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Guide MCSG - Nothing is wrong!


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
Hey, guys, Gibbo here.
Just a thread I wanted to post because a lot of people have been complaining about MCSG lately and I'm sick of seeing the same thing written half a dozen times in half a dozen different threads. I hope this clears up a lot of stuff for people who may be wondering some of these things and might potentially stop those threads some being constantly posted about the exact same thing each time.

Believe it or not Chad does have a lifw away from MCSG. He is still here, the staff are able to contact him but do remember that he has his own company and such and that he can't be at MCSG 24/7, same with every other single person in this community. Believe it or not, people DO have lives outside of MCSG and occasionally we do need to go back to them (perfect example, I am currently at college working on coursework but I have taken 5 minutes out of my time to write this post).

Chad can't always be around, yes he may have become a little more inactive due to other things but he is currently working on things to make the community better.

Now, the bugs. For the millionth time THE CRAFTING ISSUES ARE A MINECRAFT ISSUE, NOT MCSG! We are in no way responsible for the issues and believe it or not, we do have a fix but we have to wait for the perfect time to take down the servers otherwise people will moan and stuff on the forums complaining about getting kicked from games they could have won and such!

People in the this community don't actually know how hard it is to get things done bug wise or staff wise. Sr.Staff need to come to an agreement on accepting certain people for interviews, the developers have to deal with thousands of people moaning at them if they suddenly shut down the servers to push out an update. Running a community like this is hard and people who run their own communities may disagree but most communities they might run might not have as many demanding players as we do.

People in the community really need to think before they make threads like this and maybe try to imagine things from our perspectives instead of writing what they only know. Our developers, Chad, the staff, everyone have lives outside of MCSG and believe it or not, we do need to occasionally go back to those lives and get stuff done. I'm 18 years old, I'm at college and currently looking for a job. Yes, I'm Sr.Staff at MCSG and I do spend a lot of time here but I do need to do college work, I need to write applications for jobs and such. Chad and subv3rsion run their own companies outside of MCSG and they do need to do work there. Most of the Sr.Staff have jobs along with a lot of the mods. People do want to spend time with their families as well. We're not saying we don't want to work here anymore, but you guys gotta lay off us a little bit and give us some space. Subv3rsion is currently trying to push out an update which should fix some of the bugs in the community.

Word of advice to everyone, try to get the full story before you make threads like this that are insulting members of staff and our ability to do our jobs. We wouldn't BE in these jobs if we didn't know what we were doing so next time you wanna make a thread like this, read this post first and you might think twice about it before you to.


Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
I love how this was copied/pasted from my thread :3
Do you have the ability to post on the homepage? This should SOOOO be on it!

On that topic, I was mainly quoting some of the good comments from a different threads. I accidenlty deleted the introduction which explained that :3


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
MCSG does have some flaws, but I honestly don't think they're to important.

But the only point I agree with the opposition on is that they're taking way to slow to fix bugs and whatnot, I personally think MCSG Devs should allocate more time to coding, but as you said they do have lives

I'm loyal to MCSG, but what I hate is people leaving.

Honestly, just wait a little, you guys have lives, use them!

EDIT; Read white text

Good to see Subs putting out updates, guys you know what this means? PROBLEMS ARE BEING FIXED, NOT IGNORED.


District 13
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Erm... wut? Nonononononnonononono!
It's true.
Every mod I've talked to seems to refer to you as a higher power (including Sr Mods), they respect you but also enjoy teasing you.. and let's face it, ain't nobody gonna mess with Gibbo.
Therefore, your treated like a Mother.
Don't deny it.


Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
It's true.
Every mod I've talked to seems to refer to you as a higher power (including Sr Mods), they respect you but also enjoy teasing you.. and let's face it, ain't nobody gonna mess with Gibbo.
Therefore, your treated like a Mother.
Don't deny it.

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