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Lulu's Fab Tags


Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: HarborSeal because seals can balance stuff on their heads.
What do you want the fab tag for?: So I can look like Victoria secret.
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: because I'm a seal and seals are fab
Proof you deserve a fab tag: http://gyazo.com/167c26372d74a949f047c2588a110e4b
I, HarborSeal, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
What do you want the fab tag for?:So I can tell all my friends I'm fab.

Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: ummmm well, I helped you get your latest win, I was on an
Alt(Qutify_), Im following you on Instagram :D
Proof you deserve a fab tag:Some random kid in this game said I should have on
I,Jacob Fab, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.


Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Connor <3
IGN: Attention_Seeker / NotAttention
What do you want the fab tag for?: Being fab! (Duh)
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Because I am the owner of #Fabulous, and because I love Taylor Swift. Also, I vomit glitter.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/fabulous-au-professional-clan.79163/
I, Connor Lyttle, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Forgot that
IGN:erm i think it is _xon_smilez_ not to sure :p
What do you want the fab tag for?: I forgot my fab badge so i need this fab tag.
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I dont think i deserve it.... I need it.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: i left that at home
I, [_xon_smilez_], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.

P.S. I remember my name now..... Wait.... No..... What.... Was... It... Again... It... Started with a.... D then.... Y.... Then erm erm..... L.... A..... N... Yes that is it, it is DYLAN!!!


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Connor (Kezzer)
What do you want the fab tag for?: Because I am fab
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I am a fab forumer and long time serving member of staff who is widely known in the community
Proof you deserve a fab tag: Ummmm my past history as a member of staff :D
I, [Connor], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.


Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Zach
IGN: thugged
What do you want the fab tag for?: To show off da beautifulness of them c:
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Well, I dont :c But maybe this could be the start of a good friendship.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: I don't :c
I, [Zach(thugged)], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.


feeling lazy ill do dem tomoz promise guys

And I just got back from the coast so I'm kinda tired c;


Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Name: CleverFalcon ( unless you want real name)
IGN: CleverFalcon
What do you want fab tag for: They are really awesum and want one
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I am halfway to active member :)
Proof you deserve a fab tag: Lululioness rocks!
I, CleverFalcon, solemnly swear on my honour as a Falcon, to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get one.
(Me fingers crossed LuLu :3)


Name: My name is still Jay.
IGN: My IGN is still backhandslap123
What do you want the fab tag for?: I made a thread all about you and you're awesome name! (and this is my 2nd application)
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I came up with an awesome forum game all about you. And I'm obviously desperate since this is my second application.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/members/lululioness.64073/?page=3 http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/lululioness-ify-the-name-above-you.75745/
I, Jay, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Jess Teh Fab
IGN: FabFabFab1337 actually its iHaxors_ :p
What do you want the fab tag for?: Because im fab and almost active member, 40 posts away
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Because im fab.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: I made an ign for fab.
I, [FabSwagGG1337], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Ben
IGN: BetaPuffle
What do you want the fab tag for?: Being purple
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Because im truly amazing
Proof you deserve a fab tag: swag
I, [BetaPuffle], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Zac
IGN: Shinyigglybuff
What do you want the fab tag for?: Putting it in my signature
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: We're IRL friends, fool
Proof you deserve a fab tag: I know your last name
I, Shinyigglybuff or Zac, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Matt Lomakin (Kat)
IGN: Katyabol
What do you want the fab tag for?: I seeng ( I pm'ed you teh vid)
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Because I am fabulous http://imgur.com/s860HkK
Proof you deserve a fab tag: I pm'ed you the link.
I, Katyabol, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Kade
IGN: sazaking
What do you want the fab tag for?: I need a way to show off my fabness. Yes fabness is a word now xD
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Back in the day, Lulu and I use to be best buds (not really, but we were pretty good friends)
Proof you deserve a fab tag: Proof? Ask my mum
I, Saza, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.

Name: Euan
IGN: Fnnythe3hd
What do you want the fab tag for?: Fab tags are cool.
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I was playing Surgeon Simulator 2013 when I decided, "Hey, I think I might want to apply for a fab tag!"
Proof you deserve a fab tag:
I, Fnny, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
IGN: HarborSeal because seals can balance stuff on their heads.
What do you want the fab tag for?: So I can look like Victoria secret.
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: because I'm a seal and seals are fab
Proof you deserve a fab tag: http://gyazo.com/167c26372d74a949f047c2588a110e4b
I, HarborSeal, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag
What do you want the fab tag for?:So I can tell all my friends I'm fab.

Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: ummmm well, I helped you get your latest win, I was on an
Alt(Qutify_), Im following you on Instagram :D
Proof you deserve a fab tag:Some random kid in this game said I should have on
I,Jacob Fab, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Connor <3
IGN: Attention_Seeker / NotAttention
What do you want the fab tag for?: Being fab! (Duh)
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Because I am the owner of #Fabulous, and because I love Taylor Swift. Also, I vomit glitter.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/fabulous-au-professional-clan.79163/
I, Connor Lyttle, solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Forgot that
IGN:erm i think it is _xon_smilez_ not to sure :p
What do you want the fab tag for?: I forgot my fab badge so i need this fab tag.
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I dont think i deserve it.... I need it.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: i left that at home
I, [_xon_smilez_], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.

P.S. I remember my name now..... Wait.... No..... What.... Was... It... Again... It... Started with a.... D then.... Y.... Then erm erm..... L.... A..... N... Yes that is it, it is DYLAN!!!
Name: Connor (Kezzer)
What do you want the fab tag for?: Because I am fab
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I am a fab forumer and long time serving member of staff who is widely known in the community
Proof you deserve a fab tag: Ummmm my past history as a member of staff :D
I, [Connor], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: Zach
IGN: thugged
What do you want the fab tag for?: To show off da beautifulness of them c:
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: Well, I dont :c But maybe this could be the start of a good friendship.
Proof you deserve a fab tag: I don't :c
I, [Zach(thugged)], solemnly swear to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get a fab tag.
Name: CleverFalcon ( unless you want real name)
IGN: CleverFalcon
What do you want fab tag for: They are really awesum and want one
Why do you think you deserve a fab tag?: I am halfway to active member :)
Proof you deserve a fab tag: Lululioness rocks!
I, CleverFalcon, solemnly swear on my honour as a Falcon, to uphold the rules of the fab tag if I get one.
(Me fingers crossed LuLu :3)

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