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Moderator Requirements

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Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
They where outstanding members of the community that proved there worth.


Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
Duckluv, Darkrai, Tironas11 and many more.


Ok. Time for Lulu's rant.
Before you say anything I am eleven myself and wish that it would be lowered but understand why it won't be.

The younger you are you have less understanding of the responsibility. If you get moderator, have an amazing application and an awesome interview, let's just say you're going to get arrogant. Arrogance often leads too thinking you're on top of the world and banning for stupid reasons without warning them. There is also immaturity which is only gained by EXPERIENCE in life, and 12 to 13 years of experience is not that much. Immaturity leads to stupid bans because someone annoys you. Younger people often tend to lean to their friends views of things, no matter how bad. They ban people because they annoy their friends. If we lower the limit too 12/13, 11 and 10 year olds will complain and so on.

Do you really want a biased 12 year old who made a thread about their new account and will most likely ban for silly reasons and not even realise how much moderating isn't fun. You have to be VERY active, doing report abuse, bans, kicks, teamspeak, forums and other things almost everyday. You have to have a BIG level of responsibility.

Some excerpts from where these things have been suggested-

The thing with that is that I disagree with here: If you were applying for an actual job or volunteer position in the real world, and there was a required age posted or that they were accepting, there is zero leeway. They wouldn't just be like: "Oh, yeah. You're 14? We were only accepting people who are older than 16, but your application was well-written, so we'll give you a shot." With age comes maturity; there are exceptions to this rule (Tironas is our youngest mod, and I think he's one of the best), but there is a reason as to why it's there.

If we had "Junior Mods" who made bans frequently and then the bans had to be reviewed by Senior staff (the only people who can /unban players), that would just give them more work to do that regular moderators could be doing. In theory, all it would be is you posting a report abuse and having it reviewed, but having action taken immediately and a lot more mistakes to be made and a lot more headaches for the Senior staff.

Reporting abuse would just spread the job to all members of the moderating team, as opposed to just leaving it to Senior staff for the new "junior" recruits. If you want to help the servers, it's as simple as posting a new post in Report Abuse with a simple template. If it's just because you can't afford donor, then that's more of personal gain than trying to help. Also, if you're active for long enough and do try to help the server as a regular member of it, you can get rewarded with Friend rank, regardless of age. This has a join rank above Diamond donor, but below Moderator, which is what you'd get with the "Junior Moderator" rank anyway.

I'm the first one to use "Junior Moderator" as a somewhat ongoing joke (#kristoni4jrmod), but I do it as a joke towards the Senior Mods who don't actually have juniors. I don't mean it in a way that would allow people who are too young for the position normally to get the permission. The age limit was actually dropped from 16 with exceptions to 15 without exceptions, which I thought was a pretty decent compromise.

Also, sorry if this came off as kind of rude or harsh, it's not intended in that way at all; I just wanted to get my opinion out there. :) I have met a bunch of younger players from the MCSG TeamSpeak that I consider great friends to me (Tironas11, peacepple101, and the list goes on), but I can honestly say that not many of them would make amazing moderators. I like to derp about with them and have fun, but I can see a lot more of my friends who fall into the 16+ age range that would actually suite the position, just because maturity tends to come with time or extreme circumstance.

Sorry for going on and on, just had a lot to say. <3

Kristen / kristoniface
Hey, to be fair on ten year olds, we get those sort of apps from all age levels, even "18 year olds" :p

Even though the idea that you stated is a good one, the problem is that is that if we make exceptions to some people but not others, it starts to get messy, and instead of arguing about the mod age (not saying you are, this is hypothetical) people will then argue about unfair treatment that some people get preference over others. It is a LOT easier to make a date, and simply cut off the age from there. It may be tough, but it's a lot easier for us to manage in the long run.

I'm confused what you want me to say.
If it is about the age limit. I agree with it. We can't have, and I am not saying all 13- people are, immature mods who can't be taken very seriously at times. Yes we do have fun and make jokes but it isn't all just fun and games for the joy of playing, having a cool color, and chat color. You have to actually be able to show that you are responsible enough to handle the job of moderating the servers, being active, and interacting with the community.


May 29, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, if you do happen to think of any feel free to message a staff member or myself. I'll lock this thread seeing as it's been explained.

Hey look a ninja Lulu. :)
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