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Lucidictive's Feedback (This update is perfect)


Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, so let's get right into this beta chest update.

I'm going to flat out tell you my opinion. I believe that this update is perfect, it's the type of survival games I've been looking for. I used to get full iron in v2 every game, now, I almost never get full iron. Most of the population think this update is bad. I don't. It's putting SURVIVAL back in SURVIVAL games. Whether you like it or not, this is what survival games is all about. If you were looking for a game where you can get OP items such as iron armor and diamond swords in a matter of seconds, you shouldn't of been looking at something with "Survival" in the title!

I played my first game today. My friends told me about the new chest update, how much they hated it. I had to see how bad this was. I went solo, I didn't want any outside opinions swaying my own. I went to corn. I found a clock, chain pants, and an iron ingot. I got it all and ran out. This was turning out great. I ran my route, and it was certainly less OP, but it was for the better. I ended up with a leather chestplate, chain pants, leather helmet, wood sword, and leather boots. This was a whole lot different from getting full iron. I panicked for a bit, but as I ran past other players, they were looking about the same as me. So it wasn't just my route which had been tuned down, everywhere was less OP. I was liking the update. I decided to go after an OP team of 2, one had a leather chestplate, iron pants, iron boots, and an iron sword. The other was rocking full gold, except the helmet, which she didn't have. I stepped towards them, they blew TNT in my face - this was unexpected - I was down to 8 hearts, as the TNT barely hit me. I rushed in, and the team did the same. As they ran, I stopped and lit them on fire with my flint and steel. They both lit up into flames, and I ran in. I cornered the one with iron gear onto a tree and killed her. I quickly put all her gear on me, and at 5 hearts, ran into the other girl. The other girl was angry that I had killed her teammate, and she ran and attacked me. I was down to 2 hearts, while she sat happily at around 6 hearts (rough estimate). I ran, and ran. I finally regenerated to about 8 hearts, and she was still behind me. I acted like my sprint broke, then pulled my bow out and spammed her 3 times. She still thought I was low, I ran in with my sword and fishing rod, I pushed her into a wall, and brutally slaughtered her. I put her chestplate on. I was sitting at about 7, maybe 6 1/2 armor bars, and an iron sword. I was overjoyed. However, in chat I noticed it. 20 seconds until deathmatch starts. 10 seconds. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Initiated. I was sitting on the podiums. Woah, suddenly I realized I wasn't the most OP player in the game. There was a man with full iron, diamond boots, and diamond sword. The other with full leather and a stone sword. The man with full iron flashed his sword at the other and signified for a team. Uh-oh. I was not looking good, however, I persevered through the death match, and as it started, I bow spammed the OP man with 6 arrow shots, his teammate coming around the side to gank me. I pulled out my sword and hit his teammate into oblivion. This left me with 6 hearts. I ran into the guy with full iron, and I swang and swang. He disappeared, leaving all of his items on the ground, and me with three hearts. I won.

This win was different from my other 200 wins. How you ask? I earned it. I earned that win. I was not the most geared player in that game. I persevered through the fight, and I won. That win was hard. It was not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Ask me if I would rather win 200 times in v2, or once in this chest update.. I will always say once in this chest update.

TL;DR? I love the update, and I think it's perfect.


May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Great story :p I haven't gotten the chance to try it yet, because US doesn't do well with me, but I hope to try it soon.

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