool dark grey:
[SurvivalGames](415) Trevor_Brown has joined the server.
Sorry about the text being a little bit dark.
Bedrock donators could perhaps:
Join full lobbies (of course.)
5 points per vote in the lobby (Along with the VIPs)
Points increase/decrease (Explained below)
Maybe - Just maybe - get a special cape only seen on the MCSG servers as being a bedrock donator? That would be pretty cool :D :D
Special privileges on the creative and tekkit servers (Firespread, etc.)

-Donator Privileges
I have thought up of some pretty cool donator privileges:
-Points increase per kill
-Iron = +5 per kill
-Gold = +10 per kill
-Diamond = +15 per kill
-Bedrock = +20 per kill
Now the numbers don't have to be exactly as I suggested, but just a thought! ;)
-Points decrease per death
-Iron = Loss of 4 points per death
-Gold = Loss of 3 points per death
-Diamond = Loss of 2 points per death
-Bedrock = Loss of 2 points per death*
*Keep it at 2 or more, otherwise this would be unfair.
I might have taken it a bit too far with the loss of only 2 points per death, so maybe we can swap out some numbers so it is fair.

I have also thought of a great idea: Donator servers!
We could have servers for each of the donators, maybe with the IPs like this:
As a suggestion, maybe each donator server could have it's own little theme! Iron donator servers get an iron-age theme? Gold donators: Maybe a gold mine?

-Overall realism
I also want to add a couple of realistic factors to the servers similar to the hunger games.
Now, this might add on some time, but maybe we could allow players to enter their pedestals like tributes do in the hunger games: The players perhaps spawn in a lobby, a message saying something like:
[SurvivalGames] Tributes, report to your pedestal rooms. If you do not do this within 1 minute, you will be kicked.
We could be assigned into our districts as we enter the servers. Say, If I joined the server fourth, I would be assigned district 2. If someone joined 10th, they would be assigned district 5, etc.
Speaking of the lobby, I have also suggested perhaps a training arena. You could open a chest full of bows and arrows and shoot at practice dummies or targets or whatever can be put there. Maybe an obstacle course, where you have to navigate through mini-rivers or climb a small yet steep mountain, all in the lobby.
One last thing here: Easter eggs. I just don't get the point of Easter eggs, you just open chests or look at signs. Perhaps if you open up a chest, you will get a point while in the lobby (not actual points, but just "points" or "checks". If you find all the eggs, perhaps you start out with something like a wooden sword or a leather cap or something like that. ;)

Finally, monitoring servers.
You don't know how many times I've been ticked that a hacker killed me, or a spammer takes over the chat box and doesn't stop, or how all caps can just get out of hand. I might suggest the moderators and administrators could perhaps get some kind of "tracking software" or something like that where if they were on a server, they could do a command like /status or /servers, and that will give an average rating of the behavior of a server. For example, if a mod did /status, this is what would appear:

[SurvivalGames] Server status:
Us1: Good
Us2: Good
Us3: Medium
Us4: Good
Us5: Good
Us6: Good
Us7: Bad
Type /status 2 to check the next list of servers.
If a server looks medium or bad, the mod could type in a command like: /status us7 to get some options.

[SurvivalGames] Us7 Status:
/tp To teleport to Us7.
/tpsneak To teleport to Us7 hidden.
/viewchat To view Us7 chat.
/list View players in Us7.
/ban Ban a player.
/kick Kick a player from Us7.

I just thought of this recently: Sometimes, I play Mr.Wanttobemod, and because a lot of people think I'm an admin (lol :D) I can keep servers under control. Then there are the users who challenge me to kick someone, which I don't have the power to do. I think that it would be cool to allow donors to bring a mod onto a server if there is activity going on. They could maybe either bring a mod of their choice on, or make a random one get on the server with the command /mod

[SurvivalGames] Server activity is bad. Choose a mod to come on.
To bring a mod on, do /<modname>
Do /random to bring a random mod on the server.
Do /quit if there is a mistake.

Just a few of my ideas! A lot of info as well. Hope you like or consider my ideas!


District 13
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Well, first of all, sponsors is an instant no. Somebody could go into a game with a group of friends, and if they die, they can give the last guy a load of OP stuff, giving him an instant advantage.

There already are donator perks, although they all give the same permissions for stuff. You only get different coloured names, and the pride of knowing that you donated to these servers.

They also get extra bounty, depending on what they bought, which is the only other privilege.

I've always thought a starting room could be pretty neat, but eh. A practice room is a good idea, and it definitely would be a lot more fun than how it is now.

As far as I know, bringing mods onto servers would be impossible. You could just ask them to join it on TeamSpeak, or something.

And finally, the server ratings could just be done on the site instead of ingame. It would definitely be a lot easier and more organised.


District 13
May 26, 2012
Reaction score

i dont think tp-ing to another server is possible


May 15, 2012
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Ok let's start from the top,

Sponsors, It should be based off kills so if player has >2 kills it should give maybe some food and stone sword on refill, so if they arn't in middle and don't have anything.

Dedicated servers, this has been suggested serveral times, the answer is no.


May 29, 2012
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For monitoring servers it would be easier to display the information on the website like the leaderboards as it takes a lot of effort to link servers up like that without causing stress.


Apr 16, 2012
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I can tell you right now that the things with sponsoring players and different things for donators wont happen. These seem (to me at least) to take it a little bit into the area of a pay to win server. The bedrock donator idea would be good, if we had a large demand of people wanting to donate more then $50 which we don't. Sorry.

The donator servers was thought about at one point, but as it seems we are expanding our servers soon we probably wont have them.

The messaging systems and seeing if a server is bad would not work in game. We do have things that tell us if there are hackers on a server, its part of nocheat though no accurate. The best thing you can do is just to message/poke a mod on our teamspeak.


Apr 18, 2012
Reaction score
Sponsors, no. Abused

Bedrock donator isn't needed. Who's gonna pay 60+ a month.

The donator point system make it a "donators rule" situation. Points aren't important.

The easter egg gear makes the game unbalanced. A wooden sword or armor can be a game changer starting out.

Not sure that's possible the way you describe it. If you have troubles with spammers or hackers, please report them. To get a mod's attention easily, get on Teamspeak. There will always be one there.

Sorry to shoot down your ideas, in a perfect world some of them would be good :) . But, they could get abused easily. Some of these have been suggested before, but I'm sorry to say they will probably never be added.

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