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League of Legends IGN's and advice


Sep 11, 2013
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Please notice if you would like to play duo: I'm playing on Europe West.

Hello, I recently started to play the game League of Legends, and somehow even though I just started (lvl 27), I get bored when I'm playing solo queue. Therefore, if anyone would be interested to play duo with me, leave your IGN below. I want to learn quick, and do well in the placements, so I'd need some advice as well, so if you're still reading, please give me some tips or combo tips with the following champions; Amumu, Fiora, Riven, Katarina and Le Blanc.

- Buklau2 [EUW]


Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
I'm Airisily but I'm NA cry ;-; I don't really play Amumu / Riven have fun though!

Snowball hard off of kills or find a new champ. The only thing she does in teamfights is assassinate squishies with Q then R (then whatever if they're not dead) and then wait 30 seconds until her ult, and 50% of her damage output, comes back off timer.

You need to drop their most fed carry; if you can't kill your target with that combo almost every time and escape alive (either because they're well protected and well positioned, they're carrying with a bruiser, or you explode too fast) then you're useless as that is literally all LeBlanc can do come mid and late game.

In order to carry with her you need to win your lane handily with a substantial kill lead then gank other lanes constantly as she has trouble farming cs against anyone with AoE abilities, which is basically all AP carries.

If you get caught or see several champs coming at you, you need to escape. Distort is a great way to get away, and don't be afraid to burn your Ulti by doing a double distortion that will put you far out of reach of any champ.
Also, if you are running away and your distort is on CD, if you are being chased by multiple champs don't be afraid of Snaring one then using your ult as a second snare. This is the reason LeBlanc is actually much more useful then most people give her credit for. She can use her ultimate to get a lot of versatility.
Katarina's passive resets 15 seconds on her cooldowns, therefore refreshing Bouncing Blade, Killer Instincts, and Shunpo as well as time off Death Lotus.
  • 1: Try not to spam your Q too much in lane. It pushes more than you'd expect, so save it for those last hits you can't get in range to W or auto.
  • 2: Know your Ultimate range and try to position accordingly. Creative thinking like this can prevent your ult from being stopped. Use bushes to your advantage!
  • 3: Always, always have at least one ward (In addition to your trinket!). 75 gold is a small price to pay for a free flash, and until late you should always have room in your inventory. (Don't build sightstone though, Katarina gets very little benefit from it)
  • 4: Take advantage of your extremely high engage range! Try to stay out of the enemy team's vision during a fight until you see someone low enough to jump on.
  • 5: One small last tip! Your W overlays with your auto attack animation, meaning you can W and auto at the same exact time, similar to Zed's E, Shadow Slash. Use this to your advantage!
Fiora's preferred lane is a solo lane for the exact reason listed- unless she's ignored by her jungle and is paired against someone with stronger sustain (Irelia, Udyr, and so on) she has fairly strong control of her lane.

If you had to pair her with someone, you'd want them to be oriented toward effective crowd control (IE: someone like Leona or Janna who have a high cast rate of CC rather than Sona who's got a comparatively low rate) without overly compromising DPS. The only major draw back to Fiora in-lane aside from a relatively anemic survivability profile is that she's.....slow. Even with her two soft flashes and an MS steroid she can have a hard time keeping pace.

Almost any DPS Item is good her. Just make sure you don't focus too much on Attack Speed but more on Attack Damage (because you have an incredible attack speed boost and very high AD scalings on your abilities).

When using your Lunge to harass, always AA after each use. Lunge -> AA -> Wait ~ 0.5 seconds -> Lunge -> AA -> Fall back and use Riposte if you see the enemy turn around to AA you. The 0.5 seconds is to let your autoattack timer refresh. If you use Lunge again too quickly, you will not be able to AA after it and you will uselessly stand still.

Use your Blade Waltz to chase if you already used your Lunge and Burst of Speed. It lasts long (so your cooldowns are usually almost over after the spell), it follows your enemy AND makes you spawn right next to your enemy when it's over, making you able to land an extra autoattack again.

In general, try keeping your Blade Waltz for as long as you can. You can use it when you are low on HP to make yourself untargetable and to gain back HP if you have lifesteal. You can also use it right before an enemy throws a spell at you to dodge it.

If you can make sure your enemy will die by using your Blade Waltz on him, use Burst of Speed right before ulting because when your ult will be over, your Burst of Speed's cooldown will be refreshed AND you will profit of all the bonus movement speed it gives (can be useful to run away from tower shots).

Towers can't attack you while you are using Blade Waltz so you have strong diving potential (know how much damage you do though... you could get yourself in trouble).

My opinion on some items for Fiora: The Black Cleaver is over rated on her while Last Whisper and Youmuu's Ghostblade are both underrated but that's me.


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
honestly just look up builds on mobafire for the different champs you want to learn


Sep 11, 2013
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honestly just look up builds on mobafire for the different champs you want to learn
I'd rather see on probuilds.net or something, and yeah, honestly I don't like these kind of posts. Please show respect lad


Apr 20, 2012
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Some stuff:

Amumu: Bandage toss into ultimate for team fights (I don't play him very much).
Fiora: *shivers* (I don't play her)
Riven: Your basic combo should look something like E-Auto-W-Auto-Q-Auto-Q-Auto-Q-Auto (or you could shield or stun after), just make sure you auto attack between every ability because of her passive. Also, try to activate your ulti while you are using an ability so it's no super obvious.
There are lots of tutorials on YouTube about cancelling your animations which helps the enemy suspect your damage less, but for a newer player, this might be a bit overwhelming especially if you aren't planning on ONLY playing her and mastering her in her entirety.
Katarina: Q-E-R and then Q-E-W until everyone's dead. If they aren't dead, you aren't fed enough. Go bot lane and get a double kill. Just build all the magic penetration and ability power you can. A good tip for Katarina is to NOT engage a fight. If you jump in first before your team, the enemy team will simply kill you immediately. Wait for your team's front line to lay down their crowd control (stuns, suppresses, roots, bindings, etc.) and then follow up with your combo. Make sure to use your E to temporarily take reduced damage which will help you to stay alive longer.
- Save your W and mimicked W for escaping ganks rather than pushing the lane.
- A basic harass combo is to use your Q-W when minions are in the way or Q-E if you're confident enough to land the chains. A combo to kill goes something like Q-MimickedQ-W-E (or E-W).
- Her ultimate makes her really versatile, so it's a good idea to know in what situation to mimic which ability. You generally use both Qs when you are trying to assassinate a single target for maximum single-target damage, since the Q damages again when you chain it with another ability. Use mimicked W if you see the enemies clumped together to get massive area of effect damage, however, this is not recommended if the enemy has a lot of crowd control (stuns, roots, suppresses, polymorphs, fears, etc.). Use both chains to keep a single target in place for a long period of time, usually to wait for your team to come for more assistance, or preventing them from doing anything in a fight.
- As mentioned, Leblanc is an assassin that has to get a decent early lead to be impact in the game, and it's recommended to roam around the map to pick up more kills if the enemy mid laner recalls or you've pushed the minion wave to their tower. Later on in the game, she becomes substantially more useless as the enemy ad carry has probably purchased a Banshee's Veil which reduces her damage or has bought other items that counter her (Quicksilver Sash, Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel, etc.)
- Recommended items are usually a Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail if you're against a lot of magic damage, an Abyssal Scepter if there's a lot of magic damage/magic resistance on the enemy team, Sorcerer's Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap for maximum damage and a Zhonya's Hourglass. Void staff is also a great magic penetration item, and can be included in your build earlier if you need to. This sort of build applies to most mid-lane mage/assassins that use mana, such as Ahri. I personally don't like building Luden's Echo, as in a fight, you'll probably be using only one rotation of spells which limits how many times you can make use of Luden's. Also, the movement speed doesn't really benefit her very much. It's a fun item that you can try, but I personally don't like it.
May 20, 2013
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IGN: SailedStingray (EU West)
I don't play those champions, and it looks like mamiamato has already said it all.


May 31, 2012
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play whatever you think is the most fun but you'd want to start learning the game by playing pretty easy champions imo. most people who are silver* or bronze often try to play champions that require a really solid understanding of league mechanics and they don't really have that down, so they can never play the champion to their full potential. watching bronze vaynes/rivens/zeds is the best thing ever because they end up raging at their team because they think that because they play a "hard" champion and get solo killed by a "noob" champion like garen. but seriously the best way to learn the game is play less mechanically complex champions and try to get basic mechanics down.

*like julia lol


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
play whatever you think is the most fun but you'd want to start learning the game by playing pretty easy champions imo. most people who are silver* or bronze often try to play champions that require a really solid understanding of league mechanics and they don't really have that down, so they can never play the champion to their full potential. watching bronze vaynes/rivens/zeds is the best thing ever because they end up raging at their team because they think that because they play a "hard" champion and get solo killed by a "noob" champion like garen. but seriously the best way to learn the game is play less mechanically complex champions and try to get basic mechanics down.

*like julia lol
I don't really like to play Garen or "noob champions". It's not fun when you master them after 4-5 games. :p Thanks for the advice tho.

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