• Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.

MCGamer Frequently Asked Questions (2015)

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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
MCGamer Frequently Asked Questions
Made for the players and staff of the MCGamer community
Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page for the MCGamer Network!
If you have a problem, this page should be your first resource towards finding a solution.

Click on one of the hyperlinked pages below in order to jump to that section.
Below each hyperlink are some examples of questions contained within that section.

  • General Questions
    • What is the MCGamer Network?
    • Where can I find the MCGamer Rules?
    • How do I report a player for breaking the rules?
    • I’ve been banned and I think it was unfair. What do I do?
    • How do I get VIP?
    • What is a Sponsor/Donor?
  • Ingame
    • What is the server IP?
    • How do I play the game?
    • What are the in-game commands?
    • How can I report a hacker?
  • Hub
    • What is a Hub?
    • What is the Hub’s IP?
    • How can I join a game?
    • What can I do to lag less in the hub?
    • I can’t get a hold of a moderator in the hub, what should I do?
  • Forum
    • How do I edit my posts?
    • How do I lock a thread?
    • Is it possible to change my forum name?
    • How can I change my avatar on the forums?
    • Why was my message deleted?
  • TeamSpeak
    • What is the TeamSpeak IP?
    • What are the Rules of the TeamSpeak? Where are they posted?
    • How do I get my donor rank on teamspeak?
    • How do I report an abusive user on the teamspeak?
    • Can I use a soundboard or a voice changer on the MCGamer TS?
  • Staff
    • What are the ranks of the individual staff? And what do they do?
    • I saw a staff member abuse their powers and break rules. What do I do?
    • How do I get a moderator to help me?
    • How do I become a staff member?
  • Staff Application
    • How do I apply to become a moderator?
    • How long does it take for me to get a response to my moderator application?
    • My mod application hasn't been approved nor declined in a long time. What should I do?
    • If I have been banned on the MCSG servers before, can I still apply to be a moderator?
    • I am a coder who is skilled with Java. How can I become a Developer?
  • Support and Technical Help
    • What is the MCGamer Support Team?
    • I am having a technical issue and I need some help. How do I get help?
    • My Premium has gone missing/never came! What do I do?
    • How do I transfer my donor rank from one account to another?
    • I was recently banned for "Chargeback", and told to contact Support. What's happening?
  • Report Abuses
    • What are Report Abuses?
    • How do I file a Report Abuse?
    • How long does a Report Abuse take to process?
    • No one has responded to my Report Abuse yet. What do I do?
  • Ban Disputes
    • What are Ban Disputes?
    • I’ve been banned and I think it was unfair. How do I file a Ban Dispute?
    • How long does a Ban Dispute take to process?
    • It has been a long time since anyone has responded to my Ban Dispute. What can I do?

Have an idea for a question you'd like to have added?
Have a suggestion you'd like to see on this page?
See an error or a typo on the FAQ?
Send me a Forum PM with your recommendation!
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
General Questions:

1. What is the MCGamer Network?
The MCGamer Network is one of the largest Minecraft gaming networks in the world, hosting servers in several regions across the globe. Previously known as Minecraft Survival Games, MCGamer offers a number of great gamemodes to play, including the world-reknown gamemode MCSG. With a community that spans across North America, Europe, and Australia, the MCGamer Network is a truly global community.

2. Where can I find the MCGamer Rules?
Answer: A full listing of the community and server rules are available at the following link: http://mcgamer.info.

3. What do the differently colored ranks mean?
Name colors are used to distinguish between player rankings on our servers. A list of the colors and their associated rank is as follows:
  • Green means Regular player
  • Grey means Iron Sponsor/Donor
  • Gold means Gold Sponsor/Donor
  • Teal means Diamond Sponsor/Donor
  • Aqua means Platinum Sponsor/Donor
  • Lime means Quantum Sponsor/Donor
  • Purple means VIP
  • Pink means Map Maker
  • Red means Moderator
  • Dark Red means Senior Moderator
  • Bold Dark Red means Administrator
  • Rainbow means Developer
4. How do I report a player for breaking the rules?
If you wish to report a user for breaking the rules on our network, you can do so here: http://report.mcgamer.info. But make sure to follow the provided template as well, which can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/report-abuse-templates.6742/.

For more information on Report Abuses, please view the FAQ section on Report Abuses/Ban Disputes.

5. I’ve been banned and I think it was unfair. What do I do?
If you believe that you were unfairly banned, feel free to submit a ban dispute at the following link: http://dispute.mcgamer.info. But remember to follow the provided template, which can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/ban-dispute-templates.6587/.

For more information on Report Abuses, please view the FAQ section on Report Abuses/Ban Disputes.

6. How do I get VIP?
To get VIP, you must be considered very important to the success of the servers. You could do this by helping out the servers drastically by gathering publicity for the community such as YouTuber or Twitch, or be a former member of the MCGamer Senior Staff team.

If you record yourself playing on MCGamer and post it on your YouTube channel and have 20,000+ subscribers, you can apply for VIP here:http://vip.mcgamer.info.

If you livestream yourself playing on MCGamer via Twitch.tv, and you have 1,000+ followers, you can apply for VIP here:http://bit.ly/MCGTwitchVIP.

Note: More information regarding applying for VIP and an in-depth explanation of all requirements can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/introducing-twitch-tv-vip-youtube-vip-changes.132752/.

7. How do I become a Map Maker?
To achieve the Map Maker rank, you must have contributed to the Network by creating a map for any game mode or hub that got accepted onto the servers. More information regarding Map Requirements and how to correctly submit your Map Thread can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/official-map-submission-guidelines.160912/.

8. What is a Sponsor/Donor?
Sponsors or Donors are players who have helped the community by donating money towards it. This money is put entirely back into MCSG, primarily paying for our current servers as well as saving for more servers in the future. We currently have 5 different types of donors, which go as follows: Iron - Gold - Diamond - Platinum - Quantum. If you are interested in donating to the network and purhasing a donor rank, you can do so here: http://shop.mcgamer.net.

9. What are the perks that donors/sponsors get?
As a Thank You gift, donors are given special perks such as priority join and a special name color to distinguish themselves from other players. Or even Premium Chats on our Teamspeak server (ts.mcgamer.net). You can find a full list of donor perks here:http://shop.mcgamer.net.

Note: The Quantum donor was an exclusive rank which is currently sold out. It is not available anymore, until further notice from the administration or Chad.

10. I bought donor but I have not received it yet. How can I get my donor?
In-game: It may take up to 24 hours for your donor rank to take effect in-game, so please be patient after the purchase. However, if you still have not received it by then, please contact [email protected] and include your Minecraft username and the receipt of your purchase.

Forums: Your forums rank should update automatically after having purchased the rank at our store. However, if it does not, please send an email to [email protected] and make sure to include a link to your forums profile page and the receipt of your purchase. We also highly prefer that you send the mail using the same email address that you used to create the forums account.

Teamspeak: If you wish to receive your donor rank on our Teamspeak server, please poke a member of Staff with the appropriate information (Username & Rank) and follow their instructions.​

11. What company hosts the MCSG servers?
CubedHost (www.cubedhost.com) hosts our servers.

12. Where are the MCGamer servers located?
US: Phoenix, Arizona.
CA: Montréal, Quebec.
EU: Paris, France.
AU: Sydney, New South Wales.​

13. What is considered as advertising?
Advertising consists of linking the IP (direct or numerical) or website of another server or community.

14. If I have a YouTube account, am I allowed to advertise that?
Yes, provided you produce MCSG related content. If not, don't link it unless specifically asked for.

15. If I was banned on the forums or ingame, am I allowed to use an alternate account?
No. You may not use Alternate Accounts to benefit yourself, and this includes in order to bypass a current ban on a different account. It is unfair to other players and pervades justice, thus alt accounts are not allowed. You may dispute the ban or wait out your sentence, but you cannot sidestep it.

If a user is found using an alternate account, that account will be banned immediately and without warning, as will the player as well. The account will be banned for the higher offense than the first account was banned.

For example if someone was banned for Abuse [1st Offense], which is 3 days, both accounts will be banned for Abuse [2nd Offense], which is 5 days, if they were found bypassing the first ban.

16. Am I allowed to let my sibling/cousin/friend/other assorted 3rd parties play MCSG on my account?
No, do not let other people use your account. In the eyes of the staff and the community, your account is your own and no one else's. There is no good and easy way for us to identify who is physically behind a keyboard, but we are fully able to know what account is being used. Only holding one person accountable for their account makes identification much more honest and easier on our part when it comes to applications and offenses.

If another person is using your account, and they do something to get you banned, your account will be held responsible and will be punished as such. You are allowed to dispute the ban, but it is unlikely that you can prove your case to the extent necessary for us to unban your account. Don't let the mistakes of others affect you: keep your account to yourself.

17.What is win boosting?
Win boosting consists of a player entering servers with a small player count with a large party that either /kills or allows the player to kill them for wins. These parties are usually more than half of the lobby. To report someone for win boosting, make sure to collect evidence of at least 4-5 different games.

18. What happens if I was banned for forged evidence?
MCGamer realizes that there are clients that may frame innocent players into looking like they are using hacked clients. If you believe your evidence was forged, please make a ban dispute at http://dispute.mcgamer.info immediately and include as much evidence as you can proving us that the evidence is fake.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
In game:

1. What is the server IP?
Our server IPs link directly to a Hub server, which directs you to all of the game types and game servers available within that region.

To select the region that best serves your connection, please use the following IP:
  • play.mcgamer.net

If you wish to play on a specific regional hub, use the following Direct IP's:
  • US Hub: us.mcgamer.net
  • EU Hub: eu.mcgamer.net
  • AU Hub: au.mcgamer.net
  • CA Hub: ca.mcgamer.net
  • DEV Hub: dev.mcgamer.net

2. Do I need a premium Minecraft account to play on the servers?
Yes, you need a premium Minecraft account to play on the MCGamer servers.

3. How do I play the game?
Please check out the following thread for an in-depth guide on how you can play on our servers: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/how-to-connect-and-play-getting-started-with-mcgamer.155352/.

4. What does it mean to be kicked by a donor?
Donors have priority when joining servers, so when a donor joins a full server, the last normal player to have joined will get kicked to make room.

5. There’s a server in staff-only mode. What does this mean and why can’t I join?
Staff-only mode is when the server is only accessible by members of staff. This is used for a variety of things. For example, staff-only mode is used when patching maps, testing new features, and fixing bugs.

6. How do I find out a player’s stats?
To find someone’s stats, you can go on the forums and search their username on the leaderboards located here:http://www.mcgamer.net/stats/. To check a player’s stats in game you can use the commands /records [username] or /stats [username]. If you only want to see your stats, you can just type in /records or /stats.

7. What are the in-game commands?
The commands available to normal players are (in alphabetical order):

/apply- Provides the appropriate links on where and how to apply for staff.

/bounty (username) (points)- places a bounty on someone.

/chat ignore (username)- Ignores said player’s chat.

/chat listen (username)- Undoes the command above.

/chat showignored- Shows current ignored players.

/connect (server #)- Connects to any server ID no matter the gamemode. Alternative to /server

Allows you to fly in the hub or lobby (available to platinum and up ).

/gf, /ghost or /ghostfix- teleports a player to themselves to fix a glitch where players view themselves as moving, but not in actuality.

/help (page number)- Gives you a list of available commands to use.

/hub- teleports you back to either the minihub or main hub, depending on your last location

/i or /info- displays the current server’s information.

/join <game> [ID]- Lets you join any game as a participant, depending on which gametype (= ID).

/kill- automatically kills yourself.

/l or /list- lists all the players in the server.

/memory- displays the memory that is being used to run your Minecraft client.

/msg or /whisper- sends a message that can only be seen by people in a small radius.

/party create <name>- Used to create your own party.

/party invite <username>- Invites a certain player to your party.

/party kick <username>- Kicks a certain player from your party.

/party join <name>- Join a specific party which you have been invited to.

/party leave <name>- Leave a specific party you are currently in.

/party promote <username>- Promote a member in your party to the party leader.

/party showinvites- Lists your pending party invitations.

/party warp- Warps everyone in your party to the server you are currently in.

/p or /poll- displays a poll where members can vote of topics.

/pollvote <Poll ID> <Option>- Lets you vote on a specific poll option.

/records- displays a user’s stats.

/report <playername> <rule #> <description>- Lets you report a desired player for breaking a specific rule or for other reasons.

/reportbug- Allows you to report a bug in-game. Please be specific and follow all the steps after running the command so that the devs have all the appropriate information they need in order to fix the issue.

/rules- displays the MCSG rules.

/seppuku- automatically kills yourself.

/server <game> [ID]- Allows you to join any specific server, no matter which state you’re in (participant or spectator).

/servers <game>- Displays all servers and their current state of a specific game type.

/silentjoin- Toggle silentjoin on or off. Other players will not be able to see you join a server if enabled.

/skip- skips the current set of maps for another set of maps.

/spec or /spectate- teleports you to a specific player as a spectator.

/sponsor (username)- opens a menu that lets you send items to living tributes in exchange for points as a spectator.

/stats <username> or /records <username>- Shows you the current statistics of a certain player or yourself.

/suicide- automatically kills yourself.

/tl or /timeleft- displays the amount of time left in a game.

/tutorial- Will guide you through an MCGamer Tutorial and gives you 3500 free credits.

/v or /vote- displays maps available to be played in specific servers

/v (number)- votes for a specific map in the lobby phase.

/watch <game> [ID]- Allows you to join any specific game as a spectator.

8. How does bounty work?
A spectator can use the /bounty command to take some of their points and place it on a living tribute. Whoever kills the tribute with the bounty, gets the points as a reward. If the tribute wins the game, they get to keep the points. A player cannot bounty more points than they currently have.

9. What are points used for? How can you get them?
Points are a score that can be used to sponsor items to living players in-game using the /sponsor command. Points can also be fought for or gambled with on the outcome of certain matches through the use of bounties.

All players start with 100 points when they begin playing on these servers. Players gain points by getting achievements and killing other players. Each time a player dies, he or she will lose 5% of their points to the person that killed them. Players may receive more points from killing another if there is a bounty on that player.

10. How come the item that I wanted to sponsor is gone?
Items in the sponsor list can only be sponsored once. Therefore, if another spectator has sponsored the item during the game, it will no longer appear in the menu.

11. Can I block glitch, even if I'm stuck?
No, block glitching of any kind is not allowed on our servers. If you're stuck in a trap, you'll have to wait until the end of the game or use the commands /kill or /hub. If you are caught block glitching, you will be punished accordingly.

12. How can I report a hacker?
Hackers can be reported in a number of ways. Firstly, you can report a hacker by using the /report command. Another way you can report a hacker is by notifying a moderator in game or simply poking them on the MCGamer Teamspeak.If you are unable to find a moderator at the time, you can also record the hacker and submit an Abuse Report on the forums.

For help on using the /report command please refer to this guide:


13. How can I get video evidence of a person hacking?
Use a screen recording application, such as FRAPS, to record short videos of hacking users, and report them in the report abuse section of the forums. Make sure to upload your evidence to Youtube and to change the status of the video to Unlisted. Only submit report abuses (http://report.mcgamer.info), do not submit your hacking videos in the media section on the forums.

14. What should I do if I see a person avoiding the swear filter?
Press F2 to take a quick screenshot. The screenshots taken with F2 will appear in the Screenshots folder of the Minecraft file. Report them in the report abuse section of the forums. We prefer that you upload the image to imgur and that is easier for the staff to process the evidence. And remember that we can only accept full screenshots. Cropped or edited ones will be denied!

15. Why can't I hit people?
There are many possibilities of why your hits might not be registering. You could be ghosted, or bugged, and to solve the issue, you can use the /ghostfix (or /gf) to have your character teleport to itself, which should solve the ghosting issue. The problem can also occur through lag, whether it be server side or client side (possibly from the person you're trying to hit as well). In this case, determine which side the problem is occurring from. If it was server side, report the problem. If you find this constantly happening with many people, report the problem to staff.

16. Is it possible to reset your stats?
Yes. You can purchase a Stats Reset token on our webstore, under the Stats Reset category. You can purchase a stats reset for any gametype that has a functioning leaderboard and Premium-ranked players are able to purchase the resets at a discounted price.

Do note that stats resets will need to be redeemed after purchase in order to reset your stats.

You are able to redeem your stats reset token by firstly right clicking on the gold ingot in your hot bar, secondly by selecting the anvil. From there on, you are able to select a certain game type for which you would like to reset your stats. Next, you have the option to redeem your statistics for any desired leaderboard. You have the option between: daily - weekly - monthly - seasonal - overall - everything.

17. How does the party system work?
The party system is an easy way for players to bring all their friends into the same game as them. To create a party, the party leader would run the command /party create (party name). Once the party is created, the leader can add each participant by typing in /party invite (username). After all members are invited, the leader can find a lobby of any gametype and use the command /party warp to bring all the current party members into their server.

18. What is the popup that comes up everytime I try to trashtalk in-game?
MCGamer aims to promote a safe and friendly environment for all of its community members. Therefore, we have implemented a filter that does not allow others to belittle the playing ability of others. This filter catches and logs commonly used terms such as “gg10, rekt, ez”.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score

1. What is the Hub’s IP?
Answer: The US Hub is us.mcgamer.net, the EU Hub is eu.mcgamer.net and the AU Hub is au.mcgamer.net, The CA Hub is ca.mcgamer.net. If you wish to connect to the hub you have the best connection to, please use the play.mcgamer.net IP.

2. How can I join a game?
From the hub, you can use your compass to warp to any game type you wish to play. Once you warp to any of these locations, simply right click a sign in order to join a game. Or you may use the /server <game> [ID] command to directly connect to any specific game type.

3. What is a Hub?
A hub is a server that contains portals to different game types and minigames.

4. How come I can’t use the “/records” command in the hub?
“/records” doesn’t work in the hub, only in-game or in the lobby.

5. What can I do to lag less in the hub?
Next to your compass, there will be a clock. When used, this clock will hide all players from you. This should reduce some of the lag that you are experiencing.

6. How come I can still see people after I use the clock?
Every person who uses the clock after you will be visible until you use the clock again.

7. I can’t get a hold of a moderator in the hub, what should I do?
Ask politely in chat to talk to a moderator. Please be patient because they might be busy dealing with another issue. Alternatively, you can come on TeamSpeak and poke a mod, or message them on the forums.

8. One of the signs says the server is restarting and it has been like that for more than a few minutes, what should I do?
Try to get a hold of a staff member and let them know. Make sure you tell them what server it is and any other details like region, hub ID...

9. I’m stuck somewhere in the hub, how can I get out?
You can use your compass to warp out of any locations that you are trapped in. Alternatively, either reconnect to the server, or in case you’re stuck in a mini-hub, connect to the main hub by running the /hub command, then reconnect to the mini-hub.

10. Can I has Op? I’m from Planet Minecraft.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score

1. How do I report a player or post for breaking forum rules?
There is a “report” button at the bottom of each post. If you see a player posting something that violates our rules, press that button and enter the reason. A moderator will look into the matter ASAP.

2. Where do I post my moderator application?
You may post your moderator application here: http://apply.mcgamer.info

3. How do I edit my posts?
At the bottom of your post, next to the post’s timestamp, there is an edit button, that you can use to alter your posts.

4. I am having problems editing my thread and adding a signature. It is making my content as spam.
When a user first joins the forums, all of his or her messages must go through a moderation queue which our moderators either approve or reject. After you have posted a certain amount of messages (30), you will no longer have these restrictions on your account and you will be able to edit your threads as well as add signatures.

5. How do I post a new thread?
To post a new thread, go to the desired section and press the massive orange “Post New Thread” button located at the top right.

6. What is Double-Posting? Why is it not Allowed?
A double-post is a pair of simultaneous, non-inturrupted replies to a thread by the same person; the two posts will be next to each other in the thread.

Double-posting is not allowed because it is considered as a waste of space and is an annoyance to other forum-viewers. If you have something more to say in a single post and you've already posted a reply, you are allowed to Edit that reply and add in whatever you may have missed beforehand. If you see someone double-post, please feel free to Report the latter reply so that we may merge the two or delete one altogether.

7. How do I lock a thread?
If you wish to lock a thread you have started, whether it be because you don't want any further responses or whatever reason, please Report the first post in the thread and give the reason, "OP Lock Request". The thread will only be locked if you were the one who created it. If you wish to lock a thread that was not created by you, please Report the reply that you have an issue with, give the reason, "Lock Request: REASON", and fill in the appropriate reason.

8. Is it possible to change my forum name?
Yes. If you are interested in doing so, email [email protected]. Please refer to the Support and Technical requests section below for more information.

9. I've recently started playing on a new Minecraft account. Is it possible to change the Minecraft account which is associated with my forum account?
Yes. If you are interested in doing so, email [email protected]. Please link them to your current account profile, tell them the name of the current Minecraft account associated with that forum account, and tell them the name of the new Minecraft account you'd like to have associated.

10. On the old forums, there was a page that listed online staff members. Could we re-add that to the new forums?
The new forums are still being revised to incorporate different features. Hopefully we will be able to add this back in the future!

11. How can I change my avatar on the forums?
Currently, the best way to change your avatar on the forums is to use a gravatar account (https://en.gravatar.com/). After you have updated your image on your avatar account, you can hover over your profile settings to change your avatar. A guide on how to use Gravtar can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/how-to-use-gravatar.87942/

12. How can I delete my forums account?
If you wish for your forums account to be deleted, please contact [email protected] and include all the appropriate information they need such as a link to your forums page and the reason why you are requesting it to be deleted. From there on, please follow the steps provided by the Support team.

13. Why was my message deleted?
If the staff believes that a post is not beneficial or substantial to a topic, they may delete the post in question. If your message was deleted, it may have had flaming or trolling elements, may have included a reference or a quote of another person flaming or trolling that was deleted, may not have been on-topic or pertinent to the current conversation, or had a message that was deemed inappropriate.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score

1. How do I get TeamSpeak and connect to the MCSG TeamSpeak?

Answer: To download TeamSpeak, go to http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads and locate the client download that corresponds with your operating system. Install the program and to connect to MCSG, click connections, connect and enter the MCSG TeamSpeak IP in the server address along with your desired user name in the nick name section (keep it appropriate).

2. What is the TeamSpeak IP?
The TeamSpeak IP is ts.mcgamer.net.

3. What are the Rules of the TeamSpeak? Where are they posted?
The TS rules are posted on the TS itself on the spacer between “Available [Poke if Needed]” and “Cleansweep” channel. By clicking on the Rules spacer and viewing its description, you can view the following rules:

1. These rules are subject to change at any time.

2. By playing on our servers, you agree to follow these rules and understand that if you break these rules, you will face consequences that could lead up to permanent removal from the community.

3. Respect all staff members and their decisions: We expect members to listen and respect staff members.

4. Do not disrespect or harass other members: We want people to in our community to feel safe and respected.

5. Do not use derogatory or profane language, or make excessive noise or inappropriate noises: There are many members in our community of various ages and words that are not appropriate should not be spoken or seen.

6. Do not discriminate other members: Our member base consist of people of many different races, genders, country, religion, sexual orientation, etc. We do not want our members to feel left out due to them being different.

7. Do not spam:Spamming is an unnecessary way of gaining attention, and spamming is obnoxious. It prioritizes one person’s message over another.

8. Do not use excessive caps: Excessive caps prioritize a person’s message over others, similar to spam, and is often viewed as screaming or shouting.

9. Do not advertise: Advertising other communities or events in order to profit is prohibited.

10. Do not start argue/flame wars: We want to keep the community peaceful; a place where people are free to have opinions and discuss things. Arguments ruin discussions and are unnecessary.

11. Do not exploit bugs or glitches: We want to the servers to be the best that it can be and if a bug or glitch is spotted, report it to staff privately ASAP.

12. You may not use voice changers, music bots, or soundboards of any kind. This includes playing music, even if everyone in the channel agrees. Others can join public channels and not be okay with it.

13. Do not mislead people: Do not mislead people into learning false information that will trick them into doing something idiotic.

14. No non members of staff can be in a staff channel with out a member of staff and they will be moved out if there is no member of staff present.

15. Mass demonstrations that attempt to sway community policy through public displays is not allowed. Mass messages, poke campaigns, hashtag phrases (e.g. #ChadForBanned) and the like will be considered a kickable offense.

16.Giving away the disguise of a member of staff could result in a ban.

17. Your name must be identifiable, preferably your in-game username. You may not use blank names, offensive names or names with excessive characters. You may also not impersonate other users or staff members.

4. What are the different ranks on TeamSpeak mean?
To tell what rank a user is, hover your pointer over their TeamSpeak icon and it should tell you their rank. Or click on them and have a look at their profile at the right side bar.

5. How do I get my donor rank on teamspeak?
To get your donor rank on teamspeak, poke a moderator and follow their instructions.

6. How do I poke someone on teamspeak?
Right click on the client and press “Poke client”.

7. How do I mute someone on teamspeak?
Right click on the client and select “Mute client”, however muting moderators is against the rules, as they will not be able to help and/or warn you if you or someone else is is breaking the rules.

8. How do I turn up/down the volume of a teamspeak user?
Right click on the client and select “Change Volume”. Then either drag the button to the left or right to either turn the volume down or up respectively.

9. How do I report an abusive user on the teamspeak?
You may either right click on their name and file a complaint by selecting the “Make a complaint” option, or directly poke a member of staff regarding your issue.

10. Can I use a soundboard or a voice changer on the MCGamer TS?
Soundboards and voice changers are strictly prohibited on MCGamer TS.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score

1. What are the ranks of the individual staff? And what do they do?
(Ranked from highest ranking to lowest ranking)

  • Owner
The Owner, ChadtheDJ, is the founder and highest authority of MCSG, and is responsible for high-level decisions and developments that affect MCSG and the entire community. In addition, he also handles the VIPs and issues with donorship.

  • Developer
The Developers are the Java-junkies who make the game possible. They are responsible for handling anything related to Minecraft, the Survival Games, coding, or the servers themselves.

  • Administrator
Admins are executives who help manage the community and the staff, often working closely with the Sr. Staff to do so. They juggle an assortment of high-level management and administration, and rarely get involved in lower-level tasks such as bans, ban disputes, and forum moderation; one exception is in moderator application interviews, in which they can sometimes be required to be present. In addition, the Admins themselves are responsible for a specialized part of the community, such as running the Survival server or handling support tickets.

  • Senior Moderator
Senior Moderators are the veteran moderators of the community, and are granted additional responsibilities. In addition to overseeing the Moderators, they are middle managers who are responsible for hiring of new Moderators, training new Moderators, solving ban disputes, and bringing up concerns from the Moderators to higher staff.

  • Moderator
Moderators are the backbone of the community, and are trusted to maintain its laws and expectations. They are responsible for catching hackers, punishing troublemakers, and maintaining peace throughout the community.

2. I saw a staff member abuse their powers and break rules. What do I do?
If you saw a member of staff abusing their powers (i.e. kicking people for no reason, abusing the /say command, etc) or break rules, get evidence and report them to higher staff. Report Moderators to Senior Moderators, Sr. Mods to Administrators and Admins / Developers directly to Chad.

3. How do I get a moderator to help me?
You can get help from a moderator by PM’ing one on the forums, going on TeamSpeak and poking one or posting a thread in the general help section of the forums (here normal players can help you as well.). Or if you can find one in the hub, you may ask for their assistance there.

4. How do I become a staff member?
Everyone who is interested in becoming a staff member on the MCGamer network must first apply for their respective positions. More information is available below in the Staff Application section of this FAQ.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Staff Application:

1. How do I apply to become a moderator?
You can apply for moderator here: http://apply.mcgamer.info.

2. How old do I have to be to be a moderator?
You must be at least 14 years of age at time of application. Lying about your age is considered a serious offense, and will result in your current application, as well as any future applications, being permanently denied. In addition, if we find out that you are below the age requirement after you had been hired as a moderator, it will result in a demotion.

3. I am below the age limit. Would it still be possible for me to be a moderator?
No. As of March 7th, 2015, Age Exceptions are no longer being given. Requesting an Age Exception for a staff application will result in an immediate denial.

4. How long does it take for me to get a response to my moderator application?
It depends on how many applications there are in total as well as how many Sr.Moderators there are with some free time to do them. There really is no estimated time for when you will get a response to your application but do not bother staff about looking at your application. This will make it take longer for your application to be viewed.

5. Will I know if I'm accepted or declined?
Yes, you will get a reply letting you know if your application has been accepted or declined. If it is declined, you will be given a list of reasons for being declined. If you have been accepted, there will be different stages you’ll have to go through. Respectively Pending - Interview - Accepted. Along with this, the application will have a tag saying either Declined, Pending, Interview or Accepted.

6. My mod application hasn't been approved nor declined in a long time. What should I do?
Please be patient, as the application process is quite intensive and there are a mountain of applications to go through every week. You are allowed to politely request that a Sr. Moderator looks at your application after two weeks of its submission date; any shorter will be considered rude and impatient. Please only do it once a day as it can be annoying, but above all else, please be patient.

7. How should I contact a Senior Moderator regarding my moderator application?
Inbox on the Forums, or politely message them on Teamspeak. Please do not start a forum thread, nor post on someone’s forum profile, or poke someone regarding moderator applications.

8. I am a coder who is skilled with Java. How can I become a Developer?
: All developers must contact ChadtheDJ or the other Developers. Email either of them with a resume, and they can set up an interview with you. You can find their emails here: [email protected] & [email protected].

9. What does my application being reviewed by senior staff mean?
This means your application is being viewed by multiple senior staff to determine whether it will be declined or accepted for an interview.

10. If I have been banned on the MCSG servers before, can I still apply to be a moderator?
Users who have been temporarily banned will be allowed to apply for mod, but only after nine months since the date of your most recent ban. If you received a ban today, you would have to maintain good standing with the staff for nine full months before you would be allowed to submit your application. Users who are currently permanently banned will not be allowed to apply.

Do note that this waiting policy only affects users who have fulfilled legitimate punishments. Bans that are successfully disputed/pardoned will not be held against the applicant, and thus they are allowed to apply immediately.

11. Does staff experience help me get mod?
Yes. Although it is not required, good past experience will greatly help your chances of becoming a moderator as it shows that you are able to work with others in similar situations and have previous knowledge as to how to moderate.

12. If I don't have any experience moderating an online community, could other jobs or positions, such as life guarding, be counted as experience?
Yes. If the job or position relates to moderating or dealing with people, it would be counted as experience.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Support and Technical Help

1. What is the MCGamer Support Team?
The MCGamer Support Team are a small group of non-staff members who are responsible for assisting players with technical issues they may be having related to the MCGamer Network. Their primary responsibility is helping players who are having issues with items they purchased from the MCGamer webstore, such as Premium ranks, Stats Reset Tokens, and Credits packages. They also have a secondary responsibility with forum account support, such as renaming forum accounts or giving forum accounts their ranks.

2. I am having a technical issue and I need some help. How do I get help?
You can contact the Support Team by emailing them at the following address: [email protected].

Please follow these instructions in order to ensure that your issue is addressed effectively:

  1. Wait 24 hours after experiencing the issue. Sometimes issues just need time to resolve themselves.
  2. Create an email, and address it to the following address: [email protected].
  3. In the body of the email, please include the following information:
    1. Your Minecraft account name.
    2. A description of the issue being experienced.
    3. (If related to the forums) Your forum account name.
    4. (If related to a purchase from the webstore) Proof of purchase from the transaction in question; this includes a Buycraft receipt, Paypal receipt, or a Paypal account email address.
  4. Send the email, and await a response.

3. How soon will the Support Team help me?
The Support Team addresses all issues that are emailed to them within 1-3 business days. However, they may require additional time if they must process a large number of tickets.

Do note that the Support Team operates on business hours, meaning they are usually not active during the weekends. As such, if you submit a ticket on Friday, it will be replied to by Tuesday at the latest.

4. Can I go to a Moderator, Admin, or other MCGamer staff member for Support help?
No. The Support Team and the MCGamer staff team are different, and posses different responsibilities and powers. You should not go to Moderators or Admins for help with missing Premium ranks or forum account name changes, as they will not be able to help you.

5. Can I go to the Support Team for MCGamer Staff help?
No. The Support Team holds no influence within the MCGamer staff, and thus they cannot assist you as if they were an MCGamer staff member. You should not post your Ban Disputes or Report Abuses to the Support Team, as they will not be able to help you.

6. My Premium has gone missing/never came! What do I do?
Please follow the instructions in Question 2 to contact the Support Team.

7. How do I transfer my donor rank from one account to another?
MCGamer typically does not provide donor ranks unless under special circumstances. If you believe you might qualify for a rank transfer, please email [email protected] with an explanation of your situation and also proof of purchase.

8. Can we gift our friends stat reset tokens?
Unfortunately, players can only currently gift pets, pet accessories, and vanity items.

9. Is it possible to buy one stats reset token instead of 5?
Answer: The only option we currently offer is a bundle of 5 stat reset tokens per purchase.

10. What are all the stat reset tokens that are available to me?
MCGamer currently sells stat reset tokens for the daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and overall leaderboards. There is no way to reset your legacy leaderboard statistics.

11. Can I transfer/merge my statistics from one account to another?
We do not currently offer the ability to transfer/merge statistics from one account to another.

12. I was recently banned for "Chargeback", and told to contact Support. What's happening?
A Chargeback means that the money you used to purchase an item for your account has been marked as fraudulent. Please contact the Support Team in order to address this issue.

13. I want to change something about my forum account. How would I go about that?
Please follow the instructions in Question 2 to contact the Support Team.

14. I want to rename my Minecraft account. How would I go about that?
Answer: Mojang offers you the ability to rename your Minecraft account every 30 days. Please log into your account page on Mojang's website in order to request a name change. Do note that changing your name to something inappropriate, or impersonating another player with malicious intent, is against the rules and is further detailed in the General Rules section.

Link: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/928638-minecraft-usernames/
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Report Abuses

1. What are Report Abuses?
Report Abuses is a system in which regular players can file a report against a player who was breaking the rules. After supplying evidence of the offense in the report, moderators will then process the report and punish the reported player if necessary. This is an effective system that lets players take moderation into their own hands without relying on a staff member being present.
Report Abuses are processed by Moderators and above.

You can read more about Report Abuses in the community PSA Here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/psa-all-about-report-abuses.153910/

2. How do I file a Report Abuse?
If you wish to report a user for breaking the rules on our network, you can do so here: http://report.mcgamer.info. But make sure to follow the provided template as well, which can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/report-abuse-templates.6742/.

Note: You require evidence to submit a report abuse. This will either be a Screenshot regarding chat offenses, or a video recording regarding hacking offenses or when someone has been found exploiting a glitch or bug on the network.

3. How long does a Report Abuse take to process?
The majority of Report Abuses are processed the same day they are filed, but common Report Abuses will take a maximum of two days to process.

However, if the Report Abuse involves special circumstances, such as if a VIP was being reported or the report is in a foreign language, additional time may be needed to process the report. Additionally, if there are a large number of Report Abuses coming in, or if there are few moderators available to process incoming Report Abuses, additional time may be required. The moderators process Report Abuses as quickly as they can, so please be patient.

4. No one has responded to my Report Abuse yet. What do I do?
If more than three days has passed since you first posted the Report Abuse, you are allowed to bump the Report Abuse once per day at most. Please do not bump your Report Abuse without first waiting three days, and do not bump your report more than once per day.

Additionally, after three days have passed you are allowed to contact a moderator via TeamSpeak Message or Forum Message in order to request that they look at your Report Abuse. Please do so politely and patiently, as moderators may have other, more important matters to attend to.
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District 13
Staff member
Mar 10, 2013
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Ban Disputes

1. What are Ban Disputes?
If you were banned unfairly (e.g. you were banned for hacking when you were not hacking), you can file a Ban Dispute to be unbanned. This system ensures that people who are accidentally or mistakenly banned are able to return to our network as quickly and easily as possible.
Ban Disputes are processed by Senior Moderators and above.

You can read more about Ban Disputes in the community PSA Here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/psa-ban-disputes-how-do-they-work.81048/

2. I’ve been banned and I think it was unfair. How do I file a Ban Dispute?
If you believe that you were unfairly banned, feel free to submit a ban dispute at the following link: http://dispute.mcgamer.info. But remember to follow the provided template, which can be found here: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/ban-dispute-templates.6587/.

Note: Keep in mind not to bother a member of staff regarding your dispute, as it might result in your dispute being pushed to the back of the queue, or you may even risk it to be declined and upheld.

3. How long does a Ban Dispute take to process?
The majority of Ban Disputes are processed within one to three days.

However, if the evidence of the ban proves to be tricky or troublesome, additional time may be needed to process the dispute. Additionally, if there are a large number of Ban Disputes coming in, or if there are few Senior Moderators available to process incoming Ban Disputes, additional time may be required. The senior Moderators process Ban Disputes as quickly as they can, so please be patient.

4. It has been a long time since anyone has responded to my Ban Dispute. What can I do?
If more than three days has passed since you first posted the Ban Dispute, you are allowed to bump the Report Abuse once per day at most. Please do not bump your Ban Dispute without first waiting three days, and do not bump your report more than once per day.

Additionally, after three days have passed you are allowed to contact a Senior Moderator via TeamSpeak Message or Forum Message in order to request that they look at your Ban Dispute. Please do so politely and patiently, as Senior Moderators may have other, more important matters to attend to.
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