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Microsoft buying Minecraft?

Want Microsoft to buy Mojang?

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Jul 21, 2014
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Like I have told some other people discussing this topic, I find that we should take the Kotaku article that reported this with a grain of salt. Meaning that we should totally accept this as something that is believable. I say this due to recent events with Kotaku reporting that Twitch was bought by Google(whereas weeks later it was officially announced that Twitch was bought by Amazon) So the reliability of the article is very low in my book given that they have been known to make false statements. Furthermore, most of their reports are based on rumors and contain very little reliable, factual information. So before jumping to conclusions and causing drama, it is always good to do your research :D

Furthermore, it is unwise that Mojang would even consider selling its company. It is one of the largest and well-known video games of this day and age and sells around 10k-100k copies a day(This fact is based off of what was said during the whole "EULA" fiasco. I am not positive on the exact estimation Mojang claimed but I do know it was around the 10k-100k mark) Which would indicate that they make what they have been offered in a matter of months. From a business standpoint, it would be immensely stupid to sell an ongoing profitable company for something that they can easily make within the year.

To answer your question IF Microsoft were to buy Mojang, it could go two ways with how Minecraft would end up. They could either: a) leave the Minecraft property and Mojang alone altogether and just make profits of Minecraft as well as take it away from Sony and make it Microsoft exclusive. or b) try and control the way the games run and make users run on their platform in order to turn it into their own property. The wisest decision, I think, would be "a" since that is kinda what big companies are known to do. They simple, by out a company and just claim revenue on that property in order to create funds for future projects.

Really, it all boils down to Mojang as a core and our faith that they have our best interests in mind. I think that this is all just a scare like Twitch with Google and that it will blow over in the upcoming days and we will move on to the next company movement to talk about and create controversy since history is known to repeat itself. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to reply and i'll get back to you. These are my thoughts and I hope somebody at least learns from it. Hope everyone understands what I have said and that you have a great rest of your day! :D


District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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If Microsoft were to purchase Mojang, no one would win. Microsoft has a recent history of being terrible with games and game studios, so they'd likely take the current indie darling of the industry and run it straight into the ground with corporate meddling. Mojang has been a successful indie studio for several years now, and I doubt it would easily conform to Microsoft's corporate whims, leading to a weakened core product and developmental ability down the line. And players won't get to benefit because Microsoft's support for gaming infrastructure is terrible (Games for Windows Live anyone?), and I don't see any possible benefit that Microsoft can bring to the table that Mojang can't offer independently or communities like ours aren't already offering. And it's not like Mojang couldn't make $2.0 billion on their own with how MC is performing, unless there's a crucial piece of info that we're all missing.

If Microsoft purchased Mojang, Mojang would go down the exact same path Rareware did. And for those of you still waiting for a proper Banjo Kazooie or Conker sequel, you know how that story goes.

The good news is that I doubt that the story is as real and pressing as people are making it out to be. Big-name publisher buying big-name studio usually contains a lot more information than we're currently being given, which means that this is either a creation of the rumor-mill, or the talks are so preliminary that we don't even know its likely outcome yet. I trust that Microsoft has enough business sense to focus on fixing their current problems with gamers before making a big purchase to get more invested with them, and I trust Mojang to have enough integrity to not be persuaded by money. Hopefully nothing comes of this, because nothing good could come out of it.


Sep 7, 2014
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If Microsoft were to purchase Mojang, no one would win. Microsoft has a recent history of being terrible with games and game studios, so they'd likely take the current indie darling of the industry and run it straight into the ground with corporate meddling. Mojang has been a successful indie studio for several years now, and I doubt it would easily conform to Microsoft's corporate whims, leading to a weakened core product and developmental ability down the line. And players won't get to benefit because Microsoft's support for gaming infrastructure is terrible (Games for Windows Live anyone?), and I don't see any possible benefit that Microsoft can bring to the table that Mojang can't offer independently or communities like ours aren't already offering. And it's not like Mojang couldn't make $2.0 billion on their own with how MC is performing, unless there's a crucial piece of info that we're all missing.

If Microsoft purchased Mojang, Mojang would go down the exact same path Rareware did. And for those of you still waiting for a proper Banjo Kazooie or Conker sequel, you know how that story goes.

The good news is that I doubt that the story is as real and pressing as people are making it out to be. Big-name publisher buying big-name studio usually contains a lot more information than we're currently being given, which means that this is either a creation of the rumor-mill, or the talks are so preliminary that we don't even know its likely outcome yet. I trust that Microsoft has enough business sense to focus on fixing their current problems with gamers before making a big purchase to get more invested with them, and I trust Mojang to have enough integrity to not be persuaded by money. Hopefully nothing comes of this, because nothing good could come out of it.
Completely agree with Col Star there, couldn't have said it better myself.


Tbh, if this happens, Microsoft may just force you to play on the XCrap 1 to play MC...


Oct 20, 2013
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I will cry if they (Microsoft) start to charge us for texture packs :(

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